Chapter 19

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Draco's POV

As Draco's eyelids began to fall, he knew that there was definitely something going on.  With his last ounce of energy, he muttered, "Protego," and repelled the gas from him.  The rest of Dumbledore's army and the demigods weren't so lucky. Every single one of them was passed out, but thankfully still alive.

"Draco," a voice whispered to him.  It was feminine and soothing, almost like his mother.  Draco's eyes began to water thinking about his deceased mother that he loved more than anything. "Draco," the voice called.

Draco whipped around to see a woman with a black veil covering her eyes standing behind him.  She was surrounded by black smoke that seemed to seep off of her dark, black dress.  "Who are you?" All of her skin was covered by black.  

"You have yet to meet me," she said.  "I'm Gaea."

Instead of replying, Draco approached her and lifted his hand to her face, like he could remove the veil.  But when Draco attempted to lift it, his hand went through her whole face, like she was a ghost.  "You're not actually here."

"I'm still in my slumber, young wizard. This is merely my image."

"Wait," Draco remembered what the Thalia had told him.  "You're trying to end the world. What is it you want with me?"

"Your father misses you," she told him.

Anger boiled inside of him.  "He is not my father, that snake isn't," he growled, gritting his teeth.

"But he is," she responded calmly. "Your father wants you to join him again."

"Why would I want to do that? He killed my mother," Draco spat, his anger still rising.

"It had to be done," Gaea said harshly.  "She was getting in the way of what the future holds for us."

"I would never join you," Draco hissed. "I will fight against you until I die."

The Goddess disappeared instantly, without a trace. The demigods and wizards woke up instantly, trying to recollect their thoughts.  "Draco?" Thalia lifted her head from the ground and cradled her cheek with one hand.  "What happened?"

"What did you do Malfoy?" Ron weakly retrieved his wand and pointed it at Draco.  "You tried to kill us!?"

Draco shook his head. "I don't know," he lied.  He didn't want to tell anybody what happened, it would only create trouble.

To Draco's surprise, Potter actually looked like he believed him.  Harry rose his eye brows when Draco told everyone that he was just as clueless as everyone else, like he knew it wasn't true. When Draco and Harry made eye contact, Harry nodded.  That's when Draco realized that Harry must have woken up earlier than everyone else.  He definitely caught part of the conversation Draco had with the earth Goddess.

Something changed on Harry's face from earlier.  Instead of the loathing and hate-filled looks Harry sent to Draco, Harry looked simpathetic and understanding, like he finally trusted Draco.  


Harry's POV

"You lied to them, why?" Harry murmured to Draco as they left the Room of Requirement to go back to their common rooms, and eventually get some sleep before the official first day of school.

"They wouldn't have believed me anyone, Potter," Draco whispered before turning left to get to the dungeons. Harry continued going to straight to get to Gryffindor tower.  

He felt a tap on his left shoulder, then turned to face who ever needed him.  "BOO!" A hushed voice giggled.

Harry kissed his girlfriend on the cheek. "Don't do that to me, Gin."

Ginny laughed.  "Lighten up a little bit, Harry."

"I'm just really stressed out, we could be attacked at any given moment, and only a small fraction of the students and faculty here know it's bound to happen," Harry took a deep breath.

Ginny wrapped one arm around Harry's waist.  "They probably won't attack for a while. They still have to build up their forces. I bet they're only going to attack us when they're at their strongest.  So we have time, and we'll be ready."

"How?" Harry demanded, raising his voice slightly.  "We can't even get Dumbledore's Army to train with those demigods! I think we should just let them kill us. We'll be better off."

She slapped his arm. "Don't you talk like that. That's not the boy who sacrificed himself just earlier this year.  This isn't the man who faced Voldemort, even though the odds were never in his favor.  You were willing to die for the good of others, not yourself. You fought even when things were hopeless, and now you just want to give up? That's not the Harry I know. The Harry I know is better than that."

Saying that, Ginny unwrapped her arm and took off running to the Gryffindor common room, leaving Harry alone in the dark hallway.  

"Turn that light off!" One of the paintings ordered, shielding his eyes with his jacket.

Harry rolled his eyes.  "Nox."

Then everything was dark.


Jason's POV

"That was weird," Piper tossed Jason a pillow as they prepared their hammocks in the Room of Requirement.

Jason shook his head. "I felt like I could hear Gaea talking to me, telling me to give up. Do you think it was her?"

"Probably, she's caused a lot of trouble for us already, hasn't she?"

Jason lifted Piper up into her hammock, which was directly above his.  "It just seems hopeless now.  We're in England, away from any help from either camps, the wizards can't seem to get an army going, and the Gods.  It's not like they're exactly 'eager' to help us."

He threw himself onto his own hammock and fluffed his pillow.  "Things will come together, eventually," Piper sighed, sounding unsure of herself. 

"It's a miracle we haven't been attacked my giants every ten seconds."

"They're holding back. They're waiting for something..."

"We have to find out what," Jason sat up.  "We're going to find out tonight," Jason made sure no one could hear what he said.  It wasn't really a problem, after all.  Most of the demigods were either still in conversation with one another, or completely passed out. "I think I have a plan."


A/N: GAH. I FINALLY UPDATED. WOOT WOOT. Thanks for the votes guys :)

So I have finals starting on Tuesday, and I'm scared crap-less.  I'll update once I get 4+ votes on this chapter.


Thanks for reading, commenting, and voting <3


The Prophecies: A Harry Potter/ Percy Jackson Fan Fiction *Warning: SLOW UPDATESWhere stories live. Discover now