Chapter 6

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Weeks went by after Julia and Y/N made their deal. They both have gotten closer and their feelings for each other got stronger by the day. It was driving Y/N crazy. She couldn't tell Julia how she felt. That would ruin their relationship.

Y/N was lying in bed one day when she heard a knock on her door. "Come in!" She said, turning her head towards the door to see who it was. Carolyn walked in and smiled. Y/N smiled back and sat up straight.

"Helloooo" Carolyn danced in which made Y/N giggle. Carolyn made her way to Y/N and held out her hands for her to take. Y/N took Carolyn's hands and stood up. "Someone's in a good mood today" Y/N joked.

"Because you've been doing so much better! You seem so much happier than usual which makes me happy!" Carolyn explained, dancing around with Y/N.
"Ah, yes. Me being happy for once" Y/N said sarcastically.

"Oh come on! See I told you Julia could help you. Speaking of her. You and Julia seem to be having a lot of fun together" Carolyn said, sitting down of Y/N's bed. Y/N nodded and walked away from Carolyn to hide the faint blush on her face.

"Shes helped a lot. I appreciate you getting her to help me." Y/N smiled, walking back to Carolyn and sitting down beside her.
A silence came between them for a couple seconds.

"I can see that you are quite fascinated by her" Carolyn smirked. Y/N shot a look at her "W-What do you mean?"
Carolyn rolled her eyes and laid down on the bed. "Dont worry, I won't tell her"

Y/N got up. "Tell her what? I don't like her in that way, Carolyn!" Y/N protested, knowing fully well that  was a lie.
"Mhmm. I know when you lie,

"Fine! Fine, I do like her. I've grown fond of her, a lot and it's getting out of control. I can barely speak properly to her!" Y/N interrupted. "I knew it" Carolyn smirked.

"She can't know, Carolyn. If she finds out, I will die!" Y/N said dramatically walking back over and flopping on the bed with her face in the pillows.

"Y/N. Its fine! I'm sure she likes you back. Have you seen the way she looked at you?"
Y/N lifted her head and sighed "no, not really. The thing is....I dont even know when to detect when someone likes me back..."
Y/N stopped talking when she heard someone walk in.

Y/N looked at her door to see Julia walking in. Carolyn winked at Y/N and left the room and closed the door. Y/N sat up and looked at Julia. "Whats up?" Y/N asked.
Julia didn't say anything. Instead she walked over to Y/N and stopped infront of her.

"Julia..." Y/N started. She saw something in Julia's eyes."Julia, you're drunk" Y/N whispered, shifting backwards on the bed.
"Y/N...." she slurred. Julia went on the bed a sat in Y/N's lap.

As much as Y/N loved this, with Julia inches near her face. Touching Y/N's jaw and running her hands down her sides. She couldn't do it with her drunk.
"Julia, please. Get off-"

"I thought you liked me..." Julia interrupted, moving her face closer. Julia moved her hand up to Y/N's chest and pushed her down slowly. Y/N was now fully laid out for Julia as she was sitting on her stomach.

"Julia, stop. You can't do this. Not while you're drunk" Y/N said, trying to get out from under Julia.
Julia put more weight on Y/N. "Babeeee...." Julia said with a sigh. Julia bent down to kiss Y/N's lips, but Y/N was quicker and moved her head out of the way.

Instead of kissing her lips, Julia kissed Y/N's cheek. Y/N felt a spark in her stomach. Her face heated up. 'Get it together! Get Julia to bed and get her to sleep'

Julia was laying her head on Y/N's shoulder. "Come on, Julia. You need to rest" Y/N said, sliding out from under Julia's weight. She wrapped an arm around Julia's waist and walk her to her office.

Y/N got Julia into bed then thought 'that looks so uncomfortable for her to wear'

Without thinking, Y/N undressed Julia, leaving her in her undergarments. She blushed a little at the sight then put a blanket over Julia. Y/N slept on the couch in Julia's office to keep an eye on her.


Sorry I didn't post chapter 6 this morning. I actually stayed up all night last night and only got an hour of sleep. When I woke up, I realized I didn't finish this chapter but I was also going to be late for class. But here it is!
Chapter 7 will be out soon. I'll start it now💖😋

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