Chapter 4

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The next morning, Y/N felt super happy. Happier than most days where she wouldn't want to get out of bed and sleep in.
Today was much different. She woke up earlier at 7:30am.

She got out of bed and put on a red, high-waisted skirt and a croped white long-sleeve shirt.

Y/N walked downstairs to the dinning room to see Elizabeth, David, and Carolyn at the table

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Y/N walked downstairs to the dinning room to see Elizabeth, David, and Carolyn at the table. Julia was not there again. Y/N got worried as the breakfast went on and Julia still hadn't shown up.

"Oh, Y/N. Must tell you. Dr. Hoffman may not be around a lot during the mornings. She's probably sleeping off one of her legendary hangovers." Elizabeth had spoke up. Y/N relaxed after hearing that and nodded.

After breakfast, Y/N decided to walk over to Julia's office to see if she was awake. She knocked once, but no one answered. So, she walked in. Y/N looked around to see Julia passed out on her bed in the corner of the room. Y/N giggled and walked over.

Julia had a bottle of liquor in her hand that was hung over the bed. Julia's beautiful orange hair was covering her face. Y/N carefully moved her hair out of her face and behind her ear. She took the bottle and set it on the counter beside her desk.

Y/N started to walk to the door until she heard Julia wake up. Y/N
turned to face Julia to see her trying to stand up. Y/N smiled and walked over to her. Julia looked at Y/N with squinted eyes, trying to make out who it was.
"Good morning, Julia" Y/N giggled. Julia chuckled "Its just you"

"Its just me" Y/N repeated as she kneeled down beside the bed.
Julia lied back down and placed her hand on her head and sighed.
" headache is killing me"
Y/N smiled. "Elizabeth told me you went off on your 'legendary hangovers' this morning"
Julia looked at Y/N. "she did not say that!"
Y/N laughed "she did say that"

"Jesus, im gonna kill her"
Y/N went over to Julia's drug cabinet. She searched for the Aspirin tablets but could only find random prescription medications that looked to be half empty.

Y/N sighed. "You've got a lot of out dated pills here Julia"
Julia looked over at Y/N.
"Where's your Aspirin?" Y/N asked, closing the left side of the cabinet door and opening the right side to look.
"Right side, 3rd shelf." Julia said.

Y/N found the bottle and took 2 out. She walked over to Julia and handed them to Julia. She swallowed them with some left over water she had beside her on her night stand.

"You seem like you've handled this before, Y/N" Julia stated. Y/N kneeled down again. "What do you mean?"
"Hangovers. You seemed quick to help me..."
Y/N nodded slowly and looked down. "My hangovers were like this before. No one was around to help me so I had to do it on my own" Y/N admitted.

Julia smiled and placed a hand on Y/N's cheek. Y/N blushed slightly, but smiled. "Y/N? Why don't you stay with me for today. We can get to know each other a bit more"
Y/N nodded and stood up, taking Julia's hand in her's.

"Okay..." Julia breathed out as she sat up straight in her bed. She sighed and looked at Y/N. "You're gonna have to help me out of bed though"
Y/N laughed and placed one hand on Julia's back and the other hand still holding her hand. She lifted Julia up off the bed which Julia bumped into Y/N's body.

They looked at each other for a quick second before realizing how close they were from each other. They moved apart from each other and looked away.
"Ill just go change over there, you can stay over there and look around" Julia said and walking over to her closet. 

Y/N looked around. She found Julia's clipboard with notes from yesterday's session. She skimmed through most of it then found

Y/N started to worry. Did Carolyn tell Julia about the scars and her cutting herself. Y/N heard Julia start to come out of the closet so she walked around again looking at other things.

She found a couple of photos hung up on one of the cabinet doors. One was a photo of Julia, Carolyn, and David. And the other one was a photo of Julia and Elizabeth. Y/N smiled at them and looked at Julia who was walking over to her.

"How long have you been helping David for?" Y/N asked. Julia stood beside Y/N and smiled.
"Almost 4 years now..." she paused and turned to face Y/N. "Originally it was supposed to be for a month, but it ended up being for longer. Elizabeth told me to just stay and live here since we all grew close" Julia said.

"What If that happens to me. What if I had to stay here for you to help me?" Y/N asked with a concerned tone. Julia sighed.

"From what I heard about your parents, Y/N...I dont think you should be going back. You're parents are not good people for you to be growing up with. I'd rather you stay here with us then go back"

Y/N nodded. She really didn't care if she didn't go back. She would be glad to stay with Carolyn and her family. Stay with Julia who would be able to help her. Y/N was skeptical about letting Julia help her, but she's grown more comfortable with her even though it's been only a day of meeting her.

"Ill end up talking to Elizabeth about it. But, in the mean time..."
Julia took Y/N's hand and walked towards the door. "We have a long day ahead of us"
They walked out of her office and down stairs to the front door. "Lets go" Julia said and walked out the door with Y/N.


Yall might get lucky today. I might post chapter 5 tonight😄
I'm really excited to start writing the next couple chapters so you might get more than 2 Chapters posted each day this week!

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