Chapter 10

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It's been a week since their night in Rome and right now the boys are in Antwerp, Belgium. The bus is standing still because they arrived early. They are playing FIFA before Harry has to go for a photoshoot to kill some time.

"I won!!!!" Louis jumps up and does a victory dance. "You cheated!" Harry fights his boyfriend.

"Did not. You are just pissed that I get the blowjob and not you. Train those pretty lips already for tonight, baby."

Both boys look up when they hear someone scraping their throat. Harry's eyes go wide when he makes eye contact with the girl in front of him.

"Gemma!!!!" Harry lets go of Louis and runs towards his sister and pulls her in for a tight hug.

"Hey little brother!" She ruffles Harry's curls and Harry rolls his eyes and pushes his sister. "Stop it! Not cool, Gem. Just... Not the hair." Harry is trying to fix his hair that still looks exactly the same then it did before.

Louis feels so embarrassed when he looks at the siblings. He has heard a lot about Gemma but never met her nor spoke to her. He can't believe that the first words Harry's sister heard him say included 'blowjob'. Can he just die now?

Louis gets interrupted from his own thoughts when he feels a hand wrapped around his wrist.

"Gems, this is Louis. He is my boyfriend. Lou, this is Gemma. She is my sister." Harry introduces the pair.

Louis is terrified. He doesn't know the girl in front of him. The only things he know is that she is very important to Harry, recently had a baby and that she is really close to their mother... who hates Louis with all her heart for turning her little boy gay.

Gemma stretches her arm, reaching for Louis' hand and she gives him a warm smile.

"Hi, I'm Gemma. Harry also forgot to use the adjectives 'amazing' and 'awesome.'" Gemma introduces herself.

Gemma's small joke makes Louis visibly more comfortable.

"I'm Louis. I know what you are talking about. He forgot mentioning the words 'loving' and 'perfect' while introducing me as well." The feathery haired boy jokes back.

Gemma laughs and nods while Harry rolls his eyes. "I knew the two of you would get along but ganging up against me within the first minutes of meeting each other? Just kill me." Harry sighs.

"Don't be so dramatic, Haz. Now, I'm starving. I heard Belgium has amazing food. I flew all the way here for you so you better feed me those fries and some chocolate." Gemma takes her handbag and Harry looks at his watch.

"I mean... I still have 2 hours to spare. We can do that. You are up for it, Lou?" Louis is not really sure.

"It's the first time you are seeing each other in a while. Are you sure you are fine with me being there? I don't want to interrupt your time together." Louis can be really shy and unsure about himself from time to time. Now is one of those times. I mean yes he joked a bit with Gemma but that doesn't mean she immediately likes him and accept the fact that he is dating her little brother. Louis remembers how protective he would be over his little sisters if they would still be in his life.

"Don't be silly, Louis. I want to get to know the boy my brother is crazy about. Every single time I call him you are the only thing he talks about. I swear he would tell me first about you before announcing that he is nominated for a Grammy or something. Don't worry, I'm not like mom. I don't mind my brother is dating a guy as long as he is happy and currently you are ticking that box." A big smile appears on Louis' face after Gemma reassures that she is fine with him. "Okay, then I would like the two of you if that's okay." Harry grabs Louis' hand and nods. "Of course it is. Let's go, babe. Come on, Gems."

Harry walks in the middle. He has Gemma hooked under his left arm and Louis on the right. They are all wearing sunglasses and a hat, trying not to get recognised. They must look ridiculous though as it is raining and Belgium is not the sunniest place on earth.

"This place looks nice!" Harry says pointing at a small restaurant on the corner. There are only a few people and both boys nod, agreeing that they would eat there.

"I don't know what this is, but this shit is amazing!" Louis says while eating something fried. It's small and round and it's amazing. "I think it's called a 'bitterbal'. It's really famous in Belgium. I read about their food and stuff and people eat it on a regularly basis." Harry says while eating a kind of sausage himself.

"This is really good. So boys, please tell me something. What's going on in your lives?" Gemma asks while eating from her fries.

"Nothing much happened that I didn't tell you already. I would always love to talk about Rome?" Harry smirks. It makes Louis blush. Knowing that Harry told everything to his sister makes him a bit nervous. Did he also talk to her about the times he broke his heart or hurt him? Did he cry in her arms when they broke up?

"Harry, I have to hear that every single day how romantic it was and you sent me the picture in that swan boat where you two are kissing on a daily basis... Multiple times. Please give me something new." Gemma moans while dipping her fries in a sauce she doesn't really know. It tastes delicious though.

"Yesterday Louis fucked me really good." Harry says casually, like it's a normal conversation to have in a restaurant sitting with your boyfriend and sister. Louis chokes on the fry he was eating, starting to cough aggressively. Gemma hits him on the back and Harry offers his bottle of water. Louis takes a couple of sips and thanks his boyfriend. He really thought he would die right then and there. If it was not from choking, it was surely from embarrassment.

"I see. That explains why you were walking so strangely." If Louis would have something in his mouth, the same thing would have happened. He can't believe the things he is hearing. Is he actually part of this conversation?

"We should go for dessert somewhere else. They don't have it here and I really want something with chocolate now I'm here. Are you up for it?"

Harry nods but Louis shakes his head. "No, guys. It was really nice to have this lunch with you but now I think it's time for the two of you to do some brother-sister bonding without me. I'll come to your photoshoot though okay, babe?"

Harry gives Louis a thankful smile, appreciating that he gives him some alone time with his sister. Harry pecks Louis on the lips before leaving.

"Okay, see you there. Bye, Lou."

"Bye Hazza. I love you. Bye, Gemma! Will you be at the photoshoot as well?" Louis asks. Gemma nods.

"Okay, then I'll see you there. Have fun. If there is anything call me okay, love?" Louis asks.

"I will. Same goes for you. See you in an hour, babe." Harry puts his arm around his sister and leaves the restaurant. Louis can hear his boyfriend chattering loudly and a smile is formed on his face. He loves him so much. 

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