Chapter 16

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"How do I look?" Louis is watching himself in the mirror. He is wearing a black jeans that is not too tight and a red button up that's tucked into his trousers. He has put his hair to the back with gel, not wanting to look like a teenager with his fringe.

"You look amazing, babe. You always do. Now please get away from that mirror and kiss me." Harry pulls the guy he is going to marry away from the mirror and puts his plumb lips on Louis' tinner ones, slowly kissing down to Louis' neck. The smaller boy pushes Harry away when he feels a slight sucking.

"Don't you dare giving me a hickey, Styles. Your mother already hates me. If I show up with a fucking hickey she thinks we are having sex all the time." Louis' voice is raised a bit.

"Would she think a lie, though?" Harry has a huge smirk on his face.

"It's not funny, Harry." Louis snaps. Normally Louis could see the humour in this situation, but not today. Louis is a nervous wreck. He is going to meet the mother of his fiancé for the first time and she already hates him. He has to do everything so she can at least accept Louis.

"Love, come here." Harry puts his arms around the smaller boy and gives him a tight hug. Louis immediately leans into the hug.

"You don't have to stress this much, okay? We are going to my mom, not the president of the United States of America. Everything will be fine. I'll be there and I won't leave your side for a second. Gemma will be there as well and believe me when I say she knows how to talk to mom. She has saved me many times when I was a teenager."

Louis only nods. Harry's words don't help. The only thing he can think about is the fact that his future mother-in-law literally paid a holiday for Harry's crazy ex to 'ungay' him.

"We have to go now, baby. It's quite a drive and my mom hates it when I'm late. Let's go. It's still 3 hours." Harry takes Louis' hand and they walk to the car together.

After exactly three hours the boys arrive and Louis wants to jump off a bridge. Harry's house is huge. There is this beautiful front garden and there are stairs leading to the doorway. It's all white and this must have been one of the biggest houses Louis has ever seen.

"Did you forget to mention you were raised in a castle?" Louis snaps when they are walking towards the front door.

"Don't exaggerate, Lou."

"I don't get why I made such a big deal that I didn't meet your family or stayed hidden. By reading the situation I think I'd prefer to go back to dirty little secret."

"Louis, stop it. Nothing bad is going to happen. I'll ring the doorbell, you give the flowers okay?"

Louis nods and looks at Harry from behind his bouquet of roses.

"Harry, my baby!" A woman with long, black hair opens the door. She is wearing a beautiful floral dress and her earrings are made of diamonds. Louis is also quite sure these are Louboutins on her feet.

"Mommy! I have missed you so much!" The curly boy falls into his mothers arm and they hug. Louis feels really awkward.

"Mom, this is my fiancé Louis. Louis this is Anne, my mother."

The older woman looks with a scolding face at Louis but he tries to ignore it and he gives a warm smile to the woman.

"Hello, miss. It's such an honour to meet you. Harry has told a lot about you. I brought you flowers. Harry said roses are your favourite." Louis hands the flowers over to the woman but she doesn't take them.

"There is a vase in the hallway. Put them there."

Louis only nods while Harry gives an angry glare at his mother. He takes the flowers from Louis in his left hand, and intertwines with Louis' fingers on the right. He can see the fear in his fiancés face.

Louis looks around when they walk inside. The hallway walls are decorated with family pictures. Louis can't help but smile when he sees a baby picture from Harry.

"You were so cute!" Louis coos. Harry blushes while he puts the roses in a vase. "Don't look at them! Come, Gemma is in the living room."

Louis follows the taller boy to the other room. Again it's all luxury. There is a huge tv on the wall, glass closets with expensive china in them and paintings that don't look cheap at all.

" Harry! Louis!" Gemma stands up and first hugs her brother, then her brother-in-law. "How are you?" Her eyes are mainly on Louis.

"I'm fine, thank you Gems. How are you? Where is my baby?"

Gemma chuckles. "She is upstairs. Want to see her? You won't be able to meet Toby though. He is in Madrid for a meeting."

Both Harry and Louis nod enthusiastically and they follow Gemma upstairs. There is one room and the door is slightly open. Gemma enters that one. She puts her finger on her lips, telling the boys they have to be quiet.

Harry gasps when he sees his niece for the first time. "Gem, she is gorgeous... Please can I hold her later?" Harry begs. Gemma nods and she has a huge smile on her face when she watches Louis.

Louis looks at the girl like she is his whole world, eyes shining brightly. Louis thinks she is so beautiful and it reminds him of his little sisters when they were only babies. Gemma's heart is warming and she takes little Anna out of her bed.

"Want to hold her, Louis?" Louis watches her in unbelief. "Harry should hold her first. It's his niece..." How badly he wants to, he has to be fair towards his fiancé.

"It's fine, Lou." Harry says when he notices how in awe Louis is towards the baby. Gemma carefully hands the little girl over to Louis and naturally he holds her carefully, supporting the little head.

"Hey there, princess." He whispers, slowly rocking the baby. "I'm uncle Louis. Look at you, a little angel just like your mom and your uncle Harry. I'm already loving you so much. I'll always protect you. Nothing will ever happen to you." Louis kisses the baby softly and a tear rolls from his cheek. He remembers telling Daisy, Phoebe, Fizzy and Lottie the exact same words. He is not going to break this promise. He will protect the little girl with his life.

Gemma and Harry both look at Louis with tears in their eyes.

"He will make an amazing father, H. I don't think you could have made a better choice."

"I know. He is literally the jackpot."

After a while Anne calls everybody down. Gemma takes Anna over again and they walk down stairs.

"Mom, we are only 4. Why are there 5 plates? You do know Anna drinks from the bottle right?" Gemma raises her eye brow.

"I know, love. But I have a surprise. Someone came back yesterday from let's say holiday and I invited her." That moment the doorbell rings. "Oh, that must be her!" Anne runs towards the door and a few seconds later she is back with a girl standing behind her.

"Hi, Caroline. I'm so glad you could make it daring."

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