Chapter 17

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Y/n cried in her bed. Why did he have to leave again. Was work more important than her?
She heard someone knock on her bedroom door. "Go away!" She yelled. The door opened anyways.
"I said go away!" She said as she saw Julia walk in.

Julia frowned and laid beside y/n.
"Leave me alone" y/n said and she turned her back on her. Julia sighed and got up from the bed. "I guess we're not going to shower together?"
Y/n sighed and got up from the bed. "No, its fine. Go back to bed. You wanted to be alone" Julia said, faking her irritation. Y/n pouted and hugged Julia from behind.
"Im sorry, Julia...."
Julia smiled and turned around so their faces were close.
"You're forgiven" she whispered.

Julia started taking off y/n's dress which y/n let her. Once Julia successfully took of her dress, she went to the bath and started it. "I thought we were going in the shower" y/n said.
Julia smirked "well, I was going to make it a bit more romantic for us"
Y/n smiled.

"You go wait on the bed..." Julia whispered and kissed y/n's lips
Y/n walked over to the bed, still in her undergarments to wait for Julia.
Y/n closed her eyes and snuggled with Charlie. She eneded up falling asleep for a bit.

A couple minutes later, Julia kissed
y/n's cheek and whispered "you ready?"
Y/n stirred awake and nodded.
Julia opened the door to the bathroom and y/n gasped. "Oh my god-"

Julia smiled and took off her own dress

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Julia smiled and took off her own dress. "Julia...this is beautiful" y/n whispered. "Im glad you like it" Julia said and unclipped y/n's bra. It fell to the ground and soon her panties were too. Julia took off her's and went in with y/n.

Y/n settled herself in between Julia's legs and rested her head into Julia's neck. "This has been the best birthday I've ever had"
Julia kissed y/n's head and smiled.
They stayed like that in silence until Julia whispered "Ethan wanted me to tell you that he loved you very much...he didn't mean for you to be like this-"

"Can we talk about this later please...." y/n interrupted. Julia sighed. "You can't keep pushing these problems aside"
"I know...I'm sorry. I just dont want to ruin the moment right now. Besides, didn't I see champaign over there?" Y/n asked. Julia laughed and nodded. She took out two glasses and poured one for each of them.
Julia and y/n taped their glasses together. "To us" y/n said. "To us" Julia repeated and sipped on her drink.

The water soon got cold so they got out and dried off.
Not even bothering putting on clothes, they got into the bed and cuddled with each other. Then y/n realized "Wait...weren't we supposed to see Elizabeth tonight?"
"Yeah...but I'd rather stay with you like this."
Y/n giggled and kissed her neck. Julia moaned.

Y/n got a thought in her head. "Julia? You don't think we could...."
Julia thought for a moment
"If you want to. I've been wanting to but I didn't want to push you to do something like that"
Y/n smirked and straddled Julia's lap. "I want to do it now....with you"
"You're not going to be able to walk tomorrow then" Julia smirked.
Let's just say that night they didn't get any sleep.

The next morning y/n woke up with terrible pain down there. She rolled over with a groan and looked a Julia who was already awake. "It hurts..." Y/n whimpered. "I told you, you weren't going to be able to walk the next day"
Y/n scoffed "and you weren't joking"

Julia helped y/n get ready for the day. Today y/n decided to wear something she normally doesn't wear. She put on a croped tank top and denim shorts along with a plad long sleeve around her waist.

Julia smiled

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Julia smiled.
"Im glad you stoped hurting yourself..."
Y/n looked down and nodded. "Im sorry about bothering you with my problems-"
"No, y/n...look at me" she interrupted. Y/n looked up into her eyes.
"You never bothered me. I was more than happy to help you. Think about it. We would've have gotten this close and probably wouldn't have started dating if you hadn't have told me or even got to know me"

Y/n teared up and kissed Julia. "I love you so much" she whispered. "I love you more" Julia whispered back.

Okay there you go! Chapter 17.

I'm just curious.
Would you guys be Interested in a face reveal? I feel like im ready to show myself on here so if you guys want it then I'll show you me in the next chapter tomorrow😊💛

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