Chapter 26

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It's two days before the boys leave to Spain for their marriage. Their wedding planner is already there, making sure the venue looks perfect, the hotel rooms are booked and that everything is how the boys want it to be.

"I can't believe you are hanging out with my sister today while I have to be in the studio all day. I want to join you!" Harry moans.

"I'm sorry, love. We'll hang out together in Spain when they arrive for the wedding. Lottie can join us. We can actually hang out for the first time together with our sisters and they will get to meet each other." Louis is really excited about it.

Since their trip to Doncaster Louis and Lottie video chat daily. They have a lot of time to catch up and Louis just loves to see his beautiful sister every single day. Mark appears on the camera from time to time as well and Louis even reunited with Hanna. Mark invited her to lunch on Louis' last day in Donnie. To say that Louis is happy is an understatement. Everything is going perfect for the beautiful boy with feminine features. Only one thing is bothering him and Louis wants to fix it today. That's why he is driving down to Holmes Chapel. He makes sure he has everything: keys, wallet, phone but most importantly the envelope.

"Call me during your breaks okay, baby. I love you. I have to go now, it's a 3 hour drive." Harry pouts but nods, pecking Louis' lips. "I wished you could just come to the studio with me I will miss you." Harry puts his arms around Louis' neck and looks at his beautiful blue eyes.

"I thought I was the clingy one in this relationship." Louis jokes before kissing Harry. "I think we kinda share that." Harry answers into the kiss before deepening it. With a small moan and against his will Louis lets go of the boy he is going to marry. "I'll see you tonight, baby. Have fun at the studio."

"See you tonight, boo. Drive safe and I love you." A small smile appears on Louis' face. They say it quite often but he will never get used to it. "And I love you, Hazza."

Road trips without Harry are boring. It's just driving, driving and driving. There are no jokes, no sweet talks, no shamelessly flirting and no stupid kids games. That's why Louis decided to listen to his favourite playlist with the name 'Harry' that includes his first album and already acoustic versions of some songs from his second. Louis is not going to lie, he did remove 'Olivia' out of the list. He hates the song and it pisses him off. Where is the song 'Louis' huh?

The drive went smoothly and just when 'Summer love' was about to play, he arrives at Gemma's place. Louis rings the doorbell and not even a minute later Gemma opens it, holding Anna in her arms.

"ANNA! My love!" Louis goes straight to the baby and takes her out of Gemma's arms, hugging her and kissing her little forehead.

"Hello to you too, Louis." Gemma playfully rolls her eyes.

"Sorry Gems. You know she is my angel." Louis says rocking the baby in his arms.

"I know. So, Lou. I made spaghetti. You want to eat something before you go?" Louis smiles at Gemma and nods. "I'm quite hungry after the drive. Thank you." Louis walks inside, still holding the little girl. He puts her in the little bed that's downstairs and joins his sister-in-law and her husband at the table.

"I'm so happy for you, Louis." Gemma says after Louis told the story about his reunion with Lottie. "Yes, mate. You really deserve it." Toby agrees.

"Thanks guys. It means a lot to me. Now I'm fine with the family I have left I really want Harry to be fine again as well. He says he is okay but I can read him. It is killing him inside, not having his mother."

Gemma nods. "I know. He told me on the phone that he doesn't care but he clearly does. It's really brave and strong what you are going to do, Lou and it shows again how much you love my brother. I will drop you off at mom's house. Text me when anything goes wrong okay?"

Louis nods and after helping the girl doing the dishes, iputting everything in the cupboards again and of course hugging his little Anna, Louis is ready to leave. Just as the pair is about to walk to the car, Louis phone is buzzing.

'Hazza <3 is video calling'

A smile appears on Louis' face and he answers the phone within a second.

"Hey baby." Louis smiles when he sees the curly head on the screen.

"Lou! How are you? What are you doing? Arrived safely? I asked you to text me when you arrived, baby." Harry pouts and Louis playfully rolls his eyes.

"I'm sorry, babe. I forgot to text you. How is recording going?"

"Great. I think I will be finished around... 9 tonight. I can't believe you forgot about me, Tomlinson." Harry's tone is playful but he looks at the screen showing his puppy eyes.

"You can't blame me. I forget everything when I see that niece of yours. She is like a small little Harry with her green eyes and black curls. Oh and your sisters spaghetti is pretty distracting as well. It's so good. How is it that your family is so good at cooking? I had like 3 plates of that shit."

"My sisters' spaghetti is okay. Do you like it more than my chicken pasta?"

Louis chuckles when he hears a slight bit of jealousy in Harry's voice. Was the spaghetti from Gemma better? Honestly, yes. It's freaking heaven. Is he going to tell Harry? Nope, not in a million years. He is not going to lie to his baby though.

"Babe, you are an amazing cook. I'm craving your pancakes. I haven't eaten them in forever. You should make them for me tomorrow before we fly out to Spain." And that answer seemed to satisfy Harry as a huge smile appeared on his face.

"I will make them, boo. Now I have to go. I have 5 more minutes of my break left and I didn't eat yet."

"Why didn't you eat, Hazza?"

"I wanted to call you first."

Louis fondly rolls his eyes.

"Okay baby then go eat. What do you want for dinner tonight? I'll arrange it."

"Anything is okay, Lou."

Louis chuckles "McDonalds it is then, baby."

"Fine by me. You know my order. Okay, Lou I really have to go. Say hi to Gemma, Toby and my sweet, little niece okay? Love you!"

"Love you too, Hazza!"

Harry disappears from the screen and Gemma fondly looks at her brother-in-law. "You guys are literally already a married couple." Louis blushes and ignores the comment. "Are you ready to drop me off?" He asks Gemma. Gemma nods. "Yeah, I am. And don't forget, if my mom tries to hurt you or says things she shouldn't say please don't hesitate to just call me and I'll be there in a minute, okay Lou?"

Louis nods. He is dreading what he is going to do now, but he has to do it for Harry. He has been planning it since they came back from Holmes Chapel but now that Harry made him and Lottie reunite, the least he can do is make sure the love of his life has his mother back.

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