Chapter 12

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Harry started his concert only a few minutes ago and he is on his second song. Louis looks at the boy in awe and it makes Gemma's heart swell.

"You have such a heart eyes when you look at my brother. It's disgusting, Louis." Gemma jokes.

"You are just jealous that he is the perfect one of the family." Louis jokes back.

"You didn't go there, did you." Gemma pokes Louis in the ribs which makes Louis giggle. The two talk a bit and look at Harry's concert. Louis loves seeing him perform. He is such an angel.

"You know that this is the first time I see my brother perform."

"Really? You didn't go to see him on his UK-tour?" Louis asks.

Gemma shakes her head. "No, I gave birth during the beginning of that tour. Want to see a picture of my sweet, little girl? Her name is Anna."

"Yes, please! There can never be enough people from the Styles' family!" Louis says excited.

"I think you mean your family." Gemma corrects Louis. Louis heart swells and Gemma knows what she is doing. She understood from Harry that Louis isn't always confident and that he really needs a lot of confirmation before he feels included. She really wants the boy to feel a part of their family. She knows how important he is to Harry and she also knows that her mom won't be easy and accepting. She still is not over the fact that her little boy is together with another boy. The day that Harry was all over the internet declaring his love for Louis, she cried and cried. She didn't leave her bedroom for days. She only prayed and prayed asking god to save her son from the devil. It was horrible for Gemma to see her mother like that. She loves the woman that raised her with all her heart but how can she be so homophobic? How can she be against her own sons' happiness? It makes Gemma upset and she holds her heart for the day that Louis actually meets their mother. She knows that's a day that Louis needs Harry's and Gemma's support. It will break the boy. She has seen how fragile and scared he is.

Gemma takes her phone out of her bag and goes to her gallery. She shows a picture from herself who carries the little girl and a boy with black hair and blue eyes is standing behind her. His hand is resting on Gemma's shoulder and has a look full of adoration in his eyes when he looks at his new born girl.

"This is Toby, my husband and this is our little Anna." She zooms in on the picture so only the baby is on the screen. She has black hair and green eyes and she looks absolutely gorgeous. Louis is already in love with her only seeing a picture.

"She is so cute! I can't wait to meet her one day and hug her. Oh she is adorable!" Louis' eyes are shining and he hopes one day he will have a picture like this with Harry and his child. He wants it so badly. It's the thing he wants the most in life. Just him and Harry with a bunch of kids running around, ring on their fingers, living happily together. Louis feels butterflies in his stomach. This is perfection. He wants it and he wouldn't mind if it happens rather sooner than later.

"I'm sure she will love her uncle Louis. Harry hasn't met her yet either. He flew straight to Spain after his tour to see you. Thanks for forgiving my brother, Louis. He really loves you a lot. I don't know what was going on before but I know he will not make that mistake again. I like the two of you together, a lot. You guys are way cuter together then Haz and Caroline."

Louis literally feels like throwing up when he hears that name and his face pales.

"I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have mentioned her. What she did to you was fucked up. I made sure her parents knew what she did though. She is now in a place where they do a kind of therapy to control her anger or something. Let's call it hippy therapy. She is doing it in Manchester."

Louis' mouth literally drops. Caroline in therapy?

"She is what? How..." Louis is confused.

"After Harry called me and told me what happened and what she did, I talked to her parents. I can't let her come near my baby brother and his boyfriend again. She is fucking psycho. Harry doesn't know about it though so don't be pissed he didn't tell you."

Louis just nods, not knowing what to do with this new information. He just decides to watch the concert. Harry is giving his all on the stage and Louis just admires the boy.

After a couple of songs the concert is over. Harry walks into the backstage and picks up Louis, turning him around before kissing his lips.

"Hello, sister is right here! You know, the one you barely see." Gemma jokes. Harry rolls his eyes and lets go of Louis to hug his sister as well.

"Ieuwl, you are sweating! That's just... Yuk!" Gemma quickly pushes her brother away from her and Harry grins.

"Come on, big sister. Don't you want your small brother to hug you!" Harry jumps on the girl and Louis laughs loudly. He is so happy to see Harry like this but it also hurts a lot. This could have been Lottie and him... He misses Lottie so bad. The others of course as well, but knowing that Lottie is still walking around somewhere on this earth makes Louis wonder how it would be if they would be reunited.

The rest of the evening is quite. The three had dinner together, went for a walk and took some nice selfies together that Gemma posted proudly on her Instagram. She wanted to show the world that she is happy for her brother and his lover, that she supports the pair. After putting a heart and a rainbow emoji as a description under her picture, she says goodbye to her brother and Louis. First she goes to Harry.

"I'm so proud of you, little bro. You are an amazing artist and I'm so happy I've seen you again. Treat Louis right, okay? He loves you to death." She whispers in Harry's ear. Harry nods and he can't wipe the smile of his face. Gemma is really important to him and hearing his sister praise his boyfriend all the time makes him happy.

Than Gemma walks over to Louis and maybe she pulls him even in a tighter hug. She has grown to like the boy a lot. He is perfect for her little brother.

"I will see you soon, yeah Louis? Don't change, you are amazing. Don't forget that you are family, little bro. You can call me whenever you want, I'll be there. Even if it's to complain about that stupid curly head." Gemma jokes.

Louis smiles brightly at the girl that's one year older than him. "Thanks, Gemma. Have a safe flight home and hug that baby of yours. Tell her about uncle Louis!" Gemma nods, assuring she will do that. She waves at the boys one last time and walks into her hotel room.

"Gemma really likes you, babe." Harry says when they are walking back to the bus. "She is an amazing sister." Louis wants to sound happy, he really does and he also is kind of happy. The sister of the love of is life literally accepted him into their family. Louis should be jumping around and screaming from happiness. Yet he doesn't do that.

Harry stops walking and puts his hand under Louis' chin.

"Baby, what's going on? I can see it in your eyes that you are not fine. Did something happen?" Harry's sounds really worried and Louis can't stop himself anymore. He starts crying and he clamps himself onto Harry's shirt when the taller boys pulls him in his chest.

"What's wrong, Boo? Please don't cry. Tell me, what's going on? I'm here yeah." Harry rocks Louis and kisses his hair, hoping to calm the smaller boy down.

"I miss them Harry. I miss my sisters. I miss Lottie..."

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