Chapter 7

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Y/N shot up to see Julia sitting up in her bed. Julia looked around her room then her eyes landed on Y/N. "What the fuck did you do!?" Julia yelled getting up from her bed and walking over to her.

Y/N was scared. "W-What?"
"Did we? Did you....oh no, that's bad" Julia started. Y/N finally realized.
"Oh! No Julia, we didn't! Just you were drunk and so I brought you here."

"Then why are my clothes off!?" Julia yelled. Y/N bit her lip. "Y-You looked uncomfortable in the I-" Y/N paused and looked down. "So I took it off for you" Y/N said quickly.

Y/N saw Julia relax a bit. She looked up to see Julia blushing madly. "J-Julia? Do you remember at all what happened last night? In my room?"
Julia walked over to her bed and grabbed her night robe. "I-...." She started then sighed. She walked back over to Y/N and nodded. "Yes....I'm sorry for what I did"

Y/N quickly spoke "No.....I mean...I didn't mind it" she stopped as she realized what she said and slapped herself mentally. "Sorry, I'll shut up now"
Julia chuckled. "Its alright, dear."

"We missed breakfast..." Julia pointed out. Y/N slowly nodded as she looked up at Julia.
'God she's so beautiful' Y/N thought.
"That means we can go out for breakfast" Julia smiled. Y/N smiled back. "Where?" She asked.

Julia thought for a moment. "Well, we could go to my favorite diner that's downtown." Julia suggested.  Y/N nodded and got up from the couch. "Ill go get dressed then"
YN said and walked out to her office.

Y/N walked to her room and put on ripped jeans and a croped pink long sleeve shirt.
Y/N curled her hair so there were nice waves. She put on more eyeshadow on than usual

Julia knocked on Y/N's door shortly after

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Julia knocked on Y/N's door shortly after. "Come in" Y/N said, walking out of her bathroom to find Julia walking in. Julia stopped in her trackes when she saw Y/N.
Y/N noticed and giggled.
"You look nice too, Julia"

Julia snapped out of her trans and giggled nervously. "A-Are you ready to go?" Julia asked. Y/N nodded and walked out of the room with her.
They took Elizabeth's Chevy and drove into town to Julia's favorite breakfast diner.

Once they got there, Julia looked at Y/N who was looking down and picking at the skin around her nails. Julia moved her hand onto Y/N's hand, making her look up.

"Its alright" Julia reassured her softly. Y/N smiled weakly and got out of the car. Julia took her hand and walked into the diner.
"Goodmorning Julia! How are you this morning. Haven't seen you in a while!" One of the workers called and walked over to them. Y/n tensed up so, Julia squeezed Y/N hand a little.

"Goodmorning, Rue. I'm doing great. How are you doing?" Julia replied. "Im hanging in there..." Rue smiled and turned towards
Y/n. "And who's this here?" She asked.

Julia looked at Y/n who was slightly smiling at Rue but trying to avoid contact. "This is Y/n. One of Carolyn's friends. Y/n will be staying here for the rest of the summer"

Julia decided to leave out that y/n was possibly going to stay here for a little longer. For personal reasons. "Nice to meet you, Y/n!" Rue smiled. "Nice to meet you"
Y/n said quietly.

They were steated down and ordered their food. "I know it's early, Julia but....could I possibly get some booze right now?" Y/n asked looking down.
"I mean...I wouldn't see why not. We just have to be careful of who's watching when you have it"  Julia said.

They ordered some booze and their food finally came to the table. "Hows the food?" Julia asked, putting some of her omelet into her mouth. Y/n swallowed and nodded. "Its great, best omelet I've had"
Julia smiled.

Little bit after, Julia took some of Y/n's omelet and ate it while y/n was sipping some of her liquor. "Hey!" Y/n said. "You have your own" y/n giggled. Julia laughed and shrugged.
"Had to make sure yours wasn't better than mine"
"Fuck you" Y/n joked, making Julia laugh again.


Sorry this took a long time. I was in Geography and I had 3 projects to do and it was so stressful. Next week I think I'll be able to post more often😄💖

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