Chapter 32

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Seamus' POV

Seamus began to panic when he saw black clouds dart across the glimmering night sky. He knew exactly what they were, and exactly where they were headed. "Dean!" Seamus shouted, panic evident in his voice. Dean groaned from underneath his covers, refusing to get up. Seamus yanked his wand from his pocket and pointed it at his best friend. "Aguamenti!" 

Dean shot out of bed angrily. "Bloody hell!" he shouted, ready to hit Seamus as a muggle would. Seamus pointed to the black clouds before Dean could throw a punch. "Not again," Dean groaned, retrieving his own wand. 

"We have to go wake up the rest!" Seamus already started running down to the common room. Hogwarts was being attacked once again, after peace supposedly came. This time, Seamus was even less sure that he could come out alive. 


Aidan's POV

Thoughts raced throughout Aidan's mind as he sprinted back to the castle. Most of them were about his former girlfriend, Emily. He feared she would be there, holding him at wand-point. He feared what she truly was. Aidan also thought of the first Hogwarts Battle, so many of his friends that died at the hands of these people. He wished that they would just leave his life alone, and finally let him be at peace. 

"A little help here!" Hermione called out as she struggled to hold Ron up. Earlier Ron had been hit by the cruciatus curse, leaving him weakened and disoriented. Aidan rushed to Ron's other side, propping the older boy's arm up on his shoulders. The other wizards, witches, demigods, and goat boy (?) were too distracted by the problem at hand. Aidan was surprised enough that he had heard Hermione's calls for help. "Thanks," Hermione said gratefully.

Aidan pushed away all of the fears, all of the worries he held and forced a small smile onto his face. "No problem," he told her with fake enthusiasm. "We need to get him to the infirmary."

Hermione sighed. "Hopefully he'll get better soon. I don't think he's been under the crutiatus curse before. It's excrutiatingly painful," she stopped to glance at her boyfriend, "obviously. But just look at Percy. He's already better. He must be pretty strong."

"Grace told me about all that he's done. He saved the world, he's just like Harry," Aidan recalled all of the stories Grace had to tell. "He's extraordinary."

"Fantastic," Hermione murmured, almost sarcastically. "We're going to need more than one hero to stay alive."

Before Aidan could reply, the earsplitting sound filled the air. Aidan nearly dropped Ron in order to cover his ears. It was the sound of screams mixed with glass breaking, the first part of the war had already begun.


Neville's POV

"Stupify!" Neville shouted at a death eater before he could attack an innocent first year. He and the rest of the wizards (with the exception of Ron, Hermione, and Aidan) apparated into the Room of Requirement. "Luna!" he yelled out, frantically looking for the girl he was in love with. "Luna!" His voice became more and more desperate at seconds past without seeing her face through the chaos. Students milled around in every square foot, running, sprinting, panicking. Only a few of the older years fought back as the death eaters. 

A head of blond hair appeared out of all the madness. "Expelliarmis!" Luna whispered, sending an unsuspecting death eater's wand flying out of her hand. "Neville! We need to get to the Great Hall!" Her faint voice barely sounded above the rest of the noise. "Harry and Percy need our help!"

Together they defended themselves as death eaters carelessly sent spells flying at everyone. "Go to the Slytherin Common Rooms!" Neville tried to tell them. It was among one of the safest places in the castles, along with the Hufflepuff corridor. "Go somewhere safe!"

Luckily, it seemed like the Death Eaters hadn't killed anyone yet, there were no corpses laying on the floor like there were just a few months earlier. Neville shook his head, hopefully shaking the memories out as well. "Are you okay?" Luna asked, her mystical eyes full of concern for Neville.

Neville nodded, although he could never forgot all of the tragedies that had happened. They will stay with him forever. Inside of the Great Hall was even more chaos. Percy and Harry fought alone against the largest group of Death Eaters had seen all together. They were heavily outnumbered, and they were loosing. 

Harry shot Neville a look. Harry didn't want them to help him, he didn't want anyone to die for him again. So much pain and agony laid in his eyes. Neville staggered his steps, trying to find the will power to go help him. He had to. 

Just as Luna was about to jump in and help them out, a figure appeared in the center of the Great Hall, right between the Death Eaters and Harry and Percy. Lucius Malfoy's pale face appeared out of dark robes, his hand leisurely grasping the elder wand. 

Neville's heart race quicened as he saw the most powerful wand of all times in his hands. "You can't use it," Harry shouted out, triumph evident in his voice. "It still belongs to me."

"Not for long, Mr. Potter," Voldemort said, his voice dangerously close to Lucius Malfoy's. "My army is ready to start killihng every single witch, wizard, and demigod here. You are out numbered and without the Order of the Phoenix. If Harry Potter and Perceus Jackson sacrifice themselves, all others will be saved."

"Never," Annabeth hissed, bursting in the room. Her Camp Half Blood shirt was even more torn, revealing a severly scratched torso. The mark of the crutiatus curse. 

"No," Percy glanced back from Voldemort to Annabeth. "No. Don't hurt anyone. Take me to Gaea," Percy pleaded. 

Voldemort straightened his back, looking confident and assured. "Only if Mr. Potter agrees to sacrifice himself as well."

Harry took a deep breath. "I am," his voice was barely audible. 

A grin took over the Dark Lord's face. "Very well. Petrificus totalus!" The spell hit Harry in the chest, causing him to fall to the ground, petrified. Another Death Eater did the same to Percy.

"No," Neville mumbled. He couldn't stand to see defeat so early. He wanted to move his feet, but it was almost as if they were glued to the ground.

Ginny burst into the room, held back by Bellatrix Lestrange. Beads of sweat raced down her face, a look of horror and desparity. "May I dispose of this Weasley girl, master?" Bellatrix Lestrange didn't even try to conceal the excitement in her voice. Voldemort waved his hand as if it was nothing. "Avada kedavra!"

Harry let out a scream so pained as he watched Ginny fall to the ground, her body limp. "No!" Tears came to his eyes, they poured out of him like a river. "No!" He couldn't move a muscle, but he wanted to hold her in his arms, he wanted to kiss her. 

With a satisfied grin, the Death Eaters disappeared, only leaving Ginny Wealsey's corpse behind. It was reminder of their power, and how easily they could steal a life. 


A/N: Wow. I didn't plan that, trust me. But *hint* think of The Son of Neptune... That's all I'm giving you ;) Oh, and I'm sorry I didn't update on time, this is so late, I know. I had like a gigantic paper to write for English so this had to get pushed up, sowy :L

So... 13+ votes for the next chapter on Sunday (I PROMISE THIS WILL BE ON TIME) 

Thanks for all the votes, 21 votes on the previous chapter, that is freaking AMAZING :D and just for the continued support. It's crazy to believe that I published in August and now I'm still writing it, nearly 30, 000 reads later. I can't believe so many of you had stayed with me this whole time, and that so many of you are starting to read this. 

My final question to you: how has my writing changed since the begining? Better or worse now?



The Prophecies: A Harry Potter/ Percy Jackson Fan Fiction *Warning: SLOW UPDATESWhere stories live. Discover now