Chapter 12

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Everyone was happy to see Julia, although Julia thought that they would hate her for what she did.
Elizabeth came running over in tears "Julia! Oh thank God you're alright..."
She embraced Julia in a big, warm hug. "I-Im sorry, Liz" Julia sobbed softly. "No, Julia. It's not your fault"
Julia and Elizabeth cried in each others arms for a while.
Everyone else in the mean time, were watching some TV.
David was sitting on the ground playing with his dinosaurs and Carolyn and Y/n talked.

A couple hours went by. Y/n was in Julia's office organizing it. She threw out all of her old, expired medications that Julia didn't need. Julia was sitting on her bed reading a book. As y/n was placing her new pills in her cabinet, she accidently cut herself on the cabinet hinge. Y/n pulled her hand back quickly "fuck" she hissed quietly.

Julia quickly walked over to Y/n and took her hand. "Baby, what happend?" She asked looking at her hand that was bleeding.
"I-....I just cut myself on the hinge. I'm okay though." Y/n said. Julia kissed her hand "there, all better?" She asked with a smile.
Y/n giggled "much better, thank you"
Julia was back on the bed reading while y/n continued to organize.

"Babe, you need to take one of your pills right now" y/n said, taking out one of the pills for Julia. She heard Julia groan and walk over to her.
Y/n chuckled and handed Julia the small, blue pill and a glass of water.

She watched as Julia put it in her mouth and swallow it then take a sip of the water. "I already hate doing this" Julia rolled her eyes and walked away.
"You'll get used to it. Besides, if you want you sickness to go away quicker, you better start taking these when I say to and take the right amount" y/n said as she put the pill bottle back in the cabinet.

Y/n sat on the couch with Julia and snuggled up to her. "I love you Julia" y/n whispered. Julia stroked y/n's hair and smiled. "I love you more"
She giggled and looked up at Julia
"Impossible. I love you more than you love me"

Julia scoffed playfully. "Definitely not"
Y/n got up from the couch and pushed Julia down and straddled her. Y/n got her face inches towards Julia's and whispered.
"If you don't believe me, then I'll show you"

Julia hummed in delight and closes the gap between them immediately after. Y/n moaned into the kiss and ran her hands over Julia's body, stopping at her hips. She went to take off Julia's dress until she heard someone burst into the room.

They looked quickly at the door to see Carolyn and David smiling madly at them. Y/n got off of Julia and smiled awkwardly. "What's up?" Y/n said, trying to get her act together.
"What's up?!" Carolyn yelled. "Fuck that! I should be asking you that!"

"Language, Carolyn" Julia warned as she stood up. Carolyn rolled her eyes then walked over to Y/n. "You two love birds having fun?"
Y/n shifted uncomfortably and looked down "stop it" she whispered at Carolyn.
"Fine, but we are talking about this tonight" Carolyn chuckled, walking out of the room with David.

Once the door closed, y/n let out a huge sigh of relief. "My God..." Y/n hissed out. "Its alright, love." Julia said, walking up behind y/n and kissing her neck. Y/n let out a chuckle and looked at Julia. "We need a lock on that door" y/n giggled.
Julia smiled "I know. Elizabeth won't let me have one though"
"Bull shit" y/n laughed in which Julia laughed and playfully hit
y/n's shoulder. 


Okay, I want to make some things clear.
I'm really stressed over school right now, so posting on here may only be on the weekends. If I find time to post during the week, then I will. But it probably will be rare for me to post on week-days.

Sorry this chapter is short and boring but the next chapters will be better!

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