Chapter 16

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A/N: Holy Hephaestus, sixteen chapters already? Sheesh.

Okay, so I wanted to brief you guys on something quickly.  I just finished Mark of Athena on sunday and I was totally inspired to write a fan fiction about what was going on at Camp Half Blood while the seven traveled on the Argo II, called Defending Camp Half Blood. I'd really really really really really really really really really really really really really appreciate it if you guys checked it out c:

Other than that, I've noticed that I have a lot of silent readers, while I do appreciate you, I'd update more if I got some more votes and comments, like maybe twice a week because this story is kind of low priority compared to my facebook adminning responsibilities, ect. So, I'm not going to say ten votes for the next chapter, but really vote and you shall get more. This story is going to go on for a little bit anyway... XD so faster updates will be better for you anyway.

So anyway, on with the STORY. ONWARD.


-Thalia's POV-

"GUYS, STOP, NOW!" Thalia shouted, daring anyone who disobeyed her.

The wizards reluctantly lowered their wands. Draco still laid on the floor, knocked out.  "He must have hit his head on something," Thalia observed.  "Can someone get him a pillow?"

Nobody moved. They all stayed in their spots, unsure of what to do. The wizards were fuming, anger seeping out of them.

"A PILLOW!" Thalia threw her hands up.  One of the younger wizards unfroze and left the room.  He came back thirty seconds later carrying a throw pillow.  Thalia yanked it out of his arms and put it under Draco's head.  "So, explain to me why you're here. Now," Thalia shot glances to Percy, Annabeth, and Jason.

Percy shrugged, shoving his hands into his jeans pockets.  Jason's gaze fell to the floor, and his hand found Piper's.  Annabeth let out a heavy sigh.  "Well I guess that leaves me.  It's Gaea. We don't just need the Gods, we need these wizards to beat them and they need us.  There was prophecy-"

"A world unheard of will collide with yours, prepare for earthquakes, fire, and storms.Enemies long ago forgotten will rise,to win the battle, forces must be combined," Percy cut in, massaging his temple with his forefingers.

"I know about the prophecy, remember, I was there!" Thalia exclaimed angrily.  "But this is where they sent you? I thought they'd send you to fight with adult wizards, no offense you guys."

"We'd gladly let them take our places," the one with red hair and freckles snorted.  

"Why does every important, dangerous threat fall under our responsibilities?" the witch with the wavy brown hair complained.  "And just for the record, most of us are eighteen now."

Thalia nodded, stroking Draco's sweaty forehead.  She didn't know why she was comforting him after what had gone down at the Malfoy Mansion. Draco suddenly woke up with a start, his blue eyes darting from Thalia to the wizards.

"What-what happened?" Draco yanked his wand from his pocket.  "Back off, Potter," he warned.

Thalia reached over to Draco and pulled down his arm, lowering his wand.  "Draco, you saved me," Thalia said sincerely.

"I did?" Draco asked.  "Oh, yes I did.  You're welcome," he remembered.

"I never got to say thank you," Thalia murmured.  Draco smiled sincerely, but his happy expression didn't take long to turn into a frown.

"Granger, was it really necessary to stun me?" he said with an annoyed look on his face.  

The witch nodded.  "We can't trust you, Malfoy," she said simply.

The Prophecies: A Harry Potter/ Percy Jackson Fan Fiction *Warning: SLOW UPDATESWhere stories live. Discover now