Chapter 38: The Plan

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I had returned to my office at Kim Worldwide looking uncharacteristically haggard and disheveled. The team thought that I was working myself too hard and promised to have the proposals ready in twenty-four hours. I was so excited by this news that I neglected to tell them that my appearance had nothing to do with our project.

However, I knew that telling them about my personal problems with love would not contribute anything positive to the team. I simply nodded and assured them that I would get proper rest and meals from now on...after we finished our work.

Several hours later, we all leaned back on our chairs, exhausted. I was ready to present the proposal to my father and then to the board. If this went well, we no longer needed to partner with Coastal Entertainment. We would not need to move into Gettis' shady casino business. I smiled to myself. I would no longer have to marry Fiona Gettis.

Yesterday, I called one of our lawyers. I needed to make sure that everything relating to my plan was above board. I would not resort to Gettis' underhanded schemes to solve my problem. I didn't want to lose on a technicality. The plan had to be foolproof.

I had done my research into Gettis and his operations. He had already taken over two hotel chains under the guise of a partnership by relying on his underworld associates to put pressure on the board of directors to vote out the CEO's. The CEO's in turn were threatened with scandals and blackmailed to resign their posts. Those two chains had been much smaller operations than KWI, but Gettis was ambitious, and he'd set his sights on the big fish this time.

I noticed how late it was when my private line rang. Thinking the lawyer was calling back for something he forgot, I picked up immediately.

"Seokjin, what the hell do you think you're doing?"

I froze. How had Fred Gettis gotten my private number? I gritted my teeth, upset that he had already gotten wind of my plan and had already set out to sabotage it.

"Mr. Gettis," I said slowly, not wanting to give anything away. "Good evening. How are you?"

"I didn't call to make polite chit chat," he growled. "I want to know why the hell you're making my daughter miserable? You have no good reason to postpone the wedding."

I exhaled. He was angry about the wedding. He didn't know about the new proposal I was putting together. If I made a wrong move now, I might give it all away.

"I'm sorry, but my father's health is a good reason for me," I replied. "I regret that Fiona does not see it that way. I assumed that, since she seemed fond of my father, she would agree that we would wait until he could attend the ceremony."

"Listen, let me be frank with you, son," he began gruffly. "My girl wants very much to marry you. I understand that you're quite a hit with the ladies and that many girls must be after you, but you better not be putting her off just to continue chasing skirts. My daughter is not just another girl. She's my little princess, and I become very upset when someone mistreats my princess."

"As I said before, my father's condition--"

"Cut the bullshit, boy," he interrupted me. "We all know your father's condition is just fatigue. There's nothing wrong with him, and there's no need to postpone the wedding. I know that you already changed some of the details to a week later. Make sure you don't delay any further, or there will be consequences. One week, Seokjin." He hung up without another word.

I sagged against my chair. It seemed he didn't know what I was planning. Yet.

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