Chapter 15

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The next morning:

Y/n opened her eyes slowly to find Charlie right in front of her face. "Ah!" She yelled then giggled.
"Charlie, you scared me" She whispered, realizing Julia was still asleep. Y/n fell back onto her pillow and turned towards Julia. She lifted her hand and moved a stand of hair out of her face.

Julia groaned and turned her back on y/n. She rolled her eyes and proped herself on one elbow to lean over and see Julia's face again. She leaned down and kissed her cheek lightly then again and again.
"Y/n...." she groaned "stop it"
Y/n laughed
"Its either Charlie or me, you choose"

Julia chuckled then turned around. She looked into y/n's eyes and smiled. She kissed her lips then whispered "happy 17th birthday, babe"
Y/n smiled and buried her face into Julia's neck. "Thank you, love"

"I knew it!" They heard from the doorway. They quickly pulled apart to find Carolyn smirking. Elizabeth and David were behind them. "Fuck" Julia muttered. Elizabeth was smiling surprisingly and David was covering his eyes.
"Uhmm....good morning" y/n said, trying to stay calm. "Happy birthday,
y/n" they all said. Y/n smiled "thank you"

They chatted for a bit until David and Carolyn started fighting. Elizabeth rolled her eyes and kicked them out of the room. She turned to Julia and y/n and said sternly "Now, I would like to talk to you both tonight in my office"
Julia and y/n looked at each other then back at Elizabeth and nodded.

"We're busted" y/n spoke as she got out of their bed to get dressed.
She curled her hair and put it into a ponytail. She put on a dress she got when Julia and her went shopping a couple weeks ago. It came to do her makeup but y/n couldn't get her liner to get it how wanted it.
"God damn it! Julia, baby. Can you help me with my eyeliner!?" She called from the bathroom

Julia came into the bathroom and giggled "of course" she said as she took the eyeliner and drew on the line. "Y'know, You look beautiful without makeup too." Julia said as she finished the first eye and went to do the other one. Y/n smiled "yeah have to say that"

"No, I don't. Even if I had too, it would still be true. You look beautiful all the time. Why do you think my favorite time of the day is the morning? So I can see you without makeup" Julia said. She cleaned up the lines with a makeup wipe and kissed y/n's forehead "there you go, love"
"Thank you" y/n said and walked out of the bathroom with Julia.

"Now...Charlie, you ready to get some toys?" Y/n said as she picked Charlie up and kissed his nose. He licked her face and barked "I just did my makeup, Charlie!" Y/n laughed. Julia wrapped an arm around y/n's waist and walked out the room.

Elizabeth, Carolyn, and David were sitting in the living room watching TV as Julia and Y/n got to the front door. "We're going out" Julia said and walked out the door. "Okay, take you time!" Elizabeth yelled. Y/n was confused by this but brushed it off and walked to the car with Julia and Charlie.

They got to their local pet shop and walked in and was greeted by a worker at the counter. Y/n set Charlie down which immediately he went running to the toys. "Charlie! Get back here" y/n called and ran after him. Julia laughed and ran with her. Once they found him, Charlie was trying to get a toy down from the shelf. Y/n breathed and walked over to him. She kneeled down and picked him up.

"You want this one?" She asked and took a small blue monkey off the self. Charlie took the monkey in his mouth. Julia smiled. They got some treats, food bowls, a dog bed, a leash, and a couple other things and paid for them.
They out Charlie on the red leash and set him down.

Julia and y/n walked hand in hand as they walked down the sidewalk of Collinsport. They got ice cream then made their way back home. Julia helped y/n out of the car then told her to close her eyes. "Why?" Y/n asked as they got to the front door. Julia came up behind her and put her hands over y/n's eyes "it's a surprise" she whispered and guided her in the house.
She took her hands away from y/n's face. When y/n could make out who was standing infront of her she started crying....


Tehe cliffhanger....

Who do you think it is. I'll make sure to post the next chapter soon so, I won't keep you waiting. There really isn't much to say so....

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