Chapter 3

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Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny had decided to return to Hogwarts earlier than planned.  All the previous 7th years were invited back there to finish their final year at Hogwarts, due to the last year being ruined by Voldemort.  Harry mainly stayed at the burrow and Grimmauld place during the summer.

It had been a rough week for Harry.  After some of the Order members insisted on putting a painting of Dumbledore in the burrow, Dumbledore had warned Harry of outsiders that they would have to cooperate with or the end of the world would come.  Harry and Hermione had done a ton of research, attempting figure out what it could possibly be.  Nothing seemed reasonable to them, so they gave up and decided to wait.  The enemy wasn't even apparent yet and neither were their allies.

Harry rested on his bed, with his back down, his head looking towards the ceiling.  Visions of the previous year haunted him, he could almost feel his lightning bolt scar tingle and sting. The empty ceiling glared back at him, reminding Harry that the information he knew was the same as the white above him.

Around Harry was his dorm room, the one he had since a first year. In fact, he still shared it with the same people as well, if you don't count a fifth year that had recently been orphaned in the second wizarding war.  The walls were covered in posters for the Holy Head Harpies and the Irish Quidditch team.  Next to Dean's bed was a poster for the muggle sport, football.  

Harry sat up suddenly, getting aggravated by the silence and emptiness that filled the room and surrounded him.  His blood started to boil as he lost control. Heat rose to his head, like stream out of a tea kettle. In frustration, Harry threw his pillow and blankets off of his bed and onto the carpetted floor. He laid back down on the recently emptied bed.

Without warning, the door on the opposite side of the room crept open, revealing a young woman with fiery red hair and a wicked smile on her freckled face. 

"Harry-" she stopped in her tracks when she saw Harry sprawled across his bed, fuming.  Her broad grin turned into a frown. "What the bloody hell happened in here?" She threw her hands up i the air and glared at Harry.

Harry grunted loudly. "Great to see you too, Gin," he grumbled.

"Sorry, I know you've been stressed," Ginny sat on the edge of Harry's bed and crossed her legs.  "Any progress?"

Harry shook his head.  At that moment, Harry really wanted to have Ginny comfort him, but lately, they had been growing apart slightly from stress.  "We still have no idea what the hell is going on!" Harry scooched closer to Ginny so that their faces were only inches apart.

"You'll find out something soon, Har." Ginny wrapped her thin arms around Harry's neck and pressed her body close to his.  Harry pulled apart, with a questioning look in his eyes. He wasn't expecting Ginny to crash her lips down to his, hungrily snogging him. Harry reacted immediately, kissing back with just as much force. Ginny pushed Harry down on the bed and showed her dominance.  Harry happily obliged, not caring but enjoying the sparks between their lips igniting.  Harry's hands found Ginny's waist and pulled her closer to his own body.  Ginny's hands were tangled in Harry's unruly hair. 

"OH KNOCK IT OFF!" said an angry male voice. Ginny rolled off of Harry and both sat up to see who had interrupted them. A thin boy with a pale, freckled face and a fiery head of red hair, much like Ginny's. Ron.

Ginny crossed her arms across her small chest and scowled at her older brothers. "Really, Ron?! You and Hermione snog everywhere. Not everyone as clean as the one you have just witnessed!" 

Harry fixed his glasses and backed off slightly, not wanting to get involved in the sibling fight.

Ron had red cheeks and a furious look on his face.  Before he could say anything, Hermione walked into the room carrying a small pile of books and parchment.  She looked over to Ron who was still fuming. "Oh Ron, just calm down," she sighed and placed her pile on top of Ron and Harry's small desk. Ron's shoulders released the tension held in them earlier as he turned to Hermione and gave her a light kiss on her cheek.

The Prophecies: A Harry Potter/ Percy Jackson Fan Fiction *Warning: SLOW UPDATESWhere stories live. Discover now