Chapter 10

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Y/n started to get hungry. She kissed Julia's forehead and walked out to a vending machine. She got a Pepsi and a bag of chips. She walked back to the room and started eating.

As she sipped on her Pepsi, she would look at Julia. Her blue eyeshadow still on and her, mascara was slightly smudged.
Y/n smiled weakly as she put the cap back on the bottle.
As much as she wanted to vape to get all her pain out, she couldn't break her promise with Julia. Y/n sighed and held onto Julia's hand once more.

She could hear the beeping on the monitor get faster again. "Julia...please wake up. I need you" y/n whispered. She felt Julia's hand tense. Y/n knew that couldn't be possible if she was still in a coma.
"Julia" Y/n said, standing up and looking hopefully at Julia's beautiful face.

It's been a week since Julia was transmitted and there was still hope for her to get out of her coma. Y/n knew she would get out of it and she got the sign.
"Julia, please. You can do it. Do it for me....for Carolyn and Elizabeth" y/n whispered.

Minutes went by and Julia still wasn't opening her eyes. Y/n groaned and walked over to the other side of the room, hand on her forehead. "This is all my fault" y/n whispered over and over again.

A couple seconds went by and soon the monitor started going crazy. Her heartbeat was fast and wouldn't stop.
"Oh no no no..." Y/n whispered "DOCTOR!" y/n yelled, tears streaming down her face as she ran by Julia's side. "Dont leave me like this! Please!" Y/n cried while holding onto Julia's hand.

The doctors ran into the room, pulling y/n away from Julia "no! Please!" Y/n cried as she was held back by two nurses.
"Do the test quickly!" One of the doctors said, putting an oxygen tube down Julia's throat. They started doing the electric shock method to get her breathing again.

"No pulse! Again!"

Another shock went off

"No pulse! Again!"

They did that for about 2 minutes until one of the doctors yelled
"we found a pulse!"
Y/n was relieved. Tears still falling from her eyes as she ran back to Julia's side.
"Oh my god, Julia...."
The monitor went back to its normal beeping. The doctors did a couple more tests then pulled Y/n aside.

"So, when we did the tests on her just then, we noticed something..."

Y/n's breath hitched.
"Good or bad?"

"Mostly good, one bad thing though" The doctor stated. "Alright..." y/n breathed out.

"Julia has seemed to be out of her coma, but is still unconscious. The pills she has taken were outdated and were expired making her really sick."

Y/n was happy but really worried. She was out of her coma finally after a week and a half. She was lucky she wasn't going to be in a year coma. "And how bad is her sickness?" Y/n asked, bitting on her nails.

"We don't know. The thing is, there will be many short term symptoms if you take her home. All will be fine. I will give you a sheet of the symptoms of what may occur so you can take care of her when you are home"
The doctor was about to leave until he turned back around and said

"How old are you right now?"

"Im 16 turning 17 in August"

The doctor smiled
"Okay, so you are still underage to be able to sign the papers but I'll let it go off the hook for you only because you seem to take care of her the most"
Y/n smiled and stiffled a laugh. "Thank you"

The doctor left and Y/n went back into the room. Julia, finally out of her coma, but now has a sickness that will continue over the course of the summer and possibly longer.

Y/n walked over to her and sighed. She held her hand tight and stroked her orange hair.
"I love you Julia" she whispered and leaned down to kiss her forehead. Julia shifted slightly and turned her head towards Y/n.

Her eyes slowly opened. Y/n let a tear fall down her cheek.
"W-Why are you crying, love?" She croaked out. Y/n giggled happily.
"Im just happy that you're okay" y/n whispered to which Julia smiled too.


I'm sorry if this chapter seemed rushed, I didn't really know what to put in the chapter. And I know this usually isn't how coma's work. I didn't do a lot of research on overdosing and coma's because im lazy🙃✋🏻

Chpter 11 will be out later today!

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