Chapter 25

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Harry and Louis are in the car towards the little hotel. Louis' emotions are all over the place after visiting his family's grave and now Lottie is waiting for him.

"Do you think she will forgive me?" Louis asks Harry.

"I think so, yeah. I know you very well and I know you would."

"That doesn't mean Lottie will."

"I think it does, Louis. She is just a younger female version of you. She has exactly the same instinct as you have. Problems? Let's avoid and ignore them. You do exactly the same, love. And that's okay because also like you, in the end she knows running doesn't solve anything. You will have to explain her everything, though. Also what  happened when you were with your father..." Harry says carefully. Louis nods. He knows Harry is right but he doesn't look forward to it.

Right now Lottie is sitting on a chair and Louis on the bed. Harry is staying at reception. He told Louis that this conversation should be only between the two of them. Louis agreed.

"I'm so glad you came." Louis starts the conversation. "Do you want a drink?"

Lottie shakes her head. "No. I just want to talk but first are you ok? You scared me yesterday."

Louis nods. "I'm fine now. It was only a panic attack, I have them more." He  explains.

"You never had them as a kid."

"Things changed, Lots. I have made a lot of mistakes in my life and I'm paying the price of that. If you allow me, I'll tell you. You are my sister and I don't want to have any secrets for you."

Lottie' heart is swelling from happiness but she doesn't show it. Instead she gives her brother a small nod.

"First of all I have to confess something." Louis bites his lip and he is scared to look at Lottie.

"Okay, confess."

"I like boys." Louis' lip is bleeding from biting but he stops when Lottie starts laughing very loudly.

"Why are you laughing?" Louis is so confused. Is it funny to her that her brother is gay? Is she laughing in his face?

"That's not a confession, Lou. The whole fucking world knows you are gay. You literally came out on international tv. I'm a teenager. I listen to music. I follow my idols. Your boyfriend is hot. I know how his love life is going." She jokes.

Louis can't hide a smile when he hears his sister talk like that. She is just as sassy as she used to be. Louis loves it.

"But now I don't want to talk about your hot ass boyfriend, Louis. I want to know why you left me and never talked to me. I needed my brother so much and you weren't there. Was it my fault? Didn't you love me? Wasn't I enough for you? Why did you hate me?"

The happy mood is gone in a second and is replaced by a sad one. Louis recognises himself in those dark thoughts. He can't have Lottie think like that. She is his angel.

"I'm sorry Lots. It's not at all your fault. I love you so much. It's just... A lot has happened since I moved in with Troy."

And Louis starts to tell the story from the moment he left Doncaster to right now, not leaving every single detail out. He is talking about living with troy, the boy that used him, Zayn taking him into his house in Spain, how he has been working as an entertainer and his full story with Harry. He might have let some things out like the drunk nights and the pot smoking, his sister isn't supposed to do that but mainly Louis has told her everything from the past eight years and Lottie did exactly the same. The siblings smile together and it looks like they have never been separated. It's one of the better moments in Louis' life.

"I'm so sorry about yesterday, LouLou." Louis heart flatters when he hears the nickname that only his sister is allowed to use.

"I get it, Lots. I haven't been a good brother but I promise I will be from now on. I'm living in London now. If there is anything I am only a phone call away." Louis pulls his sister into a hug.

"Thank you, Lou. You know it's the same the other way around, yeah?" Lottie asks. Louis nods. "I know, Lots. You have always been there for me. But now another subject... I heard you have a boyfriend!" Louis lifts his eyebrows up and down and smirks when his sister rolls her eyes.

"I knew you would start about that. His name is Matt. He is in my year, we have chemistry together, literally and figuratively." She jokes. Yes, the sense of humour is a family trait.

"Show me a picture!"

Lottie grabs her phone and shows her lock screen. The boy has black hair that is died and a few piercings. His arms are covered in tattoos. Louis smiles at his sister. He is not judging her choices.

"He looks like a good lad, Lots." He smiles.

"Are you serious? Dad is still pissed about it that I'm dating him because of his looks."

"Does he treat you right? Is he nice to you? Does he take you out on cute dates?"

Lottie nods, hiding her blush.

"Than I don't see the problem."

Lottie hugs her brother tightly.

"Does Harry do all these things for you?" Lottie asks.

An enormous smile appears on Louis' face.

"He does that and so much more, Lots. He makes me really happy. We are going to get married in two months. The wedding is in Spain and I would really like it if you and Mark come."

Louis looks a bit scared at his sister. He knows they just made up but still... This is a big deal.

"Of course we will come, Lou. I can't miss my brothers wedding. Oh Lou, I'm so happy for you! And just so you know; I really don't care that you are with a guy. You love who you love Lou and if Harry is making you feel like Matt is making me feel I wish you all the best. Now text your fiancé. I need to have a talk with him. He can't just marry my brother without permission."

Louis laughs while he is texting Harry to come up. He is so happy in this moment.

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