Chapter 27

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Leo's POV

"Morning Gray." Leo woke to Grace shaking his shoulders to get him out of his sleep.

Grace was already dressed in her Hogwarts robes. Her chestnut hair was tied back into a neat pony tail. Dark circles were under her eyes, she hadn't gotten a lot of sleep. "I've gotta run, I've got school."

"Don't have too much fun without me," Leo joked before she left.

"I'm going to be late. Later, Leo!" Grace rushed out of the Room of Requirement, leaving Leo alone for the first time in the past few weeks. Leo had grown used to being surrounded by his friends all the time, they were a team after all. So much for that, though. The team had fallen apart, it was in ruins.

Leo groaned, then fall back into his hammock. He fell back asleep in a matter of seconds.

"AHH!" Leo screamed, feeling electricity course through his body. His eyes shot open to a tall girl with choppy black hair. "Thalia? Did you just zap me?!"

The daughter of Zeus laughed. "Man up, Valdez. You were in a pretty deep sleep."

"What time is it?" Leo tried to even out his breathing, that shock had hurt like Hades. 

"It's almost noon. I brought you lunch," Thalia replied, passing him a plate of food.

Leo grabbed a drumstick from it and started gnawing on it. "Thanks," he mumbled. "Why didn't you leave with the rest of them? And why are you helping me?"

"I'm staying for Draco, and only Draco. He's the one who saved me..."

"It's more than that," Leo accused, raising his thick eye brows. "You love him, don't you?"

Thalia hid her face. "Artemis is going to kill me."

"Why would she do that?"

"What planet have you been on, repair boy? I'm a hunter, hunters have vowed to never fall in love and to remain loyal to Artemis. I've already done both."

"So you're only here for Draco then-"

"Just like how you're only here to get it on with Grace," Thalia shot back. 

Leo blushed. "No," he began, but then realized her was lying. Leo was done dealing with all of wizards. All he wanted to worry about was defeating Gaea, not some creepy snake dude as well. 

"Looks like we're in the same boat then, Valdez."

"Don't act like you don't want Malfoy to bang you," Leo argued.

Thalia snorted. "Like I said, we're on the same boat."

"Too much information," Leo grunted, trying not to think about that.

"You're right," Thalia laughed easily, like she wasn't worried at all.

"Aren't you nervous or anything?" Leo asked curiously.

Thalia shrugged. "We can kick Gaea's ass."

"But there's more than that. There's the snake dude."

"Voldemort? Well that's not really our problem."

"If you're getting it on with Malfoy, then it kind of is your problem."

"Well both have potential to cause the end of the world. The question is: which one is a bigger threat?"

"The obvious answer for us would be Gaea, but weren't you abducted by the snake dude in the first place?"

"Kidnapped, yes. I don't even know how they did it. I was running a solo mission for Artemis when they caught me. It still doesn't make sense."

"I just wish this prophecy never existed. I wish we never had found out about these wizards."

Thalia took a seat in the hammock across from Leo. She sat facing him. "I'm done acting like I don't care, I'm done ignoring the obvious problems and threats. As much as we'd all like to forget about the prophecy, it's here for a reason. We're supposed to work together. I'm here for more than Draco, Leo. I'm here to work together to save the world. That's what we're all good at, saving the world. I know you know this, and the others know this too."

"You're right," Leo said, jumping to his feet. "We have to get them back."


Harry's POV

Ron and Hermione barely made eye contact with Harry all day. You'd think that after all they've been through they would stick forever, always the golden trio. Ron and Hermione were giving up, simple as that. 

During supper, Harry sat next to Aidan. Aidan was definitely off all day. He seemed to shake in his spot as he tried to eat some food. He tried to take a bite now and then, but it always ended with his fork clattering down once again. 

"Are you okay?" Harry asked, concerned.

Aidan nodded slowly. "I'm fine, I guess."

Harry could tell that the boy was definitely lying, but didn't press for any more information. They ate the rest of their meals in silence, ignoring the craziness of the world around them. 

Before they left to get some homework done, the owls swooped in with mail. They were late from their usual timing in the morning. A large barn owl with magnificent brown feathers dropped a letter onto Harry's lap.

Harry quickly opened it and struggled to read the handwriting.


Me and Fang haven't seen yeh' in a bit. Come by tonigh' with Ron and Hermione.


Harry resisted the urge to crumble the letter and forget about it, but he did owe Hagrid a visit.

"Aidan," Harry caught the fifth year before he left. 

"What?" Aidan whipped his head back around to look at Harry. 

Harry folded the letter, then put it carefully in his pocket. "What are you doing tonight?"


A/N: aghghgh. Sorry I'm late, AGAIN. I'm such a bad person... grrrr.... And sorry for these boring chapters. Action is coming up very, very soon. Ive been sick, but I don't think that's an excuse...

Hm... 8+ votes for the next chapter on monday sound fair?

Thanks for all the votes and such, you guys ARE FREAKING TOTALLY AWESOME!


The Prophecies: A Harry Potter/ Percy Jackson Fan Fiction *Warning: SLOW UPDATESWhere stories live. Discover now