Chapter 9

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Both boys are resting against a wall when they finally shook of the police chasing them. They are laughing loudly and uncontrollably. They were already out of breath from the running but the laughing doesn't help either.

"That was so much fun! Have you seen their faces." Louis still laughs.

"The older one kept cursing in Italian like mate we don't you understand you." Harry joins in.

Louis wipes the tears of his face and takes Harry's hand, pulling him up. "We have to keep walking, love. It's our last stop and the sun will almost come up."

Fingers intertwined they walk through Rome. There are no people at all on the streets, only a taxi that drives past them from time to time asking if they want a lift. After a twenty minute walk they arrive at the final part of their date.

"The Colosseum!" Harry whisper yells.

"It's the most famous monument in Rome. Obviously I would take you here, babe. I was thinking to watch the sunrise here."

A smile appears on Harry's face. "That would be amazing."

As they are coming towards the entrance, they see a man waiting for them.

"Good night/ morning mister Tomlinson. Not sure what it is, really. I'm opening up for you. Please be out before 7. The staff will arrive." The man announces.

"No problem. Thank you so much for letting us do this." Louis thanks the man.

"You were really convincing when you came by here earlier. I couldn't say no to that. Here is a flashlight. You will need it." The man has a smile on his face and hands the flashlight over to the boys.

"Thank you so much. My boyfriend and I appreciate it a lot." Louis puts his hand around Harry's waist, holding the flashlight in his other hand and together they walk into the huge and very old building.

"This is a bit creepy. I don't get why families go in here." Louis says when they walk through the huge halls of the largest amphitheatre in the world.

"Families don't come here when it's night and dark, babe." Harry laughs. "Are you scared, boo?"

"Me? Scared? Pfuh, Of course not. I was just checking if you weren't scared." Louis tries to sound confident but he fails miserably. Harry noticed and decides to make a bit of fun.

"Did you know that many people died in here? There were a lot of fights. Sometimes it was human against human but many times they also made humans fight against wild animals like lions. The emperor decided who got to fight. Mainly the people that fought here were slaves, people who disobeyed the emperor's laws or war criminals. They stepped into the arena knowing they were going to die. Can you imagine their ghosts are hanging around here? Like this is the place where their life ended brutally.

Louis is shaking but still tries to act like he is fine. "Haha, ghosts, funny. Let's just go, yeah. I'd like to see the centre point of the arena. You know that place where you can see the moonlight."

Harry chuckles in himself. He loves scaring Louis. Louis is so cute when he is scared. They walk a bit further until Harry decides to pull one more prank on his boyfriend.

He puts his hand on Louis' shoulder screaming 'BOO!'

Louis screams like a little girl and jumps like 5 metres in the air. He drops the flashlight that breaks immediately falling on the hard stones.

"Fuck you, Harry!" Louis slaps Harry's arm and Harry is laughing loudly. He wants to pull Louis in a hug but the older boy just takes out his phone, using that as a flashlight and keeps walking.

"Oh, come on Lou. It was just a joke. Come here." Harry pouts and Louis rolls his eyes, walking into Harry's strong arms. "You're lucky I'm scared to walk alone and I love you." He mumbles face hidden in Harry's chest.

Harry smiles down on his boyfriend and kisses his head. "I love you too, boo. Now let's go to the centre so we don't miss the sunset. Oh and don't worry, I will protect you from the angry ghosts."

"I hate you." Louis mutters under his breath.

"I love you too, boo bear." Harry puts his arm protectively over Louis' shoulder pushing him against himself. He is trying to make the boy feel more comfortable.

"Here we are." The boys are finally in the middle of the arena after a lot of walking.

"Have this dance with me?" Louis whispers. He takes his phone out of his pocket and 'Rewrite the stars' starts playing. Harry smiles at the boy in front of him and he accepts the dance.

"Of course, love. Always with you."

Their foreheads are touching. Louis' hands are around Harry's neck while Harry's hands are resting on Louis' waist. There bodies are very close to each other as they dance.

"All I want is to fly with you. All I want is to fall with you." Blue and green meet when Louis softly sings this part of the song.

"So just give me all of you." Harry continues.

Their voices collide singing the next part but only in a whisper.

"It feels impossible, is it impossible? Say that it's possible.

How do we rewrite the stars? Say you were made to be mine. Nothing could keep us apart cause you were the one I was meant to find. It's up to you, it's up to me. No one can say what we're meant to be. How do we rewrite the stars? Say that the world could be ours tonight."

Louis stops singing, but Harry doesn't, putting his heart and soul in the last verse and changing the words.

"You know I want you. It's not a secret I try to hide. Now I can have you. We're free now, our hands untied."

A tear escapes Louis' eyes when Harry sings those words. He connects their lips, pushing the boy as close as possible to him. He wants to feel him, show him how much he means to him. The sun is slowly rising while the boys are sharing their kiss full of love. They stop and watch the sunrise together. Harry's arms are wrapped around Louis from behind and his chin is resting on Louis' head.

They look at the sun slowly coming up without saying a word. This is all they need and Louis thinks he never felt as happy as he does now.

And Harry? Harry keeps thanking the lord for bringing Louis into his life. He could never have imagined having someone like the boy he is holding right now. Never he had someone doing the things for him that Louis does and never he felt the things he felt tonight. He has loved Louis already for so long but tonight only made it stronger. Harry's heart is bursting out of love and he feels he needs to do something to relieve it. That moment Harry made a plan and he will execute it when the time is there. He turns Louis around and kisses him one more time before finally going back to the tour bus.

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