Chapter 28

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"Why are we going to see the gamekeeper?" Aidan asked impatiently as they carefully avoided stepping on various plants. Although it was only early October, it was already getting colder and colder by the day. There was a slight chill in the air as they made their way to the hut.

"Because," Harry caught his footing after nearly tripping on a large rock. "He's an old friend of mine."

Aidan nodded. "He was my old Care of Magical Creatures professor."

"Don't judge him by that," Harry shot back defensively.

"Okay?" Aidan didn't know what the deal was, but let it go. Harry and him continued walking in silence for the rest of the way.

When they finally arrived at Hagrid's hut, Harry quickly knocked on the door. There was a sound of a crash and muttered swears. A few seconds later, Hagrid swung open the door. The tips of his beard were beginning to turn white and he looked extremely tired. His eyes were still hopeful, despite the recent changes of his condition. Fang laid on the floor, napping away. She was getting a bit older as well. "Harry," Hagrid smiled sincerely. "Where're Ron 'n Hermione?"

Harry bit his lip, formulating an answer inside his head. "They're studying for exams," he lied, nearly slipping over his own words. 

Hagrid looked slightly disappointed, but still happy Harry came to visit. "An' who's this ye brought?" He questioned, glancing in Aidan's direction.

Aidan shuffled his feet, feeling slightly uncomfortable. He was starting to get goosebumps on his arms from the cold air of the night. The heat radiating from the hut called to him, though he barely knew the gamekeeper. He seemed nice and friendly enough to him though. He knew Hagrid had good intentions. "I'm Aidan," he introduced himself. 

"Well don't jus' stand there gettin' cold! Come inside!" Hagrid pushed open his big wooden door, allowing the two to enter. 

Aidan and Harry were immediately greeted by an eager fang and by a comfortable heat. "I haven't realized how long it's been," Harry said out loud as he marveled at Hagrid's cabin. Nothing seemed to have changed a bit. Harry glanced at the corner next to the bookshelf; when he was only a second year, he had hidden under his invisibility cloak with his friends while Hagrid was being accused of opening the Chamber of Secrets. It felt like ages ago.

"I remember ya when yawere only a few months ol' a' Dumbledore ask'd me ta drop ya off at yer aunt's house," Hagrid sighed. "Do ya want some rock cakes?"

Harry took a seat at the table, then shot Aidan a look of warning. Unfortunately, Hagrid still couldn't cook very well. "No thanks, we just ate," Harry said politely.

"I see. McGonagall's told me about ter demi.. demigerds or somethin' like that. Could ya round them up and bring them here? I got somethin' to show ya," Hagrid told Harry eagerly. 

"Of course," Harry replied, rising from his seat. "We'll be back in a few minutes."

"Alrigh', see ya Harry," Hagrid put his hand on his shoulder, looking at him fondly. "And good ter meet ya, Aidan."


"So where are we going?" Grace shivered in her light jacket. 

"I don't know," Aidan answered. "We'll find out."

Leo wrapped an arm around Grace's shoulder, instantly warming her with his fiery hot touch. Grace glanced back at her boyfriend happily, not believing that she could ever get a boyfriend that kind, that funny, that, well, in her opinion, perfect in every single way. They silently communicated with their eyes as they moved along. 

"Guys?" Aidan interrupted them, waving a hand in front of their faces.

They snapped out of it immediately and turned their attention back to Grace's twin brother. "Uh, what?" Leo's eyes flickered from the dark ground to Aidan.

"I asked you a question," Aidan sounded pissed and irritable. 

Grace knew he was still upset about Emily, with her being sick and all. "Could you repeat it please?" she asked politely.

"I asked why are you guys having eye sex?" Aidan repeated, frustrated.

Grace and Leo blushed immediately, refusing to answer the question.

Meanwhile, Thalia whispered to Draco. There were a few feet behind Leo, Grace, and Aidan. "Please stay," she begged.

Draco was entirely ready to leave. Potter managed to tick him off once again and wasn't going to stand for it. That 'hero' always tried to tell everyone what to do, from Draco's perspective. "Why should I?" 

"Because you should," Thalia replied, simply.

"Oh definitely because of this great big oaf leading us. Wouldn't be surprised if we got attacked by a pack of vampires," Draco mumbled indignantly.

Thalia smacked his arm right on a nerve. While it didn't bruise, it did hurt for a while. "You deserved that. I'm sure he's a nice person. Harry trusts him."

"Another fantastic reason to trust him," Draco added sarcastically. Thalia wound her arm back and punched the same exact spot. Draco yelped in a high voice, "OW!"

Hagrid, Harry, and Percy were leading the group into the forbidden forest. Hagrid held a lantern out in front of him. Earlier in the year, Hagrid had the remained tarantulas clear out of the forest since Aragog had died. The forest was extremely peaceful afterwards. There was an eerie silence filling their ears, however. 

"So you're a wizard too?" Percy broke the silence, asking Hagrid.

"Well," Hagrid's eyes flickered back at the son of Poseidon. "I suppos' I am."

Harry decided to cut in, not liking where the conversation was going. He thought Hagrid was slightly ashamed of his past, since he was expelled from Hogwarts (without good reason) when he was younger. "Hey Hagrid, how much longer?"

"We're almos' there, Harry," he answered. A few minutes later, Hagrid placed the lanturn down in the dirt. "They'll be out in a second."

The group waited in silence, anxiously. The demigods rocked back and forth in their spots, feeling nervous and jumpy from their ADHD. Even Aidan was starting to notice the feeling of tingles in his fingers, a stirring in his stomach nearly every waking moment. 

"Hagrid?" A voice called out from the trees. It sounded vaguely familar to Harry.

"It's me," Hagrid yelled out.

Suddenly, a beautiful, half horse, half human being burst from the shrubs. He was beautiful with his long black hair and dark as night eyes. He carried a bow in his hands and had a quiver slung over his shoulders. "Hello Hagrid," he said politely. "You brought the demigods, I presume?"

"Yeh, got them right here," Hagrid gestured to the group of teenagers behind him. They weren't surprised at all with the appearance of the centaur. It was nothing new to them. But he wasn't like the centaurs they had met before (besides Chiron). He was majestic and gentle. He was definitely not a party pony.

"Perceus Jackson?" his eyes traveled over the group, searching for him.

Percy stepped forward, distinguishing himself from the rest. "That's me."

"I am Firenze," the centaur bowed before Percy. "It's an honor to meet you, son of Poseidon."

"It's a pleasure to meet you too," Percy said politely.

"The stars have shown me your fate, and the fate of the worlds, we must talk, son of Poseidon."


A/N: Wow is this late. Please don't kill me... :L Track has been exhausting me and school work is getting heavier.

9+ votes on this chapter for the next chapter by next friday, pleeeeeease :)

Thanks for everything, 13 votes on the last chapter? That's amazing. You guys are freaking totally awesome.


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