Chapter 13

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Julia and y/n layed in bed together, cuddling and kissing.
Y/n soon sighed and got up from the bed. "What's wrong, love?" Julia asked, sitting up straight. Y/n smiled and said "nothing, I'm gonna go see Carolyn"

Julia rolled her eyes "Why not stay with me? I'm much more fun, aren't I?"
Y/n giggled and sat down in Julia's lap, then cupped her face
"of course you are. But to be fair, I have spent more time with you then I have with Carolyn. The whole point of me coming here was to be with her..."
Y/n planted a soft kiss on Julia's lips then left to see Carolyn.

Y/n knocked on Carolyn's bedroom door. There was no response so she walked in. It was pitch black. "Carolyn?"
No response. She walked to the light switch but it wouldn't turn on. "Come on, Carolyn....this isn't funny!" Y/n yelled.

"BOO!" She heard someone yell and grab her shoulders.
"AH!" Y/n yelled and turned around to see Carolyn laughing while falling onto the wall. "That wasn't funny! Fuck you, Carolyn!"
"You have to admit...that was hilarious!" Carolyn laughed. Y/n rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.
"Why did you want me to come here for?"

Carolyn calmed down and sat in her chair that was hanging in the middle of the room. "Well, you told me a while a go that you liked Julia....I now see that you guys are making out! What's that about?!"
Y/n looked down and sat down on her bed. She didn't know what her and Julia were. They never confirmed that they were dating.

"Carolyn...please can we not talk about this-at least not right now" Y/n said standing up and was about to leave. "No! You used to tell me everything! I didn't know you smoked! I didn't know you cut yourself! I didn't know that you failed almost all your courses in school! You dont tell me anything and I'm fucking worried all the time!" Carolyn cried as she got off her chair and came towards her.
Y/n started to tear up. She never saw  her like this. "Carolyn....I'm so sorry-"
"No you're not!" She yelled.
There was a long silence until Carolyn whispered "I'm sorry"

Y/n looked up and walked over to her and hugged her tightly. "No, im sorry. You're completely right. I never told you anything after what happened...."
Y/n started crying. "Y/n?" They heard someone whisper. Y/n looked up and saw Julia wearing her black nightgown. Julia must have fallen asleep while she was gone.

"Ill be there in a second" she whispered back. It was still dark in the room so no one could see one another. Julia had left. Carolyn sighed and pulled away from the hug "go" she said softly. Y/n sighed and left.

Once she got back to Julia's office, she slammed the door shut, completely forgetting Julia was asleep again. Julia quickly sat up and screamed.
"Sorry Julia....I didn't mean to do that" y/n said and lied down beside Julia.
Julia wrapped her arms around y/n's waist and snuggled into her neck.
"You okay?" She whispered. Y/n nodded, clearly lying.
"Yeah, she just wanted to talk about what's going on between us..."
Julia hummed and kissed y/n's neck sweetly a couple times.

Silence fell between them until y/n asked "what are we?"
Julia probed herself on her elbows on her stomach and furrowed her brows. "What do you mean?" She asked.
Y/n sighed and looked at Julia.
"Like....what's our relationship? Are we dating?" Y/n rephrased. Julia thought for a second.

"Hmm...well, I was planning on asking you to be my girlfriend. I just didn't know when would be the right time" Julia said. Y/n smiled. "Can I make it official?" Julia asked which made y/n giggled. "Yes, please do"
Julia laughed.

"Y/n....will you be my first and only girlfriend?" Julia asked, moving her face towards y/n's.
"Yes, I would love too"
"Good answer" Julia whispered then kissed her lips passionately.

Omg- yall won't believe what happened to me and my friend when we were walking home from school!

So me and my friend have a 15 minute walk to our high school to our old elementary school so we can pick up our siblings and so we were waiting at the set of lights to cross and these guys in a white pick up truck, who I'm assuming went to our high school, yelled out the window and asked for my number.

Me and her were trying not to laugh because they seemed so nice but I rejected him and he was like "worth a bout your snap"
I lost it after that and I was laughing so hard and I was trying to be nice so I was like "no, im good. Have a nice day"
And I crossed the street. Me and her were dying all the way to the school-

Anyways funny story from today. But,
here's the chapter. Like I said, I might not be posting a lot since my class is coming to an end and I have to focus on my final CCA and exam. Pray for me😫🙏🏻

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