Chapter 11

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Yesterday, Y/n got the news that Julia was out of her coma. Y/n was beyond happy about it. After Julia was conscious again, they talked for hours until morning.

Julia fell asleep around 5am and y/n fell asleep 30 minutes after her. Y/n was sprawled out on the cot they brought in and was holding Julia's hand. The doctors walked in to wake us up to tell us that Julia could go home after Y/n signed some papers and grabbed some of Julia's medication that Julia would not have access to.

They wheeled Julia to the front desk. "Here are the papers you need to sign. In the meantime, I'll go get the medication..." the lady turned to Julia and smiled
"and only y/n will be touching them." 

Y/n laughed quietly to herself as she signed the papers. "Not fair..." Julia muttered.
"Oh it is, darling. I dont trust you either." Y/n smiled.
Julia rolled her eyes.

Y/n signed all the papers and took Julia's medication from the lady
"Everyday, she takes 2 of each. One in the morning, one at night. 30 in each container so every 15 days, come here and get a refill. She should take them for 8 months."

Y/n took that all in and nodded. "Alright, thank you"
They left and got on the bus to drive then back"
While they were on the bus, Julia rested her head on y/n's shoulder.

"I heard what you said yesterday night, before I woke up" Julia said softly. Y/n looked down at Julia and smiled. "There were many things I said."
Julia giggled.

There was a silence between them for a while. "....was it true?" Julia asked. "Was what true?" Y/n asked, knowing what she meant.
Julia looked up and stared lovingly into y/n's eyes.
"...T-That you love me?"

Y/n nodded slowly. "Yeah...I do"
y/n whispered. "Ever since I got here, I thought you were the most beautiful women I've seen. And it seems weird considering our age difference, but I don't care because you make me happy"

Julia was tearing up from what
y/n said. She leaned in and kissed y/n's lips softly. Y/n pulled back and looked into her eyes and asked with a smile "what was that for?"
"I-I love you too,
Y/n." Julia whispered. Y/n's smile grew wider. She leaned back in to kiss Julia.

The bus came to a stop. Y/n grabbed Julia's stuff and put it into her bag. Y/n took Julia's hand and walked off the bus. Y/n opened the rusty old gates.
Julia stopped and looked down. "What's wrong, Julia?" Y/n asked walking back to her and holding her hand.
"They're gonna hate me" Julia said quietly. "No they won't. They missed you a lot." Y/n said and hugged her.

They walked down the long, dark pathway until they got to the manor. They walked up to the door. "Y/n, can we stay out here for a bit? I can't go in just yet" Julia said before y/n could open the door.

Y/n sighed and set Julia's bad down on the porch. She walked down the steps, holding Julia's hand. They walked over to the small bench swing that that hanging from on of the trees. Y/n let Julia lay down and rest her head in her lap.

"Im sorry" Julia whispered. Y/n looked down at Julia and frowned. "Why? I should be sorry. If I didn't worry you with my problems, none of this would have happened. If I never came here, you wouldn't be like this"
Y/n let a tear roll down her cheek.

Julia sat up and turned towards
Y/n and wiped her tear away. "Look at me" she said sternly and y/n looked at her.
"None of this is your fault. It's It's mine. I wasn't thinking. I never thought that this would hurt you the way it did. I was only thinking of myself and how to get the pain away...." Julia sighed then looked down.

"What?" Y/n asked softly, looking down to try and see Julia's face.
"Can I ask you something....and be honest when I ask you" Julia finally said looking up. "Anything..." y/n replied.

"....did you ever think of loving a drug addict?"
Y/n was taken aback by her question. She never really thought about her future like that.

"N-No....I guess not. But I mean, I've never even thought about my future in general. I'm still figuring out along the way...." Y/n answered. Julia then looked straight into Y/n's eyes


She opened her mouth to say something, but it wasn't coming out. It was hard for her to say

"I need help, y/ got out of control" Julia cried. "No, bub....don't cry please" Y/n said sadly, wrapping her arms around Julia and pulling her into a hug.

"I-I can't do a-anything right, y/n! I hurt you.... I hurt Carolyn and Elizabeth! I c-can't stay here...."
"What about David? Aren't you still helping him?" Y/n asked.
"N-Not really. I never was able to help him...." Julia sobbed.

"Shhh....Julia. it's alright." Y/n soothed. They didn't speak for a while
"Lets go inside. We can go to your office" Y/n finally said and slowly sat up. Julia sighed and got up as well.

They got to the porch. Y/n picked up Julia's bag and they walked inside the house to find Elizabeth, David, and Carolyn sitting in the living room playing games.

The door closed rather loudly making all three turn towards the door. David was the first one to speak.
"Julia!" He yelled happily and ran towards her and gave Julia a tight hug. "I missed you" he said. Julia smiled and stroked his hair. "I missed you too, David"


Alrighty here's chapter 11. Chapter 12 will be out hopefully by tmmr. I have a stress-free week this week since I only have PE and health which I'm still sore from the last time I had PE.

But now, I have to work on a Geography assignment that's due tonight!🥲

Thanks for all the love on this story btw! I appreciate it💖😚

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