Chapter 2

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After a short flight of 45 minutes the boys arrived in Barcelona. They got a few stares from people on the plane. Harry tried to disguise himself as good as possible but honestly, how can someone miss Harry? They got their first reactions from people outside and both boys couldn't be more happy. One fan came up to them to congratulate Harry and Louis, telling Harry that she would never stop being a fan because of the person he loves. Harry kissed her cheek, took a picture with her and started following her on twitter. He would do any favour for a fan with this mentality. He wishes the whole world was like this.

Right now Harry and Louis are relaxing in their hotel room. They don't need to take out the stuff out of their suitcases because tomorrow in the morning they are already leaving. Louis is still shocked how luxury this hotel is. Yes he has been working in a hotel for a long time, but his hotel was nothing compared to the one they are staying right now. The walls are white and there are gold details. There is a jacuzzi in their room and a huge tub and it's all really overwhelming.

"What are you thinking about, love?" Harry strokes Louis' hair and puts a stray behind his ear.

"I still can't believe this is real. We are out and now I'm here with you in Barcelona in this amazing hotel and I just... It feels like I'm dreaming. I'm sure I'm dreaming. One second I thought you were leaving me again and the other I'm here laying beside you, not having a single worry."

Harry admires the boy that's sitting next to him and he takes his hand while coming closer to his love. He connects their lips and kisses Louis' softly, their lips moving in synch.

"This is real, baby. This must be the most real thing in my life. You are the most real thing in my life. We made it." Harry's voice is barely a whisper but Louis hears every single word and it makes his heart burst.

"I love you, Hazza. I'm sorry for doubting you." Louis climbs on top of Harry's lap, wanting to be as close as possible to the younger boy.

"I'm sorry for ever giving you reasons to doubt me." Harry puts his arms around Louis' small waist and kisses his neck.

"It's fine. It's in the past. I know you are serious about this, about us. You know I am too, right?" Louis makes blue and green meet and a beautiful smile plays on Harry's face.

"I know, boo. Now do you want to enjoy that amazing jacuzzi that's standing there? Because tomorrow we are sleeping in a tour bus. It's not really the same amount of luxury." Harry jokes.

"Carry me."

"Lou, babe. You do need to change to go in there you know." Harry chuckles.

"Undress me."

"Babe, where are your swimming shorts? Then I take those first." Harry wants to push Louis a bit off him so he can check his suitcase.

"Don't need them. I'll go naked. Now undress me and carry me to the jacuzzi. I'm lazy." Louis' hides his face into Harry's neck and the curly lad smiles, automatically rubbing Louis' back.

"Naked in the jacuzzi? Yeah I'm not objecting." Harry whispers in Louis' ear. His hands slip under his shirt and puts it off, throwing it around the room. When both boys are fully naked, they go into the water. Harry immediately pulls Louis on his lap and rests his head on his shoulder. He loves this position.

After making out for a while both boys are out of breath. They are just sitting silently in the hot water, pecking each other from time to time and enjoying the fact that they are together.

"I want to tell you something." Harry says after a while. "Tell me." Louis' opens his eyes so he can look at his boyfriend.

"I've been looking for a new management for a while. I'm sorry I never told you before. I just didn't want to give you hope in case nobody wouldn't want me." Harry admits. Louis smiles and kisses Harry's forehead.

"No worries, love. So how is it going?"

"That's what I wanted to tell you. Our next stop will be in Madrid. I have a meeting over there with Benjamin Stevens."

Louis' mouth drops. "Benjamin Stevens? Harry he is amazing! When are you going to meet him?" Louis is really excited to hear this. Harry finding a new manager would be perfect. He is tired of the glances that Jeff gives them all the time.

"Tomorrow we will arrive there. I have to call him when I'm there. I'll have a meeting with him in his hotel. I would for you to come with me, babe." Harry looks up at Louis' face.

"I mean not that I don't want to be there and support you, Hazza but why would I come with you? I am not the artist, you are."

Harry takes Louis' hand in his and gives it small kisses.

"I want you to be with me because 1: you are my good luck charm. 2: I want to be with you every single second of the day. 3: You give me great advice and you can actually read people. You're barely wrong about them and 4: If he doesn't accept you, I don't want to be signed with him. I'm changing management because I want someone that supports us. I'm not going to work for Jeff 2.0. If I notice he even has a slight problem with you, there is no deal. You are my priority. I would rather have no management at all than making you sad again. I promised you I would do anything to make us work this time and really Lou I'm not breaking that. I'm not making huge decisions by myself from now on. I will discuss everything with you, making sure you are okay with it. We are a proper couple now and that's how that works, right?"

Louis smiles brightly at the boy with the head full of curls. "Yes, yes I think that's how that works. Don't ask me, Hazza. You are my first real relationship. I really liked what you just said. I'll come with you to the meeting. I love you, babe. You make me genuinely happy. I hope this meeting will go well. You shouldn't stop doing what you do. Your voice is amazing, your concerts are amazing and so are your fans. If this one doesn't work out, we will find someone else. I promise." Louis kisses Harry. The kiss gets hotter and hotter and before they know, they are caught up in each other, showing the other one how much they mean to them by the language of love.

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