Chapter 16

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She took her hands away from y/n's face. When y/n could make out who was standing infront of her she started crying....

Infront of her was her older brother, Ethan. "Hey" he said. After a year, not being able to hear his voice, hug him, or talk to him. Now she could. Y/n ran to him and hugged him tightly. "Why did you leave me!" She cried onto his shoulder. "Im sorry" he whispered.
"You can't just leave! Without saying goodbye! Or at least letting me come with you!"

Julia started to tear up at what she was seeing. She couldn't handle it so she left with Charlie. Elizabeth, David, and Carolyn left as well.

"Im sorry for leaving you, I know what you went through and im sorry for leaving you." He said. He pulled away and wiped away her tears. "But, on a good note, I'm back for today. I have to leave again tonight for work....I just wanted to come and see my baby sister" he joked making her giggle. "I've told you to stop calling me that. I'm not little anymore"

He chuckled and picked her up. He threw her on the couch and tickled her "Well, you're still going to be little to me"
Y/n was laughing "N-No stop! Please. E-Ethan!"
Ethan stopped and chuckled. Julia came to see them and giggled. "What's going on here?" She asked.

Ethan helped y/n up from the couch. "He attacked me!" Y/n laughed. "I haven't been able to do that for a year! That had to be the first thing I do to my baby sister" he smirked which granted him a glare "I told you to stop calling me that!"
He just shrugged.

Y/n walked over to Julia and hugged her tightly. "You knew about this?" Y/n whispered. Julia nodded "I found a way to get in contact with him. I knew he meant a lot to you and I wanted you to see him again"
Y/n pulled away and looked at Julia. "I love you" y/n whispered. Julia kissed her lips "I love you too"

"Ooo, I knew you were gay!" Ethan yelled. Y/n started laughing hard after Ethan yelled that. Julia just stood their smiling as y/n pulled away from the kiss laughing. "Yeah real mature, Ethan!" Y/n laughed as she punch him lightly on the shoulder. "You can't just yell that out" she said. Ethan laughed. David called Ethan so he walked away.

Y/n rolled her eyes and went back to Julia. Julia placed her hands on y/n's waist and kissed her forehead. "Im happy to see you like this " she whispered. Y/n smiled and rested her head on her chest. "Thank you for this"
Julia hugged her and started swaying. Y/n giggled and said "what are you doing?"

"Dancing" Julia said and walked over to the record player.

I-I love the colorful clothes she wears
And the way the sunlight plays upon her hair
I hear the sound of a gentle word
On the wind that lifts her perfume through the air

I'm pickin' up good vibrations
She's giving me the excitations
I'm pickin' up good vibrations
She's giving me the excitations
I'm pickin' up good vibrations
She's giving me the excitations
I'm pickin' up good vibrations
She's giving me the excitations

Close my eyes, she's somehow closer now
Softly smile, I know she must be kind
When I look in her eyes
She goes with me to a blossom world

I'm pickin' up good vibrations
She's giving me excitations
I'm pickin' up good vibrations
She's giving me excitations
Good, good, good, good vibrations
She's giving me excitations
Good, good, good, good vibrations
She's giving me excitations

Ah, ah, my my, what elation
I don't know where but she sends me there
Oh, my my, what a sensation
Oh, my my, what elation
Oh, my my, what

Gotta keep those lovin' good vibrations a-happenin' with her
Gotta keep those lovin' good vibrations a-happenin' with her
Gotta keep those lovin' good vibrations a-happenin'

Good, good, good, good vibrations
She's giving me the excitations
I'm pickin' up good vibrations

Once the song ended, they heard clapping from the other end of the foyer. They looked and saw Elizabeth, Carolyn, David and Ethan. Charlie ran up to them and jumped into y/n's arms.

Time Jump to night time:

Ethan was about to leave to go home. Y/n didn't want him to leave, not yet. He left once, she didn't want him leaving again. What if he didn't come back?

"Please don't leave me again" y/n cried on his shoulder.  "Y/n....I have to go, my flight is leaving in a couple hours" Ethan said. "Did you have to go last time?" Y/n spat out. Ethan stood their in shock. "N-No...I didnt-"

"Then why did you leave if you didn't have to!?" y/n yelled. She hated being like this towards him but she couldn't forgive him for what he did. Their relationship wasn't going to be the same. Julia pulled y/n back from Ethan. "Babe, it's alright" she whispered to her. Y/n cried onto Julia's shoulder.

Ethan walked outside and was about to get in the cab when Julia ran outside. "Ethan wait!"
Ethan threw his bags in and looked at Julia. "Please send her letters when you're gone. She told me that you two were close before and she was heartbroken when you left and never stayed in contact with her" Julia said.

Ethan sighed "it's my fault she's like this. If I didn't leave, she wouldn't be so upset..."
Julia looked down and teared up. "Shes more than upset, Ethan. When you left....she started smoking and drinking"

"What?" Ethan said in disbelief. Julia nodded. Ethan quickly ran into the house. Y/n was crying on the couch with Charlie in her lap and David was hugging her. Carolyn and Elizabeth were in the kitchen talking so they didn't hear what happened.
"Its okay, Y/n..." David said as he hugged her.

"Y/n!" Ethan called and ran to her. He hugged her tightly. David moved out of the way and so did Charlie. "What do you want" she hissed. "Im so sorry. I didn't know me leaving would cause you to do that" he cried. Y/n knew exactly what he meant.
"'re going to be late for your flight" she said and stood up. He let go of her and sighed. "Y/n please...."

"No, go. Leave me again. I'm used to everyone leaving me" She said and walked upstairs to her room. Ethan heard the cab honk. He walked to Julia. "Please tell her how much she means to me. I didn't mean to do this to her."
Julia nodded and placed her hand on his shoulder "I will"
Ethan nodded and left.


Chapter 16 everyone! Yay!
Again not much to say. Chapter 17 may be out today or tmmr.💖👋🏻

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