Chapter 6

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"They're what?" Ron exclaimed.  Harry and Ginny remained quiet and let the thought poke at their minds.  Ron was surprised, scared even, to Harry's knowledge.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Ron, I said they're half human, half God."

"What?! How is that even possible. THERE AREN'T ANY GREEK GODS!" Ron said stubbornly.

"How do you know?" Hermione asked calmly. "It's not like you know another religion is true."

Ron took a seat on his bed and fumed.  Ginny and Harry exchanged looks, they had the same idea in mind, stay silent, or else... Hermione and Ron argued for a bit, but as always, Hermione pulled away with a win.

"Ron, you have such a big head, please just listen!" Ginny whined.  

"Fine," he growled back at her.  

Harry wrapped his arm around Ginny's shoulder protectively. Hermione scowled at Ron once again.  "Anyway, they have to be half bloods! They are the only living creatures that make sense.  They come from another world, like it said in the prophecy.  I'm positive that they have their own enemies... It has to be them."

"I believe you," Harry assured Hermione.  Ginny nodded.

"When have you ever been wrong?"

All eyes went to Ron, who was sitting cross legged on top of his bed.  "I guess I do too," Ron gave up.  "But if a pack of vampires show up, you owe me ten galleons."


-Percy Jackson-

Percy and Piper found Jason earlier on the grass unconscious, deep into the forest.  When he woke up he swore he had been hit by a bolt of light after someone said the incantation of, "Stupify!"  They both nodded their heads and pulled Jason back. Neither of them actually believed him.  Piper gave Jason a small bit of ambrosia and ushered him to the boat.

Chiron rushed the rest of the eight onto the Argo II.  He decided to make Annabeth the leader of the group and reminded her of the restrictions and cautions.  She noted that without even having to write it down. 

"Bye, Clarisse!" Piper taunted the brutish girl.  Clarisse sneered and stormed back to the Ares cabin.

Many of the campers yelled their best wishes and goodbyes to the eight on the Argo.  Leo fiddled with the controls, and easily got the Argo off the ground.  Chiron waved goodbye, nervously.  

Percy felt his heart beating faster as the camp left his view.  No one on board was prepared, well except for Annabeth.  She was sometimes prepared enough for ten people.

Leo and Grace worked all of the controls, Percy could see the way Leo looked at Grace.  He could see them as a couple easily.  Anyone could. 

Annabeth was reading an old scroll, she had a whole pile of them next to her spot on the deck.  "Hey Wise Girl," Percy sighed and plopped down next to her.

"Seaweed Brain," Annabeth murmured without looking up.  Not wanting to disturb her, Percy stood up again and walked over to Frank and Hazel.  He normally would have went to Jason and Piper, but they were already making out in a hidden corner.  They were best left alone.  Percy still knew that Hazel and Frank were dating, but they didn't do couply stuff in public or often. Thank the Gods.

"Hey Perce," Hazel said cheerily. Frank looked sick to his stomach as he clung onto the side of the boat with both hands.  His knuckles were turning white from gripping the railing so hard.  Hazel did her best to soothe him by rubbing his back lightly or telling him to take a seat or focus on the inside of the boat as opposed to the outside, but unfortunately for Frank, nothing worked. 

"Hazel, Frank," Percy nodded politely.  Frank glanced at Percy for a second and gave him a pained look.  Traveling was always a struggle for Frank.  

Frank was getting green in the face. He struggled before saying, "Percy."

Percy tossed Hazel a small packet of nectar.  "You may want to give this to him before he pukes on some kid down below." Frank averted his eyes to Percy and gave an unamused look.

Hazel couldn't resist the urge to laugh, getting the same look from Frank.  "Sorry," she patted his arm.  "I'll take care of him."

Percy left them and took small steps over to Leo and Grace.  They were laughing and joking around, but Percy didn't care about interrupting them.  They wouldn't care either.  "Hey." Percy leaned against the railing as they moved the controls carefully. 

"Heeeeey," Grace said giddily.

Leo jerked the wheel slightly, making everyone falter.  "SORRY GUYS!" he called out.  "Hola Percy."

"Do you know when we're getting to England?" Percy asked curiously.

Leo didn't even have to think about the answer. "If my calculations are correct,  we should be there in a couple days."

Percy's heart sank.  He had always hated flying and tried to travel by sea as much as possible, so two days at the risk of Zeus zapping him out of the sky did not make him happy.  Percy's shoulders slumped.  Two entire days on a death trap, well not a death trap for him, if it failed, he could save himself with the ocean, but if the others didn't have him and the ship broke, then they'd be screwed. Still, Percy was upset.

The others, however, seemed crazily excited, with the exception of Jason. Percy supposed he was still freaked by the zap of light.  Jason didn't like things that couldn't be explained, and on top of that he was freaked from earlier. Percy thought later he could seek refuge with him and talk about all of the possibilities of things that could go wrong.  

No wonder Annabeth never called him an optimist.



I'm not sure what the last time I updated was, but I'll try not to keep you guys waiting all eternity. 

More in a few days to a week. :)


The Prophecies: A Harry Potter/ Percy Jackson Fan Fiction *Warning: SLOW UPDATESWhere stories live. Discover now