Chapter 2

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Y/N and Carolyn made there way downstairs to the dining room. Y/N remembered Carolyn telling her about Barnabas who had left with his lover Victoria Winters and Elizabeth's brother, Roger Collins. Roger had also left, but Carolyn never told her why. That left only Carolyn, David, Elizabeth, and soon after Julia after she was found. 

Y/N sat down beside Carolyn. David sat crossed from them and Elizabeth sat on the end. Julia still hadn't come to the table yet. They started eating. Soon after, Julia came out with a glass of liquor in her hand.
Y/N's heart started to pound against her chest. Perhaps because Carolyn said that Julia would be able to help her with her problems. 

Julia sat down and looked at Y/N. Y/N looked down at her plate, moving her fork around to mix her food.
"Julia, this is Y/N. Y/N, This is Dr. Julia Hoffman" Elizabeth said. Y/N looked up and smiled and so did Julia.

They continued eating. Carolyn kept glaring at David which Elizabeth kept saying to leave him alone. While they faught, Julia would sip on her liquor which she had poured milk into it for....some odd reason.

Julia kept glancing at Y/N while she sipped on her drink. Y/N never noticed since she kept starring at her plate. Dinner was done, so Y/N left to her room to shower. As she was showering, she heard someone go into her room. She assumed it was Carolyn waiting for her. When she got out of the shower and out on a pair of grey sweats and a white croped tank top, she went into her room

 When she got out of the shower and out on a pair of grey sweats and a white croped tank top, she went into her room

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"Dr. Hoffman? What are you doing in here?" Y/N asked, panicking and quickly hid her scard arms behind her back.
"Sorry, dear. I wanted to talk to you for a minute in my office before you were to go to bed...if thats okay?" Julia asked.

Y/N slowly nodded. "I-...yeah that's okay. Just let me get a sweater on."
She walked to her closet and grabbed a over-sized grey sweater to match her sweatpants.
Julia took notice of that and remembered what Carolyn had said earlier that day about Y/N only wearing baggy things and long sleeves.

They walked down the long hallway until they reached Julia's office. "Here we are" Julia breathed. She let Y/N walk in first. "Its nice in here." Y/N paused and looked back at Julia. She smiled and walked over to her chair and clipboard.

"If you'd like to take a look at my office, you can. You're gonna be in here a lot more over the course of the summer." Julia said, sitting down and writing things down on the clipboard. "What do you mean by that?" Y/N asked.

Julia sighed and put on her glasses. "Well, Carolyn had informed me about your weird behavior at school and she was worried-"
"She broke our promise...didn't she?" Y/N interrupted. Julia just nodded with a frown. Y/N sighed as she closed her eyes.

"Y/N, what I've heard from Carolyn may be different from what you're going to tell me"
Y/N looked at Julia. "What makes me want to tell you? A complete stranger..." she snapped.

"Im a psychiatrist, Y/N. It's what I do. I listen and help those with a mental illness, emotional and behavioral disorders"
"And you're saying that I have a disorder or mental illness? That's nice to hear!" Y/N said sarcastically.

"Y/N, listen. I know it's hard to hear, but I truly believe something may be going on with you. Carolyn told me what's going on in your family. Abuse can effect the human mind especially at a young age." Julia explained. "Come sit down please"

Y/N slowly made her way to the chair and sat down crossed from Julia. "Can you tell me whats going on with you. It's going to help me understand better and be able to help you" Julia said calmly.


Yay! Y/N met Julia!😊

So there is chapter 2 for ya. Chapter 3 will be up tomorrow and possibly Chapter 4. I may actually start pre-writing the upcoming chapters all tonight and post them every day this week. How does that sound? Maybe more than one chapter everyday since these are short chapters🙂


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