Chapter 27

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Nerves, stress, anxiety. All of the above are running through Louis' blood right now as he is standing in front of Anne's door, the woman that hates him, despites him, because Louis made her son gay and that's a sin. He is in front of the door of the woman that rather has Harry together with a psychotic bitch that drugs people than having him together with a boy that truly loves him. Louis is shitting his pants and as his finger is pressing the little button of the doorbell, he just wishes he could die. He holds the envelope firmly in his hands. It's only a few seconds later that the black haired woman opens the door.

She is wearing a floral skirt with a red blouse that matches the flowers in her skirt. Her eyes go wide when she sees Louis but her shocked face quickly gets replaced with one full of disgust.

"What are you doing here?" Her voice is harsh.

"Good afternoon, miss Styles. I'm here to talk to you. I hope that's okay?" Louis is really nervous and he plays a bit with the envelope in his hands.

"Of course that's not okay. Go away from my property or I call the police. I don't want to see you here. You stole my son." Her voice is hard but also shaking from emotions. Louis doesn't know what to make out of it.

He wants to cry right here and now. Having the mother of your future husband talking like that to you is just painful, so so painful. But he is not shedding a single tear, not now. He has to keep strong for Harry. He can't have a breakdown right now.

"I never intended to do that, miss. I really don't want him to chose between the two of us. You mean a lot to him and Harry has been miserable without you. I hoped that we could talk and make things right between us. You don't have to like me, it's just for Harry's sake. You know, your son..."

Louis' heart is beating quickly and his hands are sweating. He really wants to disappear.

"I don't think he is miserable. It didn't take him long to chose a guy he knows for like almost a year before his own mother that has raised him for 22 years. I don't think my son really had issues leaving his mother behind. You took everything away from me. Harry doesn't talk to me, Gemma barely speaks to me and its has been 2 weeks that I have seen my only grandchild, probably the only biological grandchild I will have because my boy is ..." Anne can't say the word. It's impossible to speak out. Louis bites his lip and hands the envelope over to Anne.

"I am so sorry you are in this pain, miss. Believe me when I say that I know how it is to miss family. I have been through that, still going through that every single day. I know you hate me but I could never hate you, miss. You gave me the love of my life.. I don't think talking more will help. But I wrote this letter and there is something else inside as well. I hope you will read it." Without saying another word, Louis turns around, texting Gemma to pick him up. A huge weight is off his shoulders. It didn't go as planned but honestly it could have gone a lot worse.

Anne looks at the envelope in her hand. She is not sure to open it or not but curiosity got the upper hand. She takes a letter opener, and takes the first piece of paper. The writing is neat and she starts reading.

Dear miss Styles

I know I'm not one of your favourite people and if you are reading this than this is going already a lot better than I hoped.

I know I am not what you wanted for Harry. I am so sorry I am not the future you imagined for your little boy. But I promise, I swear on my mothers' soul, that I love your son with whole my heart and I will do anything to make him happy. That's exactly the reason I was at your front porch. Because miss, Harry needs you and he really misses you. Even though he doesn't tell you, I know he does. I can see it. He is a bit stubborn, but of course you know. You are his mother.

I know Harry and I aren't together for the longest time. We know each other now for like almost a year and it's nothing compared to the previous relationship he had. But I can assure you that I love him like I have known him already all my life. I know every single thing about him, big and little.

I know he likes to cook, and he is really proud of his old job in a bakery even though he was only the cashier. He talks about it a lot. He likes making pancakes because it's the one thing that his grandmother taught him to make and he holds it close to his heart. He likes those dramatic telenovela's and he lives in them, like he is a character. He loves to eat fish but not when the eyes are still visible. It freaks him out. The noise of raindrops clapping on the window calms him down and when he hears that he craves a hot chocolate milk with whipped cream. It doesn't matter if it's hot or cold outside, he wants to drink his hot chocolate milk when it rains. He never takes naps during the day because he thinks it disturbs your sleeping pattern. He doesn't admit it but he loves fancy things like expensive restaurants. He acts like it's nothing to him but his eyes always sparkle when he is there and his smile is covering his whole face. He is the kindest, sweetest soul I have ever met and that's why I fell in love with him. I fell in love with his soul, not his gender.

He is a wonderful person and that's also why I know you are not as hateful as you acted last time. A hateful person can't raise someone like Harry. It's impossible Harry is raised by a bad person. He is an angel sent from heaven. I know it's your responsibility, miss. You created Harry as a person, no one else. I know his father has never really been in the picture. This beautiful, sweet, kind, polite, honest, trustworthy person? That's all you Anne Styles. You should be proud of the son you have raised.

In the envelope there is a flight ticket to Spain and a hotel voucher. I bought them for you. The ticket is flexible. If you would wish to attend our wedding, it is in 3 days: 28th of June. It's also the day we first met one year ago. Did you know your son peed on me? That's how we met?

If you don't wish to attend the marriage just enjoy a relaxing holiday but I am really hoping you pick the first option. It would mean the world for Harry if you would be there and honestly to me as well. I don't know you yet very well, Anne but I hope one day we can sit together, celebrating Christmas with you, Harry, Gemma, Toby, Anna and some beautiful kids Harry and I adopted. It's not biological, but you still will be a grandmother and I hope one day you will love our children as much as you love little Anna.

I hope to see you in Spain again, miss Styles

Louis Tomlinson 

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