Chapter 14

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Time Jump!

It was first day of August. Julia and Y/n having been dating for 2 weeks now. They weren't planning on telling anyone just yet though. Carolyn caught on, but they haven't officially confirmed it to her.
Y/n was lying in her and Julia's bed. Julia moved into one of the spare bedrooms that was connected from
y/n's room so they were closer to each other.

Julia was changing into her pj's and brushed out her hair then smiled at y/n who was finally passed out from the long day of taking care of David.
Julia forgot to give y/n her early birthday gift. "Bub?" Julia whispered. Y/n groaned and opened her eyes slowly to look at her. "What?"

Julia giggled and sat on the edge of the bed. She got one small box and one big box from under the bed. "Whats this?" Y/n asked and sat up. Julia handed the small box to y/n first and said
"A birthday gift"
Y/n smiled as she took the box
"My birthday isn't until tomorrow though"

Julia stroked y/n's cheek gently and whispered "I would like you to have these early" y/n giggled and started to open the small box. Inside was a promise ring. "Oh my god-" y/n gasped then looked at Julia and smiled
"this is beautiful"
Julia smiled and showed y/n her right ring finer. On Julia's finger was the same ring. "Awe, babe!" Y/n said and hugged Julia.

"Thank you

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"Thank you. I love you so much" she whispered and kissed her cheek. "Of course, my" Julia breathed out and handed her the big box. "This one"
Y/n took it and instantly set it in her lap 'jeeze this is heavy'

Y/n slowly opened the box and saw a small dog inside. Y/n's eyes started to tear up "Julia...." she whispered and looked at her. Julia was smiling with tears in her eyes as well. "You didnt-"
y/n cried. "Well, you told me you loved dogs one I got you one"
Y/n took out the small dog. It looked to be a corgi-huskey mix.

The dog instantly licked y/n's face and barked

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The dog instantly licked y/n's face and barked. "Awe, hi!" Y/n squealed. "What you gonna name it?" Julia asked, setting the box down on the ground.
"Ill name you....Charlie" (Male btw).
"You better not replace me with a dog if you do, imma take him back" Julia joked. Y/n laughed and pressed her forehead against Julia's. "No one can replace you, babe." She tried to lean in and kiss Julia but Charlie had other plans.

Charlie jumped in between them a licked Julia's face then Y/n's
"Charlie!" They laughed. Charlie just barked and rolled around on the bed.
"I guess tomorrow we can go shopping for Charlie...." she turned towards Charlie and whispered "get you some treats and toys"
Charlie barked again and settled himself in between Julia and Y/n.

"Great....I can't even cuddle with you now!" Julia huffed. "Oh sush. We can still cuddle....Charlie over there" y/n directed and pointed to the end of the bed. Charlie got up and curled by their feet. "Better?" Y/n whispered as she settled herself close to Julia. "Much" she breathed.


Short chapter but I thought I would add this in because next chapter will be long. Next chapter will be y/n's birthday! Is anyone's birthday on August 2nd?

Chapter 15 will be posted tmmr!💖👋🏻

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