Chapter 18

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Summer was coming to an end. Carolyn and y/n would be going into their last year of high school.

Y/n had been dreading for summer to come to an end because of her parents. It was confirmed she wasn't going back home to them, but they would have to come to Carolyn's house and talk about what's gonna happen. Y/n already knows it's not gonna go well.

"Babe, calm down. Ill be here with you when they come tomorrow" Julia said as she watched y/n pace back and forth around their room.
"No, no, no....I can't." She said as she bit on her nails. Julia sighed and walked up to her. Y/n bumped into Julia who caught her into a hug and pulled her onto the bed.

Y/n laid down beside Julia and hugged her tightly as she started to cry.
"I haven't seen them for 2 months and they didn't even know where I was..."
"Shh. Everything will be alright, okay?"
Y/n nodded slightly and sighed.
"I love you" Julia whispered.
"I love you too" Y/n said and kissed Julia's cheek.
"I don't know what I do without you"
y/n said in which Julia giggled.

Night time:


Willie went running to the door and opened it. "Where is she!?" The lady yelled from the door. "I-I....who?" Willie stuttered. "You know who!" She yelled.

Y/n was upstairs in Julia's office and she heard familiar voices yelling from the front door. "Julia..." y/n said.
"Yes, my love?" Julia asked from her desk.
"D-Didn't you say my parents were coming tomorrow?" Y/n asked. Her hands started shaking like crazy. Julia noticed and walked over to her and hugged her.

"Yes I did. There's nothing to worry about right now. We went over this-"
"They're here" Y/n interrupted. Julia pulled back from the hug. "What?" Julia asked.
"They're downstairs....I can hear them yelling" Y/n whispered. "Shit" y/n heard Julia mutter.

Julia held my hand and walked with me to the railing so they can see the front door. And there they were...
y/n's parents. Y/n quickly ran the other way, away from them.
"Babe! Wait" Julia called and ran after her. Y/n didn't stop. She ran outside and down near the cliff.

Julia finally caught up to her and hugged her from behind. "Bub? What's wrong. I said I would be there with you the whole time"
Y/n cried. "I know, Julia...."
She turned around and wrapped her arms around Julia neck and buried her face into her shoulder.
"I  can't..." y/n whispered.

They stayed like that saying nothing for a couple minutes until y/n felt ready to incounter them. They walked back slowly until they reached the back door to the house and made their way to the living room.
Y/n's breathing started to hitch. Julia squeezed her hand tighter and whispered in her ear
"Im here"

Once y/n's dad saw her walking towards him, he quickly stood up and walked towards her. Y/n flinched as he approached her.
"Where the fuck were you!? Your mother and I were worried sick!" He yelled. Y/n knew that was a lie and Julia Definitely could tell in his voice none of that was true.

"I-I...Well-" Y/n started but was interrupted by her mom walking up to them "I CANT BELIEVE YOU!" She yelled.
"You leave! Don't tell me where you went!-"

Y/n finally had enough.
"You didnt care! You were happy that I left! Don't give me this bullshit that you were worried!"
"You dare to use that language in front of us!" Her dad yelled and raised his hand. Julia quickly stepped in front of y/n and caught her dad's arm and yelled.
"Why do you think hitting her is okay?! You think that's how children learn!?"

As Julia was taking care of y/n's dad, her mom quickly grabbed y/n's arm. "Ow!" Y/n winced. "Now you listen to me! You're coming home and never coming back here again!"

Y/n cried "no! I'm not leaving with you!"
"You don't make the rules!" She yelled and slapped her crossed the face. Julia took y/n and hugged her.
Elizabeth ran into the room and saw what was going on. "Call the police Julia mouthed to Elizabeth in which she nodded.

A couple minutes later, the police got to the house and barged in. Two police put y/n's parents in handcuffs and brought them outside and another one tool y/n to the couch to talk to her.
Julia sat beside her and hugged her as she explained what was going on between her and her parents.
Of course her parents had something different to say and said that they did nothing  wrong.

They got Carolyn to tell them what y/n told her. She explained how her parents abused her and how she reacted to them doing it.
The police arrested her parents and fined y/n for underage drugs. Y/n knew that was going to happen and finally exepted her parents going to jail. The police let y/n live with Elizabeth, Carolyn, David and Julia and told her she would never see her parents again.

The next day, y/n felt so much better. A lot of relief came upon her. She did remember that the police said she could go back to her home to grab a couple items and bring them here. Julia stirred awake and smiled at y/n.
"Feeling better?" She whispered. Y/n smiled and nodded.
"Yeah, a lot better"

She kissed y/n's lips passionately for a couple minutes until they had to get up. "Julia?" Y/n called from the bathroom. Julia walked in "Yes?"
Y/n sighed and looked down.
"The police said I could go back home to grab a couple things...could you come with me?"
Julia smiled weakly and nodded.
"Of course I can." She kissed her her forehead lightly. "We can go now if you'd like" Julia whispered. Y/n nodded.


I'm sorry if this feels rushed. I dont know how parent abuse works and how the police deal with it but you can imagine what happens😂🤷🏼‍♀️

So I did  saw I would show myself on here and I want to say thank you for those who were understanding to say if I was comfortable with it.
I've decided I would so here you go...

I dont like taking pictures of myself but that one was for a project I had to do with my friends

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I dont like taking pictures of myself but that one was for a project I had to do with my friends.😊

Chapter 19 will be out sometime this week💖👋🏻

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