Chapter 18

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Gemma is driving Harry's car. After the words her mother said, she took Anna and told the two boys to follow her out of the house. She was not letting them stay there for a second longer. Her mother crossed the line.

In less then two minutes they already arrive at Gemma's place. It's also luxury but more modern than her mother's home. Gemma hands her keys over to Harry and takes Anna out of her car seat.

"Go to the living room. I'm putting Anna in bed and I'll make you boys tea, okay?"

Harry only nods while Louis mutters a soft thank you.

"I'm so sorry, Harry." Louis whispers.

"Don't take the blame. This is not your mistake, not even a little. This is all my mother. I never want to see her again." Harry's voice is hoarse from all the crying but still it's really cold.

"Don't say that, Harry. You have to go back to her later tonight and apologise."

Harry raises his eyebrow.

"Do you hear yourself, Louis? She said I'm not her son anymore! She trashed you! She brought fucking Caroline in the house? Why should I apologise?" Harry's voice is louder now.

"At least talk to her. Harry she is your mother. I can't do this. I can't come in between the two of you." Louis voice is softer after every words he says.

"No, no, no, Louis! I know this tone. You are not doing this! You are not! Don't you dare say what I think you will say!" Tears are welling up again in Harry's eyes and they are already in Louis'.

"Hazza, I love you. I love you so so so much but I can not be the reason you lose your mother. I can't live with myself if I am the reason. I can't be that selfish, Harry, not with you." Tears roll over the older boys' face.

"You know what, Louis? Fine. Just go. If that's what you want I am not stopping you. Because that's your thing, isn't it? When things get hard? Than you just ignore it. Like when we had our first fight and you ignored me for a week? When you left London after you heard my conversation with Jeff? When you thought I picked my tour over you? When you heard Kendall and I talking? You always run away from me when things get hard. I'm not chasing you this time. If you want to run, you are free to go." Harry's sobs are loud and angry.

"Harry, I..."

"Don't say anything. If you want to leave me then leave me." Gemma walks in the room, looking at the two boys in shock.

"Any other people that want to break my heart and walk out of my life? Today is the day!" Harry laughs sarcastically while crying at the same time.


"Go, Louis. You wanted to go! Or you know what? I'll go!" Without saying another word Harry walks out of the house. Louis wants to chase him but Gemma stops the smaller guy.

"Let him be for a bit. He knows his way around. What happened, Louis?" Gemma looks worriedly at the younger boy in front of him.

"I told him to chose his mother..." Louis' voice is barely a whisper and it's hard to understand him. He is crying like crazy.

"Why would you say that, Lou? You know how much Harry loves you. He picks you over anyone. Why did you say it?" Gemma's hands are in her hair and she shakes her head. This is not how she imagined Sunday lunch.

"He can't lose his mother, Gemma! It's his mother!" Louis' voice is louder now and it shocks Gemma.

"Louis, that's not your choice to make. My mother chose this. Not you, not Harry, she did."

"I can't let Harry lose his mother. I know how it is to lose her and it's unbearable. Harry will miss her every single day. He will regret his choice. Maybe not now, maybe not tomorrow but he will. I'm not taking his mother away, Gemma. I would do anything to have mine back. I would sell my soul just to be able to spend a minute with her. How can I be the reason that the one person I love loses his mother when I know exactly what that is? How it feels to lose the person that raised you? I'm not doing this to run away, Gemma. I'm doing this to make Harry happy. Like I said before. I can't be selfish when it's about Harry. I can't let him go through the pain I have been through. He can't lose a family because of me." Louis sobs uncontrollably and immediately Gemma feels bad for the boy. She takes his hands in hers and starts talking to the boy in a soft tone.

"Louis, I want you to listen to me carefully okay. First of all, I'm so sorry about your mom. I can't imagine what you feel. But this, this situation we are in now, is my mothers' own choice. Did your mother accept you for who you were?" Gemma asks.

Louis nods.

"Yes, she loved me no matter what. I pulled a lot of shit when I was a teenager." A small giggle leaves his mouth.

"My mom doesn't accept Harry, Lou. She doesn't care about the happiness of her son. You can't compare this. I know you lost your mother in an accident. But ours is alive and she is the one making the decision to cut her son out of her life. This is her choice, Louis. I understand where you are coming from but Harry doesn't. He thinks you just want to run away from everything, from the problems. Do you love him, Lou?"

Louis nods, eyes lighting up.

"I love him with all my heart. I just want him to be happy."

"Than accept his choices, Louis. Support him in this. This is not your decision to make but Harry's. Harry chose you, you can't make him choose for our mother. That is not up to you. Again, don't compare your mother with ours. Believe me when I say she has always been judgemental. Don't take this personally. Be there for my brother. I know your intentions weren't bad. But you made a bad decision by saying that to Harry. Look, Louis. I know where I will find my brother. Please watch Anna for me and I'll go get him so you guys can talk, okay?"

Louis nods.

"I really didn't want to hurt him, Gemma. I love him so much. I thought I was helping him."

Gemma gives the boy a sad smile.

"I know, Louis. Just give me half an hour and I'll be back. You'll be fine, promise."

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