Chapter 30

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Percy's POV

"We have much to talk about, son of Poseidon," Firenze commented again as Percy and him forged through the endless trees and shrubs. "The constellations have been revealing many secrets of both worlds and of your strengthening enemies."

"Okay...?" Percy answered blankly as he kicked some branches out of the way. He had never in his life heard Chiron or any of the party ponies speak so insightfully... or strangely.

The centaur stopped at the edge of the forest, then pointed up at the sky with one finger. "The constellation of Zoe Nightshade, correct?" he asked in a calmed voice.

Percy swallowed a lump in his throat, remembering the hunter. She died before his eyes, then dissolved into the stars. "Yes," he said, strained.

"Although we are on separate sides of the planet, we can still see many events of the past as well as the future," Firenze continued, not glancing back at Harry, but taking in the various stars and constellations in the clear night sky.

Percy widened his eyes, engulfed in the bright lights emitted by the stars. The lights seemed to connect themselves, making the clear images of constellations. "What did you see?"

"Chaos," the centaur answered gravely. "And death. Plenty of deaths."

"Why are you telling me this?" Percy demanded. His levels of anger rose as well as the urge to send a spout of water shooting at the centaur. He restrained it and clenched his fists together tightly.

Firenze lowed his gaze to Percy's ocean blue eyes. He remained tranquil and calm. "I am simply warning you for the oncoming storm, son of Poseidon. You must act quickly before it's too late."

Percy stormed off wtihout saying another word, incredibly pissed that the centaur didn't tell him what he needed to know. Percy desperately needed to know how to save everyone with Harry. Yet again, he needed to save the world.

His friends were still about half a mile away, talking amongst themselves, acting like nothing was wrong. But everything was wrong in Percy's mind. "Plenty of deaths," Percy muttered beneath his breath as he traveled back. "Oncoming storm," he mocked the centaur repeatedly. 

"Percy?" a familiar voice asked from behind him.

Percy whipped out his pen, ready to strike at any moment, but when he saw the source of the voice, he lowered his guard. "Grover?"

The satyr emerged from the trees. His hair had grown much shaggier and his clothes was clearly dirty. Percy immediately threw his arms around his best friend and clenched onto him tightly. Grover chuckled, hugging him back. "It's been a while," he commented as they pulled apart.

Percy cleared his throat, failing to conceal his utter happiness. A smile stretched across his face knowing his best friend had been reunited with him at last. "It has. And too much has happened."

"Like what?" Grover walked in step with Percy. 

"Do you have some time?" Percy asked gleefully, taking in the moment. Grover had been so busy with his 'Lord of the Wild' responsibilities, they hadn't spent enough time together. 

The satyr nodded excitedly. "I can spare a night."


Jason's POV

Jason Grace woke up with a start upon the Argo II. The entire ship seemed to be rattling uncontrollably. He jumped out of bed and quickly threw on a shirt before grabbing his sword disguised as a coin. 

The deck was chaos. Clouds of dirt flew in every direction, blinding anyone who dared to open their eyes. Jason wandered around blindly, one hand covering his eyes, the other searching for anyone else. 

Screams erupted from every where around Jason. The screams of his friends. Yet he couldn't even tell what danger they were in. "Guys?!" Jason dared to open his mouth. A clod of dirt entered his mouth, silencing him.

Jason couldn't even flip his coin to get his sword out and ready. He wouldn't be able to catch it without hurting himself or his friends. He felt someone's back line up along his. When a warm hand clenched onto his, he knew exactly who it was. "Piper?!" he managed to get out without taking into too much dirt. 

She gave his hand a small squeeze, indicating that it was in fact her. "Any ideas?" Her voice was muffled by what sounded like a cloth pushed to her mouth.

"No," Jason spat out weakly.

"We're damned," Piper said solemnly. 

Jason wracked his brain, trying to find any way to escape this inexplicable chaos. He became infuriated when he heard the voice he wanted to forget about for the rest of eternity. "Jason Grace," Gaea whispered. Jason felt Piper's hand leave his. He had no idea what happened past there.

He dared to open his eyes once he felt the world calm from around him. Jason swore he would have been better off if he had kept his eyes closed. Before him was a horrific sight, it was Gaea herself hidden beneath an earth green veil. The ship seemed to have disappeared, it was just the earth Goddess and Jason standing alone on a plain field with absolutely nothing else in sight other than grass, the stars, and moon. "What the hell do you want?" Jason wanted to grab his coin, but he didn't feel it in his pocket. That's when he had to conceal his panic.

"You are divided and I will kill you all if you don't join me now. Jason Grace, this is your final chance to join me and live," the earth Goddess told him confidently in her smooth, low voice.

Jason's pale face contorted in anger. "I wouldn't join you if I was on my death bed," he responded, gritting his teeth.

"Son of Jupiter, you are already practically on your death bed," Gaea disappeared before she said another word. 

After Jason blinked, the sight of the Argo II turned back to normal. His friends all stared at him, their eyes all upon him. 

But it wasn't just Jason's friends, holding a broom at her side was the red haired Ginny Weasley as well as her brother Ron and her close friend, Hermione Granger. Ginny wore a smug smile as she twirled her wand in her hand. "Bought time you came back, lighting boy,"

"What are you guys doing here?" Jason was bewilered by their sudden appearance. They were even more unexpected than Gaea. 

Hermione stepped forward, looking less confident and sure of her self as usual. She looked more doubtful and remorseful. "We made a mistake. We all did," she announced, addressing everyone. "It's only been a while, but we've waited too long to make things right once again. We're here because our friends are in danger. Percy, Harry, they're in a lot of danger right now."

"What do you mean?" Annabeth asked, alarmed by the name of her boyfriend. She seemed like she was ready to attack anyone who looked at him funny.

Hermione sent her an apologetic look. "Voldemort possessed a centaur into getting Percy and Harry into the forest. It's a trap. If we don't turn back now, they'll die."


A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in forever, I've been so busy with track and (a possible boyfriend). So yeah I've been having a lot of boy trouble and sport troubles to sum my life up. 

To start off with, I ran my 800 meter race in 3:05 for my first track meet EVER. I intend on breaking 3:00 by the end of the season, if I do, I'll double update once I reach that goal. (or make an extra long chapter). Two, Turnabout is in about a month and my friend's cousin is interested in me and oh my gods I'm dead. I'm not used to guys liking him, but I don't know what to do with my life anymore, HALP.

Okay so I'm done ranting about random stuff now. 

How about 12+ votes on this chapter for the next one by next saturday, deal? (After my track meet)

I'm thinking there may only be ten to fifteen more chapters after this. Can you believe it? Prepare for some action ;)


The Prophecies: A Harry Potter/ Percy Jackson Fan Fiction *Warning: SLOW UPDATESWhere stories live. Discover now