Chapter 19

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Y/n and Julia made their way to the car. Y/n had her license so she drove to make it easier to get to her house.
Julia sat in the passenger seat with her hand on y/n's thigh.

It was about 5 minutes until they got to the house. Y/n sighed and set her head on the steering wheel. Julia placed her hand on y/n's shoulder and said softly
"We can come back another time"
Y/n shook her head and took off her seat belt. "No, I need to go in"

They approached the house. Y/n took out her key for the door and unlocked it. They walked in and y/n suddenly froze.
"What in the hell went on in here?" Julia asked. Y/n didn't answer and continued walking. She walked upstairs into her room. It was still the way it was when she left.
Her grey walls, white vanity with pictures of her and Carolyn. Her bookshelf with books she never even read, and her bed wasn't made.

Y/n took the pictures of her and Carolyn off of her vanity and put it in a bag she brought. Julia was still downstairs looking around, so she came upstairs and helped y/n.
"Your room looks nice" she said making y/n smile.
Y/n walked over to her desk and took out her money from her savings jar and put it in her wallet.
She first counted it and had $89.40
Finally she grabbed her clothes.

Julia laughed as she searched through y/n's walk in closet. "Where'd you get these?" She asked and held up a sex toy. Y/n went red. "I-ummm...."
"You better bring some of these with you back home...may come in handy" Julia winked which made y/n blush harder.

Y/n waited for Julia to come out of the closet so she could leave to look else where. Julia came out with 3 sex toys. "My God Julia....seriously" y/n groaned. Julia smirked
"Well...I want to use some on you later"
"Julia!" Y/n yelled making Julia laugh. She put them in her bag and guided
y/n out of the room.

She went to her parents room next. It was a mess. Their mirror was broken. Glass was everywhere....smashed bottles. Bed not made. There were a bunch of letters that was on the desk so y/n took them and put them in her bag.

She then came cross their piggy bank. Not much in it. Only $24.65
Y/n looked on the floor through all the shattered glass and papers. She found a photo from a long time ago, when y/n was born. They scratched her with red marker. Y/n began to cry.
Julia ran over to her and hugged y/n tightly. "Its alright, babe"
Y/n sobbed harder onto Julia shoulder.

"I-I want to go home" y/n cried as she stood up. Julia nodded and walked with her downstairs and to the car. She drove this time. Y/n just stared out the window saying nothing until they got home.

She went straight to her and Julia's room to put her stuff away. First thing she put away into their drawer was the 3 sex toys. Why Julia wanted to use them on her, no idea. But y/n didn't care.
She put away her clothes and put the pictures on her side table beside her lamp.

The letters were the only thing left. They didn't look like work letters or house insurance. They were in envelopes with y/n's name on it but no address. She opened one and started to read it.

To an unwanted child,

I dont know where the fuck you are, but I know for a fact when I do get my hands on you, you will be beaten to death. I wish I never had you.
You're ungrateful for anything me and your father did for you and I hope the reason you didn't come home was because you killed yourself.
I don't care how depressed you are after Ethan left. I hope you never come back

Y/n burst into tears. She set the letter on her side table to threw the rest of the letters out. She cried as she got unchanged and turned on the shower to full heat. She got in and sat on the shower floor. Head in her knees.

A couple minutes later, she heard someone open the shower door and walk in. She could see their feet. She knew it was Julia from the hot pink colored toenails. Y/n looked up at her with red puffy eyes.
Julia frowned and sat down beside y/n.  "None of that was true, y/n...."Julia started. Y/n buried her face into Julia's neck.
"She wanted me to die, Julia" y/n cried. Julia wrapped her arms around y/n's shoulders and kissed her temple.
"She was a horrible person. You know that. You shouldn't care what she thinks of you..." Julia said.

Y/n nodded and calmed down. They stayed like that for a while until y/n decided to acually shower. Julia said she would do y/n's hair for her. She started massaging the shampoo into
y/n's hair in which she hummed. She did the same for the conditioner.

Julia did her hair but was interrupted when y/n pushed Julia up against the wall. "What are you doing?" Julia asked. Y/n smirked and whispered
"Its a surprise...."

So here you go.
I didn't think I would get this chapter out tonight but I did.
I dont know how I feel about this chapter but I am gonna pre-warn you guys. Next chapter is gonna have mostly smut🙂 I don't know when chapter 20 will be out tho so you may have to wait a little👋🏻🤷🏼‍♀️

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