Chapter 10: Strangers

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Sunghoon Kim was sitting up in his hospital bed watching his handsome son standing at the foot of the bed pursing his lips as he examined the medical chart.

"Do you understand anything on there?" the older man said in a weak, raspy voice.

Seokjin put the chart back. "Some," he replied. "Why haven't you finished your broth? You know they will not release you until you comply with the doctor's orders."

"Yes, I know. Where's Micha?"

The younger man inhaled and exhaled. "She went home for a while. I said I'd stay with you."

The older man nodded and stared at his son. He was so tall, so elegant with his movements. Like his mother. But his son was like a stranger to him. The boy's eyes held no hint of tenderness or emotion. He would have looked at a pet dog with more interest. How had they come to this type of cold relationship? The older man looked down into his broth. This coldness was probably his fault. He had let too many years go by. Remorse was a terrible feeling to live with.

"How long are you staying?" he asked softly.

Seokjin eased himself into a chair. "For as long as I need to."

"But your studies?"

"I have spoken to my professors. I can do my work online. My team is very good. They will keep me up-to-date," the young man said. His voice held no emotion, as if he were answering questions in an interview. It held no filial warmth. Sunghoon realized that Seokjin did not know how else to speak to him. He had not acted like a father since his mother left.

"You will need to scale back at work," Seokjin continued. "I have asked Mina to email me all of the projects you are currently working on so that I can familiarize myself with them." He paused then added as an afterthought. "Of course, I will need you to guide me through some of the more delicate parts."

The older man sensed that his son did not want him to feel as if he were dispensable in his own company. KWI had been his entire life. It pained him that the young man understood this and tried to make him feel needed. Even after their estrangement.

Sunghoon nodded. "Of course." The man took in his son's attire, a nice tailored blue suit that accentuated his broad shoulders. Nurses must have been fainting in his wake as he walked the hospital halls today. The old man smiled proudly. "I take it you've been to the office."

Seokjin looked at him before looking away. "Yes, sir. Mina wanted me to meet some of the managers of the projects that are due soon. They are especially anxious about Coastal Entertainment."

"Yes, the casinos," the older man said. "Ken Matthews has had a tough time with that one."

"I will do my best to find a solution," the younger man said stiffly.

"How have you been?"

Seokjin's head snapped up at the unexpected question. "I have been...well."

His father sighed. "I'm sorry I was not able to go to your graduation."

The younger man nodded stoically. "I understood it was not a good time."

The older man dropped his spoon on the tray a little angrily. "Seokjin, listen--"

"My dearest, I'm back!" Micha's voice interrupted him.

The old man made an impatient sound. When he looked at his son, he saw that the young man was looking at him closely, somewhat amused at his father's reaction.

"I hope Seokjin has been looking after you," she cooed, insinuating herself between them. She had deliberately moved her body closer to the young man than necessary.

Seokjin shot up from his chair and moved back to the foot of the bed. Sunghoon noticed his son's avoidance of his stepmother, but he did not have energy to dwell on that.

Micha glanced at her stepson then back to her husband. "Of course, no one can take care of you the way I can."

"How true," Seokjin said in a tone that indicated otherwise. "Now that she is here, I will go back to the office. Please eat your food. I will see you tomorrow."

Seokjin walked across the room gracefully and exited. 

 Sunghoon was both troubled and proud. He wondered if there was enough time to mend his relationship with his only son, especially in light of what he had done--and had to do--to save his company.

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