Chapter 8

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The boys have visited a lot of places already. They visited the 'Mouth of Truth' which was basically just a face in the wall. Apparently you have to stick your hand in it and when you lie it bites your hand off. Harry was intrigued by the story while Louis was just taking the piss off it. He kept saying bullshits while his hand was in that weird mouth. He kept saying things like 'I have 5 feet, I am president of the United States and I am ugly' proving to Harry that a piece of stone can't bite your hand off. He got a bit scared though when his hand was a little stuck for a while. Harry rolled his eyes and helped his boyfriend getting his hand out of the wall, mentioning again that he is in love with an idiot.

After that they visited the Pantheon and Forum Romanum. Harry was really interested in the history and kept telling stories that he heard in history class. He mentioned some gods and which function those building had back in the time. Louis doesn't really remember anything anymore. He talks really passionately about it and Louis wonders why Harry didn't study history or something. He would be a great archaeologist or a history teacher. He really sees Harry doing that after tonight. For Louis all those things were just old stones and he didn't give a shit about them or what they were used to be. He doesn't understand why people love it so much. They might have been great and big and amazing back in the time but right now these are fucking stones, nothing more in Louis' eyes.

If he would be here on a school trip, Louis would have probably snuck out and went for ice cream or something, or maybe he would have joked with his classmates. But he is here with Harry and seeing those green eyes sparkle when he tells all those stories make him smile and he actually pays attention. Not to the words the curly lad is saying though. He is paying attention to those beautiful pink lips that tell those stories. How he just wanted to shut the boy up by kissing him.

Right now they are at the Spanish Steps. They are just lazily making out, taking a rest from all the walking.

"Do you want to race me up to the stairs?" Harry asks Louis.

"Babe, you know how I feel about exercising. Why do you always feel the need to do physical stuff. I mean if it's in the bedroom yes but..."

Harry playfully slaps Louis' shoulder. "That's for later. Come on, Lou. I bet I can win easily." Harry knows how to motivate Louis.

"You didn't just say that. I may hate exercise but that doesn't mean I'm not good at it. I'll race you, curly. On 3. 1,2..."

Louis being the little cheater he is he already starts running and while he is already a few steps in front he screams '3!'.

"YOU ARE SUCH A CHEATER, LOUIS TOMLINSON!" Harry screams trying to catch up with the smaller boy. "AM NOT!" Louis screams back.

"I can't believe I still won while you cheated." Harry says proudly when he is at the top of the stairs.

"Okay, one: I didn't cheat and two: Of course you win! Your legs are like the ones of a giraffe! It's not fair. You take like five steps at once." Harry rolls his eyes and kisses Louis' lips. "As long as you don't cheat on me, I don't mind." He whispers against the smaller boys' lips. "Never." Louis whispers back, the honesty dripping of his voice. Louis connects their lips again and his hands are tangled in Harry's curls. There is no one on the streets. It's 4 in the night and it's just the two of them kissing each other like they never have before. "Let's go, babe. I've got two more stops. We should do them before the sun rises." Louis' voice is soft and he looks straight in Harry's green orbs. Harry smiles and nods. He takes Louis' hand in his and follows the older boy. This must have been the best night in his life and it's still not over. Harry doesn't know how this can get even better.

"The Trevi fountain!" Harry whispers when Louis removes his hands from his eyes. "I've always wanted to visit this place! Oh, Lou!" Harry hugs Lou tightly and peppers his face with kisses.

"I know you wanted to, Hazza. What did you think? That I organised a midnight trip in Rome without your favourite place? You shouldn't think so low from me." Louis jokes. He puts his hand in his pockets, looking for something and then takes his hand out.

"Here is a coin. Make a wish, babe." Harry takes the coin from Louis' hand.

"Let's make our wish together." Harry says. Louis nods, agreeing with his boyfriend. Both boys take the coin in one hand while holding the other's hand in the other, making a wish in their head and they throw the coin in the water at the same time.

"What did you wish for?" Louis asks when he sees their coins sinking in the water.

"That you and me would last forever. Did you wish the same?" Harry's voice is hopeful.

Louis shakes his head. "No, I didn't. I don't need to wish that. I know it will happen. We are soulmates."

Harry smiles automatically. Louis calling them soulmates is his favourite sound in the world.

"Then what did you wish for?" Harry asks still holding Louis' hand.

"You should know me by now, Harry. I don't jinx my wishes. I won't tell you. I never do." Louis says smirking, knowing that Harry hates it when he hides something.

"You can't be serious, Lou! I told you my wish, that's not fair!" He complains.

"And what are you going to do about it, Styles?" Louis says cheekily, hand resting on his hip.

Harry thinks for a second and then gets an evil grin of his face. "This." He simply says.

He picks up Louis and drops him in the shallow water of the fountain. "AAAAH!" A scream escapes Louis' lips when his body makes contact with the water underneath him.

Harry laughs loudly when he sees Louis being soaked.

"I forgot that your hobby is to drop me in freezing water." Louis snaps when he is standing up.

"You should have remembered that before taking me to a fountain." Harry has an amused smile on his face.

"Well babe, then you should have remembered that my hobby is to pull you with me." Louis quickly grabs Harry's arm and pulls him into the fountain with him.

"Fuck!" Harry curses when he feels the water surround him.

"You thought you were smart, didn't you?" Louis smirks when Harry shakes his curls trying to get the water out.

"No, I thought my boyfriend wouldn't pull me into a fucking fountain on a romantic date he planned for me."

"Hey, you started this war." Louis defends himself.

"And I'm continuing it as well!" Harry puts his hands in the water and splashes it all over Louis.

"I can't believe you!" Louis jumps on Harry's back, making them both fall into the water again.

They both start laughing loudly while looking at each other.

"Do you think we will get in trouble for fucking in this fountain?" Louis says when eyeing Harry. He licks his lips when he watches his boyfriend. His curls are messy and his shirt is stuck on his chest. It is turning Louis on... a lot.

"I think we are in trouble anyway. Look, Lou!" Harry points at a police car and two cops running towards the fountain.

"Fuck... Come take my hand. We have to run." Louis takes Harry's hand and both boys jump out of the fountain to the last place Louis has planned to visit, Italian police chasing them and cursing in Italian for the first ten minutes.

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