Chapter 9 (TW🔪🩸)

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"This is all my fault!" Y/n cried on her bed. She cried for a couple minutes before taking out a small pocket knife from her bag. She started at her wrist then moved down her arm.

She winced in pain as a couple tears from her eyes fell on the cuts. She kept going. Some on her thighs and on her other wrist until she had a thought 'what am I doing!? Julia wouldn't like this for me!'

That thought made Y/n cry more. She sat there, blood coming out of her wrists and thighs slowly. She winced as she walked to the bathroom to clean up. Her makeup was running down her face. "Why did you do it" she whispered, looking down at the sink. "Why would you do this to me, Julia"

'This isn't her fault, y/n. Its yours! You made her do this because of your stupid family problems!'

Y/n became weak from the pain. she collapsed onto the ground and cried even more. "Y/n?! Where are you?" She heard Carolyn run in.

Y/n scrambled to her feet and tried to hide her fresh cuts. "I-Im in the bathroom. Carolyn ran into the bathroom and saw y/n.
"Y/n, what's that?" Carolyn asked, pointing to Y/n's sleeve.

Y/n looked confused at her sleeve then saw blood. 'Fuck, it's bleeding through'

"I-I....nothing. it's nothing" Y/n said hiding her sleeve behind her back.
"Y/ we've been over this! We promised you wouldn't do that anymore!" Carolyn cried.
"I know! I'm sorry!" Y/n cried.

Carolyn walked over and hugged Y/n tightly. "Please, you have to stop cutting yourself. Nothing gets better if you keep hurting yourself" she whispered.
Y/n nodded "I'm sorry, Carolyn. I'm trying really hard. For you and Julia."
Carolyn nodded. The night went by really slow.

A couple days went by. Julia still in a coma, Y/n crying in bed. Elizabeth in her office all the time and David and Carolyn comforting Y/n.

One night, Carolyn walked into
y/n's room.
"we're going to see Julia. They said not to but mom can't take it any longer"
Y/n looked down "I don't know if I can handle seeing her like that, Carolyn." She said quietly.
"Its going to be okay, I'll be there with you"
Y/n nodded.

They got to the hospital and went to see Julia.
"Room 2033" The lady at the desk said.
They got to the room, but Y/n stopped. "Come on Y/n." Carolyn whispered, holding her hand. Y/n shook her head. "I cant..."

Elizabeth frowned and walked over to Y/n.
"Sweetheart, it's alright. Me and Carolyn will be there with you"
They ended up getting Y/n in the room. Immediately, Y/n started crying as she saw Julia hooked up to oxygen supply and IV tubes.
She could hear the slow heartbeat that was on the monitor. Carolyn hugged Y/n and held her hand.
They sat down in the chairs beside her bed.

They spoke to Julia, knowing she could hear them like the doctor said. Y/n said nothing, she couldn't being herself to do it. Not in front of everyone.
It was time to go, but Y/n didn't want to. She didn't want to leave Julia's side.

"Y/n, legs go" Elizabeth said. "No, im not leaving without Julia." Y/n cried, holding onto Julia's hand. Carolyn still sat beside her, rubbing her back lightly. "Please don't make me go" Y/n cried.

Elizabeth sighed. "Carolyn, stay with Y/n will you. Make sure you guys get home safe by taking the bus home."
Carolyn nodded then Elizabeth left.

Couple minutes went by and Carolyn went to the bathroom.
Y/n decided to talk to Julia.

"Im so sorry, Julia. If I didn't bother you with my problems, this wouldn't have happened to you" Y/n cried.
"T-This is all my fault....I can't watch you hooked up to all this and lay here motionless...."
"P-Please wake up...I-I'm not leaving until you do..." she cried harder, squeezing Julia's hand.

"I-I love you, Julia. I love you so much. Please don't leave me like this. I need you." Y/n heard the monitor beeps speed up. Her heart rate was going faster. "Please....."

Carolyn walked into the room, seeing y/n crying on Julia's lap.
"Y/n, we should to get going..."
Carolyn could hear y/n muffle "no, please. I can't leave without Julia."
Carolyn started tearing up. "I know it's hard for you. I've seen how close you two are...."

Y/n looked up at her with red, puffy eyes. "Carolyn I can't leave her! I love her...." Y/n whispered the last part. Carolyn walked over and hugged y/n. "We need to go"
"No! You can't make me, Carolyn!"

"Fine. I won't. You stay here. I'll tell mom to come pick you up tomorrow morning. You stay with Julia" Carolyn said softly. Y/n nodded and sat back down in her chair.
"Stay safe, please. If anything happens, text me" Carolyn said and left.


Chapter 9 yay!
Sorry if I made you cry. I know this made me cry😭
Chapter 10 will be posted later tonight!💖😋

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