Chapter 42: Unspeakable

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I opened my eyes when I heard the text notification ring from my phone on my nightstand. Lately, I'd become conditioned to waking up when I heard that sound because Jin texted me every morning on the way to his office and every night before he went to sleep. Even after Fiona called me with her news, Jin continued to text me. I no longer acknowledged his messages, but he continued to text me and leave voicemails. That notification sound might as well be the sound of my heart breaking even further.

But part of me craved those notification bells.

I sat up in confusion. It wasn't from Jin. It was from Pete Harwin.

Pete: GM. Sorry you're still sad about

your breakup with Kim. Have you

thought about dinner?

I slumped back down to my pillow. Talking with Pete had been strange yesterday. I had not understood why he had been waiting for me outside my building since his class was held across campus. He had asked me to join him for coffee, and I accepted only because I was being polite. He had ordered for me and pretty much talked nonstop. His only pronouncement about Jin was that I deserved a man who would put me first. And when he walked me to my next class, he had leaned a little too close to me. I had been too flustered to do anything else except murmur 'Good bye' and rush to my class.

Jin had not texted me in over two days. And now it seemed his silence extended to this morning. Had I finally discouraged him? Had he finally given up? I curled up on my side, cradling my phone, wondering what he was doing and whether he was looking forward to his wedding.

Four hours later, I was still in bed. My eyes felt dry and hot. I had wanted to sleep, but I had been too focused on waiting for that text notification that never came.

"Bella?" Cindy called through my bedroom door. "Something arrived for you."

I blinked a few times? Jin? No, she said something, not someone. Of course, knowing Cindy, she might be referring to Jin. Yet, she wouldn't have just calmly announced his presence--unless she had lured him inside to kill him.

I stumbled out of bed and exited my room. Cindy was standing at the table looking at a flower arrangement. She looked up when she heard my door open.

"Hey! Look! They're for you."

My heart fluttered of its own accord. Jin! My entire body felt a giddiness that I could not control. I scurried toward the table and pulled the card from within the greenery. I hoped that Cindy couldn't see how my hands were shaking.

To the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. You make my heart beat faster. --Pete

I stared at the card until it got blurry. I didn't realize my eyes had gotten watery.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Cindy asked. "Is that idiot Seokjin still harassing you? I'll just throw these flowers away."

"They're not from Jin," I said softly.

Cindy took the card from my fingers. "Oh. Pete. Who's that?"

"He's one of Jin's study group members. He asked me out for coffee yesterday."

She stared at the flowers. "Well, this is interesting. It seems as if he's already falling for you. Is he, well, nice?"


"I'm not going to ask if he's hot because as much as I can't stand Seokjin right now, honestly, I don't think any guy is going to be hotter than him," she said. "But I know that there are a million guys nicer than him out there."

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