Chapter 5

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It was a beautiful summer day so, Julia and Y/N decided to walk down to the town. Y/N was still holding Julia's hand which made her feel safe.

Y/N didn't like being around a lot of people. Collinsport was one town that would get packed full of people during the summer. Y/N stayed close to Julia as they walked around.

"Wanna get ice cream?" Julia asked, looking at Y/N. She nodded with a smile. They walked over to their local Ice cream parlor and ordered some ice cream.
They walked over to one of the benches near the ocean and sat down.

"Sorry, could you hold this for me?" Y/N asked, handing her ice cream to Julia. Julia took it.
Y/N tied her long H/C hair in a ponytail so it wouldn't get in her ice cream. "Thank you"
Julia nodded and said "you've got beautiful hair."
"Really? Mine is plain and boring. Yours though. I've never seen a lot of people with your colour of hair" Y/N said.

"Yeah, I get that a lot. Grown out of that complement years ago. When I was around your age, people loved me for it. My high school was small, so I was, I wouldn't say popular, but I people would come up and talk to me and say how nice my hair was." Julia explained.

Y/N smiled. "I was known for my eyes when I was younger. People loved my eyes. Now in high school, no one pays attention to me. Mostly because I've hid myself away. I've grown to have social anxiety so the only friend I have is Carolyn"
Julia frowned.

Silence fell between them until Julia spoke up again. "Any love interest?"
Y/N looked up and giggled. "Absolutely not! Boys a disgusting. Especially now"
Julia laughed. "I feel ya. I hated them too"

Y/N smiled. "Im guessing you don't have a husband?"
Julia nodded. "Single as always"
Y/N continued to lick her ice cream. After a couple minutes, Julia laughed quietly to herself.
Y/N looked at her and furrowed her brows. "What?"

Julia moved closer to Y/N's face and chuckled. "You've got some on your lip"
Julia moved her thumb up to
Y/N's lip and slowly wiped the ice cream off. "There you go" Julia whispered and moved back away from her face. Y/N blushed and felt her stomach turn. "Julia..."
Y/N whispered.

Julia looked at Y/N and smiled. "Lets go somewhere else" Julia said. They stood up and walked around the town. They went into many different clothing shops. It was almost dinner time, so they went back to the manor. When they walked in, they were greeted by Elizabeth.

"And where were you two? You guys were gone all day!" Elizabeth yelled. "Liz, we just wanted to get to know each other so, we had a day to ourselves. No big deal" Julia said, still holding Y/N's hand and walked past Elizabeth.

Elizabeth rolled her eyes and went upstairs. Julia brought Y/N to her office. "I had fun today, Julia. Never had that fun in a long time" Y/N smiled as they walked into the office.

"I'm glad. I had fun too." Julia admitted, setting her bags down beside her bed. They sat down beside each other over on Julia's sofa that was over near one of the windows.
Julia lit a cigarette and blew out some smoke. Y/N looked away.
She had her vape with her, but she didn't want to vape infront of Julia.

Y/N started getting anxious. 'Fuck it' she thought.
She took it out and started to vape. Sucking in then blowing out some of the vapor. "Y/N...." Julia said concerned. Y/N looked at Julia as she blew out more vapor.

"Please don't" Julia said soon after. "But I want to" Y/N said back. "Im here to help you, I don't want you doing that to yourself" Julia said sadly.
"Dont do it yourself then. Not much help when you do it infront of me"

Julia nodded and sighed. "We can make a deal then." Julia said and looked back at Y/N.
Y/N set down her vape "and what's that?"
Julia set down her cigarette and said "we both stop smoking. If I stop then you stop"

Y/N sighed and thought for a moment. 'No, don't agree on this Y/N.'
"Fine, deal" Y/N said. Then she paused and thought. "Can I still drink?"
Julia chuckled. "Only with me. Remember, you're still underage. So, unless you're with me then no"
Y/N smiled and nodded.


3 chapters in a day. Luckyyy🍀😁

Lmao, here's chapter 5. Chapter 6 will be up tmmr morning before I go to school and chapter 7 will be out tmmr night after I get home from school!

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