Chapter 20

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The boys stayed two more days with Gemma. Harry was hoping his mother would come to her senses. Gemma even went over again to her to convince her to go apologise to Harry and Louis. She never did. Louis had the time of his life being with little Anna and treating her like her own but he felt bad to see Harry like this.

Harry acted like he was completely fine. He joked with his fiancé, played with his little niece, put pranks on Gemma and her husband but Louis could see through him. His eyes were not lighting up as they usually do when he is happy. He knew that right now he couldn't really do anything about it. That time was too soon. But Louis would fix this, he is determined he would.

Now it's the last week of Harry's holiday which means he hasn't been speaking to his mother for over a three weeks. Louis is sending songs to Benjamin from time to time, getting great feedback.

The boys used their free time to plan their wedding. They agreed to marry in Spain, more exactly on the deserted island where they went on their first date. The wedding is supposed to be in two months on the 28th. The number got a special meaning for the pair that Louis even tattooed it on his fingers.

Right now Louis is writing all the invitations and Harry is just sitting behind his laptop. He has been doing that a lot lately.

"What are you doing on your laptop all the time, babe." Louis asks while writing.

"It's a kind of project. When it's done I promise I will show you and we will go together. It's a really special one. I've been working on it for a while now and I think it's almost done, probably today." Harry announces.

Louis only nods and looks at the list of names. It isn't too long and he is almost finished. They are sending their invites two months before as they have to book flight tickets for their guests.

The rest of their day was a bit lazy. Louis went out to send all the invitations, Harry didn't leave his laptop and it was annoying Louis a bit. It has been like that for too long. He isn't clingy but he craves Harry's attention.

Okay, he is clingy but that's not the point.

"Baby, close that laptop." Louis moans as they are sitting on the couch together. Louis is barely paying attention to the movie that's on and Harry is occupied by the laptop that's resting on his knees.

"Yeah give me a second. I have to confirm the booking." Harry says while his eyes are not leaving the screen.

"The booking? Haz, baby what are you planning? Are you planning our honeymoon without me?"

Harry chuckles but still doesn't look at his lover who is sitting next to him. When Louis wants to watch over Harry's shoulder, Harry closes the laptop, puts it on the table and pulls Louis on his lap kissing him passionately. Louis immediately leans into the kiss and buries his fingers in Harry's curls, a small moan escaping his lips.

"You are so needy, babe." Harry smiles during the kiss.

"Am not. I don't like it that my fiancé spends more time on a stupid Macbook then he does on me. What are you doing on it, babe? It's been like that since we are back from Gemma. Are you writing fanfiction about yourself?" Louis jokes.

"Fanfiction about myself? What are you talking about?"

"You don't know what fanfiction is?"

Harry shakes his head. "Euh, no I don't think I do."

Louis grins and takes his phone out, opening Wattpad.

"This is an app and most of the time desperate, depressed and horny teenagers write stories on it about their idol. Lottie used to have a Justin Bieber story. There are a bunch stories about you, even about us together."

Harry's eye brow is risen. "What are they writing?"

"There is this one series where you are dating a girl and you are all abusive and toxic and you basically just fuck her all the time. It's called 'After'. There are four books. I honestly didn't like it and stopped reading after a few chapters. I don't like it that they portray you abusive and oh yeah even worse, straight." Louis jokes.

" Oh and then there is this cool story about us together. We are co-captains of a football team and we hate each other but we do fuck a lot. It's like enemies with benefits thing and then in the end we slowly fall in love and there is this glitter scene that we really have to try one night." Louis smirks thinking about the scene he read quite often. It was hot.

"And why do you have that app when I am literally next to you?" Harry smirks.

"Hey, I want to know how people portray us, okay. It's not for entertainment but research." Louis defends himself.

Harry shakes his head fondly, takes Louis phone and kisses his lips again, this time more heated. Just when Louis is about to remove Harry's shirt, his fiancé stops him.

"Not now, baby." Harry says slowly pushing the smaller boy off his lap. Louis looks disappointed and he makes puppy eyes and a pouting lip to the taller one.

"Why not? Hazza you are hot and now I was thinking about the glitter scene and..." Harry interrupts the boy by shortly pecking his lips.

"Tell me all about that glitter scene but not now; Now I want you to go to our bedroom and pack your bags. We are going away for a few days." Harry announces.

"What? But Harry..." Harry puts his finger on Louis' soft lips.

"Don't ask any questions. Just pack your bag. I have to fulfil the last part of my project and I just need you to come with me without asking any questions. I know how hard it is for you to not know something but you'll have to trust me on this one. Do you trust me?" Harry's eyes are piercing through Louis' beautiful blue orbs and the boy nods.

"Yeah, yeah I trust you. I'll go pack my bag."

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