Chapter 36

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Neville's POV

As Neville pulled open the doors of Grimmauld Place, a single figure paced along the sidewalk. Her face was covered in thick black veil. Her hands were folded neatly in front of her over a earthy green dress. She stopped in her tracks when Neville came into her view. 

"You're Gaea," Neville stated blandly. "What do you want from us?"

Grace swallowed a lump in her throat, wary of the presence of the Earth Goddess. "Neville, names contain power. You don't want to throw them around like that."

Luna skipped past Grace and Neville, yielding her wand in front of her. "Are you coming?" 

She simply ignored the silhouette of Gaea, easily side-stepping her. Neville did the same, looking away from the ghostly image. 

Grace remained, her hands closing around  wand. "You're here for me," she spat. "Aren't you?"

"Why are you trying, Grace Tonks? You belong in nowhere. Your father was a wizard, your mother a goddess. You're a child of both worlds and you know that you belong in neither of them," Gaea hissed in a low voice. Only Grace could hear her cruel words.

The daughter of Demeter blinked. She knew the Earth Goddess was right. "You're going to go back to sleep when we're through with you," she threatened weakly.

Grace slipped inside the house before Gaea could taunt her more with truth she tried to deny.

Neville was digging through boxes of the Blacks' old belongings while Luna examined a family tree that took over a dining room wall. Her fingers carefully traced each branch, frowning as she saw faces burned out. "There's gotta be something somewhere," Neville muttered under his breath as he picked up another box.

"Do you know what you're looking for?" Grace asked, taking inventory of her surroundings. 

Neville shook his head, causing hair to fall onto his face. "No idea. It's only a theory that she has one of them here."

"How is that?" Grace scrunched up her nose as her eyes fell up the ugliest portrait she had seen in a while. An overweight woman slept inside a large portrait above the front door. Somehow, she remained sleeping despite the noise. 

Luna turned to her, tilting her head to one side. "Well, we know that Bellatrix isn't the most careful person."

Neville rose from his crouch and brushed some of Luna's white-blond hair from her eyes. "She killed Sirius Black a few years ago and this is where he used to live. Bellatrix would mock his death by turning something of his into a horcrux."

Carefully, Grace lowered curtains onto the portrait. "What was special to him?"

Neville sighed. "That's the thing, only Harry would know. We don't even have a clue where to start."


Piper's POV

Piper McLean clenched her mouth shut as Hermione and Annabeth argued for nearly half an hour.

Both of the girls wanted to take different approaches to rescuing their Percy and Harry and were fairly strongly opinionated about the matter.

"I'm telling you," Annabeth Chase growled at the older witch, "we have to storm in and grab them!"

Hermione groaned and ran a hand through her tangled hair. "How many times do I have to tell you? Storming in and just taking them is not going to work like this! When we were sixteen we did the same AND WE NEARLY DIED!"

Jason, Frank, Hazel, Aidan, Thalia, Leo, Ron, and Draco all remained quiet as Annabeth and Hermione bickered. It was clear that they were all afraid of getting in their way. Piper, on the other hand, was fed up with the fact that nothing was getting done. There was an oncoming war and two of their best warriors held hostage. Action had to be taken and the two "geniuses" were not taking it seriously enough.

"Shut the Hades up!" Piper yelled, lacing charmspeak into her voice. To her surprise, the girls continued. Not even charmspeak could break them out. She shot Jason an annoyed looked and gestured for him to join her.

Jason shook his head vigorously. So much for the all powerful son of Jupiter.

The rest refused to even make eye contact with Piper, Annabeth, and Hermione. 

Annabeth sent an angered expression back at the daughter of Aphrodite. It was almost as if there was storm in her grey eyes, whirling restlessly. That was enough to shut Piper up.

Piper fell back and plopped down on the crowded bench. "Where is everyone else?" she asked in a quiet voice.

Jason laced his hand with hers. "Maybe they're actually preparing," he answered, referring to the members of Dumbledore's army. "Unlike us," Jason added uneasily. 

Aidan furrowed his eyebrows, looking towards Annabeth and Hermione. "We're here to plan this," he muttered, soft enough so that the group of them could hear. "We can't just be here like sitting ducks."

The rest didn't say anything. Their faces all fell with defeat and sorrow. Even Ron lacked the bravery to interrupt his girlfriend, Hermione. It all appeared to be hopeless.

"Percy is my best friend and boyfriend, I say what's going on here!" Annabeth shouted shrilly.

Hermione scoffed. "I'm sure he saved the world from homicidal wizards."

Annabeth's face turned a furious shade of red. "We defeated the Titans together!"

And the fighting continued until Aidan yelled reducto at a nearby window, causing it to shatter. Finally, the room was silent. "Have you gone mad?" Aidan got to his feet and approached the daughter of Athena and the brightest witch of their wizarding generation. "We're getting nowhere! I know we have different strategies, being different species and all. But we have to come up with a plan together if we want to make it out alive! For Hades sake, just work together!"

Piper rose from her seat. "Jason, you're gonna have to forgive me for this." She then promptly gave Aidan a small kiss. "About damn time."

Jason's jaw dropped. "What the f-"

"You're right," Annabeth and Hermione cut Jason off unanimously. They turned back to each other, laughing at their similarities.

"The two braniacs," Annabeth commented smugly. "We should've been made a team a long time ago!"

Hermione chuckled. "I absolutely agree. I've been spending the last few years doing those bafoons' homework. I could use another intelligent person sometimes."

"We have a whole cabin of them back in New York!" Annabeth said excitedly. "You should come and visit sometime."

"Oh gods, what have I done?" Aidan face-palmed.

Piper patted his back. "You got Jason pissed. He's gonna kill you."

"You're the one that kissed me."

Jason was clearly resisting the urge to strangle him with his bare hands.

Piper held back a giggle at her boyfriend's jealousy and then turned to Aidan. "If they'd be discussing strategies as opposed to architecture then you may have deserved it."



So... next chapter on Monday? AFter 25+ VOTES and 15+ COMMENTS

Uh the picture off to the side is of Hermione and Annabeth who I thoroughly enjoyed writing about. 

Yeah that's all for today folks.

Thanks for your patience and I'll see you on Monday!

Dedication to a commenter...


You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2013 ⏰

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