Chapter 1

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"Welcome to our house!" Elizabeth says as they walk into the almost finished house. Y/N stared in awe. "It looks amazing"
Carolyn showed Y/N to her room.

"Here's your room" Carolyn said. "Thank you" Y/N smiled, walking into the big room and set her luggage on the bed. As she unpacked, Carolyn stayed and sat on the bed. "Y/N? I'll be back. I'm gonna talk to my mom" Carolyn said, getting off the bed and walking out of the room.

Instead of going to her mom, she walked down to Julia's office and knocked. "Come in" she said.
Carolyn walked in to see Julia wearing a white doctors coat and her classes on. Probably still organizing her office."Julia, can we talk for a second?" Carolyn asked. Julia walked over to Carolyn and shut the door "of course. What's wrong?"

Carolyn sat down into one on the chairs and sighed. Julia sat down crossed from her. "Now, what's going on?" Carolyn shifted in her chair uncomfortably. "Its not me. Y'know my friend Y/N? She's staying her for the summer"

"Ah, yes. Y/N. Elizabeth told me before she went to pick you guys up. What's wrong with her?" Julia asked.  Carolyn never showed her emotions. It made her feel weak so she suppressed them from everyone.

"I've noticed over the course of our relationship, that she's been more open about her personal life. She's told me things that she didn't want anybody else to know. I promised her I wouldn't tell anyone....."

Julia set her clipboard down. "You're gonna have to break that promise, Carolyn. If something is going on with her and y'know it's serious, you have to tell me. She's going to need someone to help her. That's what I'm here for"

Carolyn nodded. "I know" she took a deep breath. "Her parents are abusive people. She's getting hurt and she's had enough. She told me It's gotten a lot worse and she doesn't know what to do with herself anymore. She never told me how she was coping with it, so I snooped around in her bag one day when she went to the washroom and I found cigarettes and vapes. I recon that's why she's going to the bathroom all the time."

Julia wrote down some things on her clipboard. "Was there anything else you noticed about her? Anything odd that you seemed wasn't normal?" Julia asked. Carolyn let a tear fall. 'God I'm so weak!' Carolyn thought to herself. "She's so quiet from the rest of the years I've known her. She's always wearing baggy clothes and long-sleeves..."

Julia looked up as she knew what was going on with Y/N. "Carolyn..."
Carolyn started crying now "Y/N's been cutting herself! I didn't know until last week. I saw the scars in gym class. I didn't know who to go to so I didn't tell anyone!"

Julia sat up from ger chair and walked over to her. She hugged Carolyn and said
"I'm sorry, Carolyn. I'm glad you came to me for help. But why didn't you tell me sooner. You know what I do and I've helped David and you sometimes."

Carolyn was still crying. "David and I weren't in her state though! We weren't so depressed that we started taking drugs and cutting ourselves!"

"I understand where you're coming from. I'll help her get through what she's going through, I promise" Julia said after Carolyn pulled away from the hug. Carolyn nodded and wiped her tears strained face. "Thank you" she whispered in which Julia smiled.

"Now, go get yourself ready for dinner." Julia said, standing up. Carolyn nodded and left to tell
Y/N to get ready.


And there's the official first chapter for this book. I hope you liked it. The next chapter will be up probably around tonight or tomorrow.

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