Chapter 19: In Hell

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I knew there would be hell to pay when I finally spoke to Bella. I was livid that Micha just opened her big mouth about Fiona and the proposed marriage. I knew that she-dragon had done it just to hurt Bella. She was desperate to drive her away from me just to see me crushed.

I stayed at the club with Fiona for about three hours while she danced with a couple of guys who had taken a liking to her. I, of course, refused to dance with her. I felt bad at first when I saw her dejected expression. After all, this was not her fault either. She was probably being pushed into this arrangement as much as I was.

When I asked her how she felt about our impending marriage, she smiled and said that she was looking forward to it and would try her best to be a good wife and make me happy. Before I could tell her that the only way she could make me happy was by not marrying me, she flitted back to the dance floor.

So, while she danced happily, I stayed at the table losing track of how many tequila shots I had taken to block out what she had told me. I had just signaled for the waitress to bring me another shot when I was startled by some flames that burst from the DJ's table as part of his show.

"Welcome to the Inferno!" he yelled and was answered by loud whoops and yells.

I threw my head back and laughed bitterly. How aptly this club was named. The Inferno. I was definitely already in hell.

We got back to my father's house around one in the morning. I could feel the effects of the Don Julio Real tequila bottle that I had polished off at the club. Fiona told me that she would be staying at my father's house for the next few days, but I didn't want to think about that. My thoughts were on my girlfriend who was probably very confused and angry right now.

I said a quick goodbye to Fiona at the foot of the stairs and sprinted to the second floor, not even asking if she knew the way to her room. Someone on the staff would surely still be up and help her. I had something very important to do.

When I got to Bella's door, I froze. What should I do? Should I knock? What if she was already asleep? Well, I couldn't just walk in, could I? Maybe I should. I very gently tried the door handle, expecting it to be locked, but it was not. I entered the room and shut the door softly behind me.

"Bella?" I whispered. "Bella, it's me." I took a few more steps into the room. A tiny sliver of light from the window fell in a stripe across the room. As my eyes adjusted, I saw that the stripe of light was illuminating Bella's shoulder as she lay with her back to me.

"Bella?" I whispered again. "I need to talk to you." When she didn't stir, I almost walked out, but then I thought, why don't I just say it all now? And if it sounds ridiculous, then I still have time to fix it before morning. I cleared my throat.

"First of all, I want to apologize for the way Micha just sprang the news on you. It was...uncalled for. You see, that marriage is something that my father is pushing for, forcing on me, but you must know that I-I don't want any part of that." I swayed a bit on my feet. "I can never be happy with anyone else but you. Only you. You are my reason for living and breathing, my darling. I'm sorry that this hurt you. B-But I'll fix it."

I lost my train of thought when I got closer to her bed. My eyes had adjusted to the dark, and I could see her pale shoulder as it peeked out from the sheets. Her hair resembled inky strands on the pillow. I took another step. She looked like a mermaid or a princess.

"My princess," I whispered and closed my eyes.

"What are you doing here?"

"Aargh!" The sudden question caused me to yelp and jump back in fright, almost falling over.

Bella sat up in bed and reached for the lamp on the nightstand. When she clicked it on, I recoiled and hissed like a vampire. "What are you doing here?" she asked again, her voice strained.

I gulped. "Bella, I just...I just want to talk. We need"

"Ha!" she exclaimed. "You really want me to believe that you snuck into my room in the middle of the night because you want to talk? Or is it that you think you can just show up here like this and get into bed with me? You think sex will make everything better?"

"Yes," I nodded then immediately shook my head. "I mean, no! Of course not! I wanted to talk to clear up some things." I held a hand to my forehead. Maybe the tequila had gotten to me. I was no longer sure what I wanted to say.

"Oh? Do you mean your engagement?" she hissed. "You think you can explain that away?"

"Yes! I can explain!" I exclaimed because she reminded me of the issue at hand. I heard her scoff and realized that I had said it wrong. "No! Damn it! I don't know what I'm saying anymore. I mean, I can't explain it away, but I can explain why."

"How long?" Bella asked in clipped tones.

Again, that tequila was messing with my brain. "Uh, wh-what?"

"How long have you been engaged to Fiona? Is it one of those arranged childhood marriages?" She crossed her arms. "If it is, then maybe you had forgotten about it?"

I shook my head slowly. " My father told me last week."

"Last week!" she repeated. "You mean you didn't tell me all this time? We spoke every day, and you didn't see fit to tell me that you're engaged? You lured me out here for what?"

"My love, I didn't-didn't lure you," I sputtered. "I honestly w-wanted to be with you."

She scoffed. "To warm your bed while you plan your wedding? No. Even you, Kim Seokjin playboy extraordinaire can't be that cynical."

"No!" I said loudly, making my head ring. "Of course not! I asked you to come here so that I could tell you in person." I took a ragged breath. "We...we have to break up." Wait. What the hell did I just say?

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