Chapter 3: Gifts

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As January turned to February, I began to wonder about my good fortune. My classes were off to a great start. My grades were higher than I expected. And, of course, I was madly in love, which made my days that much brighter. Our three month anniversary was in a few days. Seokjin wanted to go celebrate this weekend.

On Friday, I got to my apartment to find Cindy and Kim Namjoon, Seokjin's best friend and now an indispensable part of my friendship circle, oohing and ahhing over a large garment bag on the table.

"What's going on?" I asked, drawing their eyes to me. I dropped my bags on the coffee table. "What is that?"

Cindy carefully lifted out a black ruched sheath dress with long sleeves and made of the most exquisite material. She held it up against my body. "Wow." She smiled. "Happy three-month anniversary, Miss Domani. Way to go! I heard it's a record for Seokjin."

I shot her a warning glare.

She smiled sweetly. "Anyway, your honey sent this. Dolce & Gabbana."

"He asked me to bring it over," Namjoon said. "Don't be mad, but Cindy's right. Three months is the longest that Seokjin has been in a relationship since..." his voice trailed off. He gulped nervously. "Uh, since forever."

I knew he did not want to mention Jin's crazy ex-girlfriend. Her name was Abigail, and she had actually kidnapped me after a Halloween party, drugged me, and hired some guy to rape me on camera--all because she wanted to get back at Seokjin. Thankfully, her criminal plans were foiled just in time when Jin and his friends found me. Last I heard, she had suffered some type of mental breakdown while in custody. I hoped she would be okay.

"Anyway. How he expects you to be able to walk and sit in a dress like that, I don't know," he murmured, touching the dress tentatively.

Cindy smirked. "He probably doesn't expect her to be wearing it for very long, if you know what I mean."

I slapped her arm when I noticed that Namjoon looked down as if embarrassed. "Shut up!"

"And if that weren't enough," Cindy continued, "he also sent you this amazing pink cashmere full-length coat. You look awesome in pink! You are going to look like a movie star!"

  You look awesome in pink! You are going to look like a movie star!"

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Namjoon nodded. "You'll look even more beautiful...if that's possible."

I saw Cindy give him a strange look before she turned back to gush over the items. "I'd say--what?--about two or three K for the dress, another 3 K for the coat? Jeez. This is better than winning the lottery because you also get the hot guy!" She carefully put the dress down. "Oh! And for the best part." She picked up a box and opened it. "Ta-da!" Inside the box were some exquisite glittery silver stiletto pumps that went to pink at the toe. "Look at these gorgeous Jimmy Choo's!" she exclaimed. "I would so sell myself for these shoes!"

  "I would so sell myself for these shoes!"

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Namjoon laughed. "Really? All it would take is shoes?"

"Not just any shoes," she retorted. "They would have to end in Choo, Blahnik, or Louboutin."

"I'll keep that in mind," he said with a smirk. She slapped his arm.

"I can't accept this," I said suddenly. I would not want anyone to think that I expected these types of gifts from Jin. I knew that he had money, but that was not important to me. He had already spoiled me rotten for Christmas. This was too much. I had to put a stop to it.

Both Cindy and Namjoon's heads snapped in my direction.

"What?" they both said at the same time.

I sighed deeply. "I love Jin, not his money. If I accept all this, what does this say about me?"

"Uh...that you are lucky?" Cindy replied.

"No," I said. "Namjoon, honestly, doesn't this make me look, well, bad? Doesn't it make our whole relationship about something...not so nice?"

He scratched his head. "I mean, I know what you're trying to say, but I don't see this in a bad way. You are not asking him to buy you these things. He's giving them to you because it makes him happy to do so. He knows what it's like when girls just expect things from him. You know all about Abigail. You are nothing at all like her, believe me. This is why he does this for you. Because you don't ask him to do it."

I saw both of them looking at me expectantly, waiting for my acceptance. "But--but everything is so expensive." I thought of the time I told him that I couldn't be bought. Didn't this give the impression that I could be bought?

Cindy put down the shoes. "Bella, don't worry about the expense. Seokjin wouldn't buy this for you if he couldn't afford it. Right?" She looked at Namjoon.

He nodded. "His father is a mega rich businessman, and Seokjin has amassed some of his own money. He's not using his trust fund. I think he doesn't want it. Long story. Anyway, this is his money, which he has chosen to share freely with you. You are not a gold-digger, Bella. Seokjin would never treat you like that."

"He must have put a lot of thought into these gifts. It would be ungrateful of you not to accept," Cindy added.

"Okay," I sighed, not entirely convinced, but not willing to keep debating it with them. "I better go do some reading."

I took the items into my room. I couldn't explain why I felt apprehensive. The clothing really was exquisite! I reminded myself to be happy. It had never been about the money for me.

"You can thank us later!" Cindy called out as I closed my door.

I hope you liked the clothing visuals.  I thought it would put things into perspective.  I wanted everything to be classic and tasteful.  If you were Bella, would you be happy, or would you also be apprehensive about accepting such pricey gifts?

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