Chapter 33

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Hermione's POV

When Hermione saw Ginny crash to the ground, something in her broke. She fell to her knees, letting the tears escape her eyes. Her best friend for so many years, gone in an instant. 

Bellatrix swaggered away, looking more than content with her actions. While no Death Eaters were looking, Hermione crawled up to Ginny's side. She cradled the younger girl in her arms, pleading for her to get better. She knew it was too late for her, though. 

When she glanced up, she Harry and Percy at the hands of the Death Eaters and Lord Voldemort. They were gone with another blink of the eyes, another tear fallen. Hermione had no idea what had happened, she just got there in time to see Bellatrix kill Ginny. The remainder of wizards and demigods in 

Hermione knew Ginny's death had a purpose. It was Bellatrix's revenge against Molly Weasley for 'killing' her earlier. 

"Hermione!" Ron yelled at the entrance of the Great Hall. The tone of Ron's voice indicated that he didn't know yet. 

Hermione stayed put, refusing to move. She covered Ginny's body with her own, attempting to hide her corpse from Ron. 

Ron appeared at her side, then knelt down. "Hermione?" His voice was full of concern, perhaps even fear. 

Hermione took a deep breath, then rolled aside. She covered her ears, knowing she wasn't mentally prepared to see Ron in such an awful emotional state. "I'm sorry, Ronald," she choked out, her voice strangled.

Ron watched as Hermione's hair uncovered the body beneath it. Something in him shattered as he gazed upon his younger sister. Ginny's eyes were blank, but still wide open. Her face was empty. "No," Ron said quietly. "It can't be. Please," he whispered. Tears silently slipped out of his eyes and crashed to the ground. 

The worst kind of sadness had always been the silent kind, for Ron. Silent tears meant that there was no other emotion than despair and sorrow. Hermione latched onto his arm. "I'm so sorry, Ron," she cried into his striped Gryffindor sweater. "I'm so sorry."

Ron didn't say anything at first. He didn't even crouch down to her body, he didn't want to believe that it was true. "Where's Harry?"

Hazel and Frank, who were standing a little bit away trying to figure out how they could get Percy back before it's too late. "They took him," Frank said bluntly. "They took Percy and Harry."

"Annabeth's devastated," Hazel's eyes traveled to Percy's girlfriend, who was crying violently on the ground by herself. "I've never seen her so upset."

Hermione wiped her eyes, then stared at the demigods. She regretted their decision to go get them, to come to the rescue of Harry and Percy in the first place. "We need to stop this," she told Ron quietly. "Crying like this isn't going to get Harry and Percy back."

"You're right," Ron agreed, straightening his back. 

By that time, all of the demigods and wizards were in the Great Hall, grieving over Ginny's death and the fate of their leaders. Everyone was devastated in one way or another, nobody got off easy. 


Aidan's POV

Aidan felt like a coward, especially after watching Harry and Percy sacrifice themselves for everyone else. After all he'd been through, Aidan realized he backed down and let others be heroes. He never stood up for his own leadership role.

Aidan always knew his role was important, it served as a bridge from the demigods to the wizards. Yet, he didn't use it for anything. In fact, he resented his demigod side. He just wanted to be the plain old wizard. He knew he had to be more than that.

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