Chapter 21

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The boys have been in the car for a while now. Harry is driving and Louis is bored. They already listened to some music, talked and now they are playing child games.

"I spy with my little eye and it's... black!" Harry says.

"Your shirt?" Louis guesses. Harry shakes his head.

"My shirt?"


"The wheel of the car?"


"Euhm... Your bandana!"


"The leather of the car seats?" Louis' voice is already getting a bit more annoyed.


"Tell me Harry, there is literally nothing black anymore in this car." Louis sighs.

"It's the pupil of your eye."

Louis glares at Harry. "You can't be serious, Haz?"

"I am. You didn't guess that. I won this round." The curly lad says proudly.

"Okay now it's my turn. I spy with my little eye and it's red."

"Your phone case?" is Harry's first guess.

"That's not it, babe."

"Your lips."


"Your keychain?"

"That's not it, Hazzabear."

"Euhm... Oh! The sticker on the bottle of coke!" Harry says proudly, being sure he gets the answer.

Louis makes a clacking sound with his tongue and shakes his head.

Harry is thinking. What other think can possibly be red.

"Are you wearing red underwear?" He guesses.

"I don't know, Haz. Maybe you should find out." Louis winks at the curly boy. Harry is blushing and it makes Louis chuckle.

"I'm joking, baby. I'm not even wearing any underwear." Louis leans over so he can whisper it in Harry's ear. The younger boy is flustered.

"You are so easy to wind up. No my underwear of the day is blue. Now keep guessing curly head."

Harry guesses like seven more things but give up when he literally doesn't see anything red anymore.

"I give up, Lou. Just tell me, what did you spy. What's the fucking red thing?" Harry sighs.

An evil grin appears on Louis' face.

"Your swollen dick later after I've been teasing it."

Harry's mouth is literally dropping on the floor, trying to still focus on the road while Louis puts his legs on the dashboard, nonchalantly playing angry birds on his IPhone. "Another round?" he asks innocently.

"Let's just listen to some music." Harry says nervously. He turns on the radio again and Louis can't help but feel proud of himself. He loves having this effect on his boy.

The boys have to drive 30 more minutes until they arrive at the hotel they are staying and the music is now really loud. Both boys are really talented singers, but if someone heard them right now Harry would literally lose his job.

"AND I WOULD WALK 500 MILES! AND I WOULD WALK 500 MORE!" Harry sings loudly.

"JUST TO BE THE MAN WHO WALKED A 1000 MILES TO STAND RIGHT AT YOUR DOOR!" Louis continues at the same high volume.

"TARATA!" Harry starts.

"TARATA!" Louis goes on.



"TARARAARARARAAAAA!" both boys sing in synch. It doesn't sound like singing though, it's more screaming but the boys are enjoying themselves like the little kids they are. Harry looks at the boy besides him and he just loves it when Louis laughs like this. Louis' laugh is the most wonderful sound on this planet and probably even from the whole universe. The smaller boy is perfect and Harry bites his lip trying to hide his huge smile. Louis' eyes are shining which they only do when he is happy and Harry is quite sure that's the reason his own green orbs are shining as well. He hopes Louis will like his project.

"OH! THIS SONG! HAZZA PUT IT LOUDER!" Louis says enthusiastically when he choses another song from Harry's so called 'sing along' playlist.

It went on like this for twenty more minutes until the two boys are driving passed a sign.

'Welcome in Doncaster'

Louis' eyes go wide and Harry bites his lip taking in the reaction of his fiancé sitting next to him.

"Harry, why are we in Doncaster?" Louis asks softly, turning the loud music completely off now.

"It's where my project is." He simply explains.

"What is your project, Hazza? Tell me. Now." Louis' voice is a bit more stern. He really wants to know why he is in the city where he grew up.

Harry doesn't respond immediately and it pisses Louis off.

"Harry, what is your project?" he says now really impatient. His good mood is completely gone now. What the hell would Harry possible have to do in fucking Doncaster?

"I will tell you when we are in the hotel."

Louis only mumbles a small 'fine' under his breath and doesn't speak anymore. His arms are crossed and he watches outside the window, seeing the place where he has lived for the first 16 years of his life.

It's ten minutes later now and Harry checked the boys in while Louis just grabbed the key from the girl behind reception and stormed into the room.

He throws his bag aside and falls down on the bed, not even bothering to take his shoes off. Only a few minutes later the curly lad walks through the door and puts the 'Don't disturb' sign.

"Lou, don't be upset with me. I will tell you." Harry says as he is changed in his pyjama.

"I don't get it, Harry. Why would you bring me here? It hurts. Can you not do your fucking project on your own? You've been doing that for the last three weeks anyway. I don't see why I had to come with you." Louis snaps.

"Baby, believe me and trust me." Harry pulls Louis on his lap and kisses his forehead.

"Now, tell me. What is your project?" Although Louis is a little bit pissed at Harry for bringing him to Doncaster, he leans automatically into his touch and cuddles the curly lad. He can't help it. He is clingy and craves his attention.

"Make Louis as happy as possible." Harry whispers into Louis ears.

It gives Louis goosebumps and wakes up the butterflies in his stomach when he hears those words but yet he is still really confused.

Louis' anger has faded and talks in a soft tone to Harry, not demanding or annoyed anymore. "Baby, how is bringing me back to Doncaster going to make me happy? It hurts to be here." Louis confesses, not wanting to hurt Harry. He did plan the trip with good intentions.

"It took me some time, research and a couple of e-mails but Louis, I found your sister. I know where she lives. We're going to see her tomorrow, Lou. You'll be able to talk to her."

Louis eyes are tearing and a million feelings are roaming his body. He is going to see his sister. He is going to talk to her and hug her and... He burst out in tears and hugs Harry tightly.

"I can't believe this. I'm so sorry for scolding you. Thank you so much, Harry. Why did you do this for me?" Louis doesn't want to sound ungrateful but this is the greatest thing someone has ever done for him. Harry already had that title on him, but this... Finding Lottie, it means the world.

"We're going to get married, Lou. Your sister should be on the biggest day of your life, our lives..." 

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