Chapter 22

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Quick A/N: Oh my goodness, thanks for all the votes on the previous chapter! (: I really appreciate this. Thanks guys!

Ps: Six votes on this chapter for the next one in a few days :)

Hazel's POV

"Please let him be okay," Hazel muttered to herself as Ron and Hermione guided Frank to one of the infirmary beds laid around. There was no one else in the infirmary besides the nurse. 

"Oi," she said as she examined Frank. "Bloody sectumsempra. Nothing I can't fix, but this is going to be painful."

"So he's going to be okay?" Hazel asked nervously, biting at her nails. 

The nurse nodded. "Yes, but you all are going to have to go." 

"No. I'm staying with him," Hazel told the nurse in a monotone voice. Hermione put a hand on her shoulder, silently telling her it was best to leave Frank in the hands of the nurse. "No!" Hazel demanded, tears coming to her eyes. "I won't leave him!" She knelt on Frank's side and clung onto his pale hand. 

"Hazel, I'm sorry I have to do this," Hermione said apologetically, carefully removing her wand from her bag. "Stupif-"

Then Hazel's vision faded to the blackness.


Percy's POV

"How in the name of Poseidon are we going to get to Olympus?" Percy murmured to himself as Harry and him waited just outside the large wooden doors of Hogwarts. 

Harry cleared his throat to get Percy's attention, then straightened out his round glasses. "We can always apparate there..."

"Are you sure you can go all the way to Manhattan?" Percy questioned his abilities.

Harry shrugged. "It's worth a shot. Where exactly are we going in Manhattan?"

"Empire State Building."

Harry scratched his head and pulled hair back slightly, revealing a lightning shape scar on his forehead. 

"How did you get that?" Percy asked suddenly. 

"It's a long story," Harry said with a sigh. "Right. Empire State Building. Uh... I don't exactly where that is."

"Just try it," Percy gripped Harry's forearm tightly, then watched as the world vanished before him and everything was blurred. A few seconds later, the arrived in the middle of Madison Square Garden... where a concert was going on... right in the center of the stage. "Oh my Gods," Percy muttered under his breath. "We're interrupting a Justin Bieber concert."

Surely enough, right behind them the Canadian Singer stood with his microphone dangling off of his right hand and his mouth hanging wide open. The white lights in front of them blinded them from seeing the audience, but they assumed it was tween and teenage girls with a few annoyed parents with their eyes wide open and their jaws dropped. "Sorry!" Harry shouted, then disapparated into Central Park, in between two oak trees. Thankfully, nobody noticed them that time.

"How screwed are we for that?" Percy slipped Riptide from his pocket and twisted it in his hands. 

"Considering I've saved the Wizarding World multiple times, and you presumably saved even the Gods arses several times, I would say we're probably going to be yelled at, but that would it," Harry answered. "But we got bigger problems."

"What?" Percy was just staring at his pen while in deep thought. "The Empire State Building is only a couple blocks away."

Harry frantically tapped Percy's shoulder, making him jar his attention away from his thoughts. At first Percy didn't see anything, but he felt a bit of water drip onto his hand. He looked up to see an ugly green giant with a club in his hand standing behind them, ready to bash their heads in with their club. 

Percy groaned and uncapped Riptide. "Why is it we can never get a break?"


Neville's POV

Luna placed a hand on Neville's thigh as they stared out of the one window in the entire Room of Requirement to the whomping willow. It's leaves had just began to fall off and fly with the wind. 

"Are you alright, Neville?" she asked softly.

He shook his head and entwined his fingers with hers. Neville didn't bother replying, saying it out loud would only provoke tears.

"I heard about what happened," Luna went on, giving Neville's hand a small squeeze. "I know how you feel. I lost both my parents."

Neville tore his gaze away from the whomping willow and crescent moon and turned his face to Luna's, but just as their lips were only a few mere inches away from each other, all the world decided that there wasn't enough chaos already in their lives.

Right there in the Room of Requirement was someone Neville expected to see again, much less wanted to see again. Right there in the flesh was a murderer, an insane woman.

It was Bellatrix Lestrange back from the dead.


A/N: Sorry, this was much shorter than I had intended. Next one will most likely be three pages long with all the action and what not going on.

So anyway, how is winter break for y'all? Mine is rather boring considering all my friends are on vacation, but that's okay since I have The Fault in Our Stars to finish :3 And recently I've started to watch the vlog brothers from the beginning, and John and Hank Green are beautiful.

I'll update in a few days AND AFTER 5+ VOTES. (:


The Prophecies: A Harry Potter/ Percy Jackson Fan Fiction *Warning: SLOW UPDATESWhere stories live. Discover now