Chapter 8 (TW💊)

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Time went by so Julia and Y/n made their way back home.
When they got back, Y/n saw Carolyn sitting by the TV listening to 'Top of the World' by The Carpenters.

Y/n said goodbye to Julia and sat with Carolyn. "Why did you miss breakfast? You and Julia?" Carolyn smirked. Y/n saw and muttered "shut up" which made Carolyn chuckle quietly and looked back at the TV.

Time Jump:

Y/n was in her room, reading a book Julia had given her. She heard a knock on her door and saw Elizabeth at the doorway.
"Good evening, may I come in?"
Y/n set down her book and nodded. Elizabeth walked in and closed the door.

Elizabeth sat on the end of Y/n's bed. Y/n stayed quiet. "So, Dr.Hoffman has told me about your family...."
"And it's come to my attention about what's really going on. Carolyn has told Julia and she's worried about you. Julia has told me that she's also worried and doesn't want you going back home."

Y/n looked down and nodded. "Im now am also worried about it. I want you to stay with us, Y/n. It's much safer" Elizabeth said. Y/n sighed.
"As much as I want to stay here and not go back, I would still need to tell my parents. And that won't go well"

Elizabeth nodded. "I know, that's why me and Julia will be there to help you. We all don't want you going back"
Y/n nodded and sighed. "What will happen after? To them?"

Elizabeth frowned. "Well, the police will much definitely be involved...they will be fined for abuse and if it's that serious....jail"

Y/n's head shot up when she heard jail. "Wait? Why jail?" Y/n asked concerned.

"No! No im not letting them go to jail!" Y/n yelled, tears streaming down her face. "They abused you...why would you care If they did?" Elizabeth asked. Y/n wondered the same thing. Why would she care. They hated her. Showed no love for her. Abused her. Pretended that she wasn't around.

"I-I....I dont know. They're still my parents. As much pain they put me in. They still raised me since I was born" Y/n cried softly. Elizabeth nodded.
"Thats fine to still feel worried for them, but you'll be safer here.
Dr. Hoffman has helped you get through it"

Hearing her name gave Y/n butterflies. 'Stop it y/n!' She thought. Y/n nodded. "Yeah, she's helped me a lot. I appreciate it"

"Well, I'll let you get ready for bed." Elizabeth breathed out, standing up and leaving the room. Y/n sat there crying. She decided to see Julia instead. She walked quietly down the long hall until she reached Julia's office.

"Julia? Can I come in please?" Y/n asked. She heard something fall over in the room. "Julia!? What's going on!?" Y/n asked ran into the room to find Julia passed out on the floor with a pill bottle in her hand. "Julia! What the fuck did you do!" Y/n yelled running over to an unconscious Julia. "Elizabeth!" She yelled. Elizabeth immediately ran into the office to see y/n crying with Julia in her arms.

"What happened?!" Elizabeth asked running over to her. "I-I don't know....I came to see Julia and I heard something fall so I ran in to see Julia passed out with this in her hand" Y/n explained, handing the pill bottle to Elizabeth. "Shit" she muttered.
"Carolyn! Call the ambulance now!" Elizabeth yelled. Carolyn called immediately explaining what happened.

The ambulance finally came and took Julia to the hospital. Eveyone sat at the dinning room table waiting for the hospital to call them to come over. Y/n was crying the whole time with Elizabeth and Carolyn sitting beside her and holding her close.

"It will be okay, Y/n" Carolyn whispered. Elizabeth stroked y/n's cheek lightly and kissed her head. "Why would she do that?" Y/n cried softly.
"Knowing Julia for over 4 years now, I know this isn't something she would do" Elizabeth said.
"I knew she was addicted but something must have triggered it" Elizabeth whispered.

The phone rang after 2 hours since Julia was transmitted to the hospital. Elizabeth ran over and picked up.

"Is this Mrs. Stoddard?"

"Yes, yes it is. Is Julia alright?"

"Well, we were checking her and seeing if everything was alright...its come to our attention that she's in a coma"

Elizabeth most dropped the phone.

"Can we go see her?"

"We wouldn't recommend it. Not yet at least."

"Alright, thank you for informing us"

Elizabeth hung up and sighed, placing her hand on her forehead, trying to stay strong and not cry.
"Mom, what happend?" Carolyn asked.
"Uh...well, Dr. Hoffman a coma at the moment"
Y/n broke down and ran to her room.
"This is all my fault!!" Y/n cried on her bed


I'm making it up to yall right now. I'm gonna post chapter 9 today and possibly chapter 10 because I didn't post all week and I have nothing to do right now.💖🤗

Also next few chapters will have TW. I'll put them in the title and at the top of the page

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