Chapter 17

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Her long blond hair is tied in a bun, covered with a diamond elastic. She wears a pastel pink dress in lace and she is wearing nude heals. She is wearing a bit of make up but nude colours. Caroline looks gorgeous and Harry can't stop looking at her.

Not because he thinks she looks absolutely stunning, no. He can't stop looking at her because he can't believe it she is actually here in front of him. He can't believe she is in his house. Hasn't she done enough already? Harry wants to rip all her out, punch her in the face and kick her out. How is this even possible?

When Harry looks next to him he sees Louis with a blank expression. The boy is literally shaking. He is scared. If his mother-in-law is able to invite someone who drugged Louis to lunch, what else can she do? Not that Louis thinks she will kill him but this scares him a lot. He knows what Caroline is capable of.

Gemma feels anger boiling in her. Her mother can't be serious, can she? The girl is the first one to speak.

"What did you think, mother? All the other criminals weren't free today so let's invite the psychotic bitch that drugged your son-in-law?"

Harry has pulled Louis on his lap and whispers sweet nothings to calm him down. He really wants to fight his mother right now as well but he knows he has to be there for his fiancé. Louis is on the verge of a breakdown and Harry can see it. He kisses the boys' temple and rubs his back, helping the smaller boy with his breathing. He can't let him have a breakdown.

"Gemma Styles I did not raise you using language like that! Your new born is in the room! Do you want her to learn words like this?" Anne scolds her daughter.

"I would rather have her curse than hang out with a fucking criminal, yes mother." Gemma hisses. Caroline wants to open her mouth but Gemma cuts her off.

"Don't you dare say a single word. How much did mommy and daddy pay to get you out early of your therapy, huh? How do you even have the guts showing up here? Knowing what you have done to my brothers."

"You only have one brother, Gemma Styles. Don't you dare call that abomination your brother." Anne is beyond angry right now as well.

Harry is boiling inside. He wants to scream to his mother but first he has to take care about his boy.

"Lou, baby. I want you to go upstairs okay?" Harry whispers.

Louis shakes his head. "I'm not leaving your side. Harry, don't leave, please don't leave!" The boys is panicking again and Harry shushes him.

"Okay, you can stay here. But I'll have to talk to my mother. I love you no matter what, okay?" he whispers into the older boys' ear.

Louis only nods. He can't believe it that his mother-in-law hates him so much that she invites the person that drugged him. Is Louis really such a horrible person?

Harry slowly lets go of Louis and kisses his forehead before he is mixing himself in the conversation.

"First of all, Caroline I want you to go now." Harry's voice is stern.

"Harry, I'm not here with any bad intentions. I want to apologise to you and Lou..."

"Don't. If you want to show you are sorry walk out that door now. I will involve police." Harry snaps.

"Harry, you don't talk to the lady like that!" Harry defends her.

"Are you fucking sick, mother? She drugged Louis! Do I have to repeat it? SHE DRUGGED THE LOVE OF MY LIFE!" Harry is screaming now and Gemma moved a bit to the back, excluding herself from the conversation between her mother and her brother. She is sitting next to Louis and hugs the younger boy, whispering in his ear that yes he is loved and he is family and that Anne's reaction will never change that.

"Don't call him that, baby. You are just a bit confused and experimenting. That's why sweet, little Caroline is here. Do you remember how happy you were together?" Anne's hand is on Caroline's shoulder now.

"Confused? Experimenting? Mom I'm not in high school anymore okay? I know what I feel! He is the love of my life. We are engaged, mother. I asked him to marry me! Look! Look at the ring!" Harry violently shows off the ring on his finger and Anne feels her stomach turning.

"You're just engaged. You're not married yet, you are still free. We can still fix you."

Harry bursts out in tears.

"I don't need to be fixed. Why can't you be happy for me, mom? I found someone that I love unconditionally. I have found someone that loves me back. Someone that treats me right, makes me happy, makes me feel loved, protects me, takes me out on those amazing dates. I'm with someone that would sacrifice everything for me, someone I can trust. He supports me in everything I do and every decision I make. Mom, I'm engaged to someone that accepts my flaws and forgives all my mistake, even after how much they have hurt him. He accepts me. He doesn't ask anything from me, only love, trust and honesty. He is not selfish, he always puts me first. Why can't you be happy for me, mom? I found my soulmate, the one person that completes me and makes me feel like myself. I had the guts to propose to him and he said yes. Why are you not happy I'm going to share my future with my favourite person in the world? Why are you not happy that I finally found happiness? Why not, mom?"

Harry is sobbing loudly and Louis pulls himself together, getting away from Gemma. He has to be here now for his boy.

Harry dropped on his knees and Louis pulls him in a hug, rocking the boy from left to right.

Anne just looks at the boys. She is speechless and she only shakes her head.

"I'm so sorry, Harry. I just can't see you together with a boy..."

Harry starts even crying louder and even though Louis really wants to cry as well, he does his best to hold his tears and hug the boy even tighter. Harry clamps tightly on Louis' shirt. Many times it's the other way around, but this time Louis has to be there for Harry like Harry is always there for him.

"How can you be like this, mom?" Gemma screams. "We are not in the fucking medieval time, there is nothing wrong with being gay! Are you happy now? Look at your son, mother! Look at him! You caused this! You caused every single tear that's falling down on your floor right now. I hope you are happy. Would you really rather have a psychopath marrying your son than an amazing boy that cares about our little Haz? They love each other so much! Why can't you just agree. He makes your son happy. Open your eyes, mother. You are going to lose Harry if you keep pushing Louis away. I get that this is not what you imagined for him. I get it and there is nothing wrong with being honest, mom. You can prefer Harry with a girl. I get it. But do you really want to lose your son because you can't accept he is with a boy? Not just any boy, mom. Louis is amazing. Get to know him. Do you really want to do this?"

Gemma herself is crying as well. Seeing her brother and Louis like this breaks her heart. They both deserve happiness and acceptance, for sure after all they have been through.

"No son of mine is gay. It's a sin. If Harry choses this boy, he is no longer my son." 

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