Chapter 11

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Harry and Gemma are walking around Antwerp. They are eating a Belgium waffle topped with chocolate. Harry has bananas on his as well, Gemma chose strawberries. They decide to sit down on a bench in a beautiful parc.

"So, Haz. I would like to talk to you." Gemma says. "Fine, about?" Harry asks. "Louis."

Harry's heart is freezing. What if his sister doesn't like his boyfriend? It would be a huge deal for him if that was the case. He loves his sister so much but not that much he would break up with Louis if she doesn't agree with their relationship. Louis is everything.

"What about him?" Harry asks before taking a bite of his waffle. It's really nice but a challenge to eat.

"Is he good for you? Is he treating you the way you should be treated?" She asks making eye contact with the pair of eyes that resembles hers.

"He is, Gems. He means the world to me. He always makes sure that I'm fine before doing something or making any huge decisions. He makes me tea when my throat hurts, tries to cook when I'm tired after a show and we are on the road so unable to order food. It's horrible and must of the time it's burnt but he tries and it's cute. He plays with my curls when we watch a movie, kissing my hair from time to time. He always makes sure to mention that he loves me, never making me doubt. He takes his distance from people when he knows I would get jealous or hurt. He would never hurt me intentionally. He gives me those random hugs and love bites and it's so cute. He is a cheater in games but I know he would never cheat on me. He always finds new ways to show me how much he cares about me, about us, our relationship. He takes me out on those amazing dates, writes songs about his feelings for me and he makes me feel like the most important person on the planet. He trusts me with every single thing that ever happened in his life, which is very rare. He doesn't trust people easily and he gives himself to me. Knowing that I hurt him a lot in the past, he still took a risk to come with me on tour. Not that I plan on hurting him ever again like that, but knowing he trusts me like that is just everything. He is everything to me, Gems. And it's not only that. It's also the little things. He attends every interview, photoshoot and concert when he can. He always makes sure he has a bottle of water with him in case I need one during a show. He always supported me in every single thing I did even though he knows he will end up hurt, he still does. I was stupid that I let him go once and I'm not planning on making that mistake again. I love him so much I can't describe it. Most people say that the person they love make them a completely different person. This is not the case with Louis. He makes me feel like myself. I can be myself with him. He laughs with my dumb jokes even though they are not funny and he doesn't judge me when I get all history geeky. He just listens to what I have to say. He always listens to me. He is such a talker but he never interrupts me. He is far from perfect in other people's eyes. He has his flaws and insecurities but God Gemma I love him and I know there is no person walking on this planet that I would rather be with. So giving you the short answer on your question: Yes he is good for me and he treats me way better than I deserve."

Gemma looks at her brother with tears in her eyes. "God, Haz. I have never heard you talk like this, not even about Caroline."

Harry has a watery smile on his face and he wipes away his own tears. Saying those words out loud about Louis makes him emotional. He really won the jackpot having this boy as his boyfriend.

"We should go to the photoshoot or we are late." Harry says scraping his throat, hiding his emotion. Gemma nods and together they take a taxi to the venue.

"Hey, babe!" Louis jumps into Harry's arms when the siblings arrive. Louis was already there. "Hey, love." Harry connects their lips shortly and puts down his boyfriend gently.

"Harry, finally you are here! Go to make-up. You are late. And stop kissing that boy in public. It's horrible." Jeff snaps.

Gemma's eyes go wide when he hears the older man talking to her younger brother.

"Don't talk to my brother like that." "Don't talk to my boyfriend like that." Louis and Gemma both snap at the same time.

Jeff only rolls his eyes and takes Harry inside with him. Gemma and Louis follow slowly behind them.

After Harry is all done he is posing in front of a white background. Gemma and Louis are standing a bit in the back.

Gemma smiles when she sees the look on Louis' face. He looks at her younger brother like he is a god, like he is he only person in this room and it makes her smile. But then she thinks about Jeff again and she decides to ask Louis about him.

"Can I ask you something?" Gemma asks. Louis nods, his stomach feeling painfully. Immediately he is stressing. What if Gemma is going to ask him questions he can't answer?

"Is Jeff always like this to you guys?" Louis bites his lip, debating what he should answer. Harry said he tells everything to his sister but he clearly didn't mention Jeff's mental abuse. Is it up to him to tell her? But also he can't lie to his boyfriends' sister.

"Yeah, yeah he is regularly. I always try to fight him back but it clearly hurts Harry. I honestly can't wait for this tour to be over so he can be truly happy with a manager that accepts him. He doesn't deserve this. He is such an amazing person and I really just want to punch Jeff in the face. It clearly hurts Hazza and it makes me sick." Louis confesses. Gemma nods, a bit shocked by the words of her brothers' boyfriend.

"So, you really love him, huh?" She asks elbowing the smaller guy. Louis immediately blushes and nods.

"I'm crazy about him. He is the best thing that happened in my life. He is the only person I have. He is my family, my home, my everything." Gemma puts her arm around the boy sitting next to her.

"What do you love about my brother exactly? I'm sorry, Louis. You look like a good lad but we need to do this talk you know, me being the big sister and stuff."

Louis chuckles.

"I understand. I am... was an older brother as well." Gemma notices Louis correcting himself and she is really curious.

"What happened?" Louis doesn't know why but he trusts the girl sitting beside him.

"The youngest ones died. The oldest is living with her father. I have no idea where. We are not in contact anymore." He mutters. Gemma feels bad for the boy and pulls him in a hug.

"As long as you treat my brother right and keep loving him like the way you are doing now, I am your sister Louis. You can always come to me, yeah? My brother loves you to death and sees you as his whole world. That makes you family. I can't replace your real sisters but I can be your family if you allow me to." Louis' ears are tearing and he pulls Gemma in a tight hug.

"Harry was right when he said you are the best sister in the world."

Gemma chuckles and hugs the boy back.

"Yeah, and he was also right about you being a special and amazing human being. Louis, I haven't talked to you a lot but I see the way you look at my brother and how you immediately were fighting against Jeff to protect him. I know how Harry talks about you and how much he loves you. He also told me the things you do for him. Just know that I more than accept you in our family, Louis. Don't worry about mom, I will take care of her. Welcome to the Styles family, Louis."

Louis' heart is swelling and tears are rolling down his face. Harry gives him a worried look and wants to come over but Louis shakes his head, putting his thumb up to show him he was fine. He is even more then fine.

After 8 years Louis belongs to a family.

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