Chapter 3

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"Can you tell me whats going on with you. It's going to help me understand better and be able to help you" Julia said calmly.

Y/N sighed. "My parents hate me. Most people would say that's an absurd accusation, but if they were to see what goes on between us, then they would understand. They abused me since I was very young. They acted like monsters when no one was around but the second someone came around us, they act like angels"

She let some tears fall. Y/N let out a shaky breath and looked down at her hands. Julia wrote down a couple things. "Do you have any siblings?"

Y/N shook her head "not that live there anyways. My older brother is 20. He moved away last year because of what happened"
Julia nodded. "And were you two...close?"

Y/N almost broke down at that question. She nodded. "He was the only one I could talk to. He was right there by my side after I had a fight with my parents. When it got worse, he was there to defend me. When he left, it was so much harder to cope with the pain"

Julia continued to write down ", that brings me to what Carolyn found in your locker..." Julia said looking up at Y/N.
"How have you been coping with it?"

"I used to smoke when I was 14 but then my parents found out. I stopped until now. I started smoking and drinking in the washrooms during classes. Then I found out about vapes so, I vaped instead..."

"Alright, and where are you getting all these? You're under age to be doing this" Julia said calmly. "I take the alcohol from my dad. The smokes and vapes were from a dealer at my high school." Y/N explained. Julia nodded as she wrote it down. She sighed as she set her clipboard down and took her glasses off.

Y/N just sat there, wiping her tears away. "I know this is hard to talk about. I understand how you're feeling. As I too, am someone who takes the pain away by doing drugs..."

Y/N looked up. "What pain are you in?"
Julia smiled weakly. "Its okay, Y/N. I'm here to help you."
Y/N looked down again. "How are you going to help me?" Y/N whispered.

Julia sighed and walked over to
Y/N. She placed her hand on Y/N's shoulder and said
"I don't know just yet. Once we get to know each other a bit more, I think it will be easier for you to open up. Talking about things like this is good. And getting them out can make you feel a lot better."

Y/N starred into Julia's eyes, not saying anything. 'Why do I feel this way. I can't like her. No way! Get it together Y/N!!'

After a couple moments of just staring into each others eyes, Y/N cleared her throat. She sat up and smiled. "Im glad you can help me." Y/N whispered and walked towards the door to leave. Julia felt something. A good feeling. 'Shit, Julia stop it!'

"Y/N?" Julia called. Y/N turned around to look at her. Julia stood there for a moment. "If you'd like, we can meet everyday at this time...before you go to bed? May be easier to get things off your chest before you sleep"

Y/N smiled and nodded. "Sure, I'd like that"
Julia smiled as well. "Goodnight, Y/N"
"Goodnight, Julia"
With that, Y/N left to her room.
Once she got to her room, she landed on her bed with a huge smile.


Not gonna lie, favorite chapter I wrote so far. Idk may change.🤷🏼‍♀️😁

Next chapter will be up later today💖👋🏻

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