Chapter 29

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Neville/ Luna's POV

While digging through a trunk of old items, Neville came across something he hadn't seen in years: his remembrall. Of course a black vapor immediately filled it, notifying that Neville had once again forgotten something, though he couldn't remember what.

A long eight years ago he received it from his Gran. A short few months ago, Neville replayed her upsetting passing over and over again in his head. All he could think of was going to her room with the Daily Prophet, just another normal day and shaking her to wake her, only to discover that she wasn't going to wake up ever again. Gran had died peacefully in her sleep from cardiac arrest, a muggle syndrome. 

After Gran had passed, Neville found himself alone. His parents were still in St. Mungo's suffering from  insanity. Neville still planned on keeping his vow to once and for all, kill Bellatrix Lestrange. The anger filled him until explosion was imminent. It wasn't until Luna entered his lonely room that he gained control of himself. The very sight of her was soothing. 

"Are you alright Neville?" she asked in her airy voice. "You seem a bit upset. It must be the nargles."

Neville would have normally chuckled and smiled, but grief came over him. "No," he muttered, fearing tears would come running to his eyes. He thought when Luna would arrive at Hogwarts he would finally get to tell someone the truth about what had happened. But Neville beat around the bush, feeling like the situation with much too grave to be worrying about himself. It would have been selfish of him, he thought. "I'm fine," he lied through his teeth, his voice shaking slightly.

Luna lowered herself next to him on his bunk bed. She placed a pale hand on his arm, comforting him. "Neville, you can tell me." Her voice was full of sincerity and dreaminess.

Neville remembered that Luna had said the same exact words before they went separate ways for the summer. After the Battle of Hogwarts had taken place, they spent some time together at Hogwarts, putting their beloved school back together. For a while, Neville had a heart aching crush on her, he wanted her more than words could ever describe. He found himself tongue tied as he urged himself to tell her. "I-I..." he tried saying, but ultimately failed.

Luna smiled slightly and brushed a piece of straw colored hair from smooth face. "Neville, you can tell me," her blue eyes widened as she hopefully awaited for Neville to speak the words she had wanted to hear. Luna had fallen for the 'True Gryffindor' over the two years that she had known him. They had been constant companions, fellow outcasts and friends in school. There were so many moments they shared together, so many times of happiness in times of despair... they added up. 

"I love you," Neville somehow managed to say, then blushed furiously. 

Luna's heart beat faster in her chest, racing faster and faster. She almost couldn't believe it. "I love you too, Neville," she whispered, then went to her tippy-toes. The minute their lips met, the world seemed to disappear from around them. The desire, the passion, the love they had felt was all being released at once. The feeling was incredible, they felt infinite for one of the first times in their lives. 

Neville blinked, coming back to reality. Luna waited next to him, cocking her head slightly and waiting for an answer. "I've been hiding something from you," Neville said slowly.

"If this is about crumple horned snorkacks, I really hope-" 

"No," Neville politely cut her off. "It isn't. It's something I should have told you a long time ago."

"Is that why you wanted me to stay here with you instead of going with Hagrid and the rest?"

"Um, yes," he admitted, shamefully. He felt even more selfish and unworthy of being a Gryffindor. It was a feeling he carried around with him so for long. He never felt like he belonged in his own house. He couldn't even handle the death of the only parental figure he ever had. He felt weak. 

The Prophecies: A Harry Potter/ Percy Jackson Fan Fiction *Warning: SLOW UPDATESWhere stories live. Discover now